
26 Oct 2020, 1:48am
Caedwynhello everyone im 3 days old to this game
I currently been doing assassinations and bounty hunting with my viper mk3 but I am interested in exploring as well.

the biggest issue for my ship right now is that i cant jump 15k distances? The maximum jump is just 6k and i don't even have a cargo section so idk why but i think its probably my fuel tank or fsd ?

also can i do both of this bounty hunting & exploring with the imperial eagle?

The Cobra is a great little ship. I took mine to the famous Hutton Orbital to get some Hutton Mugs. It's a great all rounder.
26 Oct 2020, 3:34am
Caedwynhello everyone im 3 days old to this game
I currently been doing assassinations and bounty hunting with my viper mk3 but I am interested in exploring as well.

the biggest issue for my ship right now is that i cant jump 15k distances? The maximum jump is just 6k and i don't even have a cargo section so idk why but i think its probably my fuel tank or fsd ?

also can i do both of this bounty hunting & exploring with the imperial eagle?

Yes you can although there are many folks who will gladly help with ship builds and everone has their own idea of a best ship, I am a trucker and miner so I really cant offer much on what makes the best fighting build.

As to exploring and other stuff I can help, what I would suggest is watching some of the youtubes on engineering and learning how to increase your jump range through that and better frame shift drives.

Also if you need in game help ping me in game, and I will try to assist, although I am still a newb myself.
26 Oct 2020, 1:30pm
Caedwynhello everyone im 3 days old to this game
I currently been doing assassinations and bounty hunting with my viper mk3 but I am interested in exploring as well.

the biggest issue for my ship right now is that i cant jump 15k distances? The maximum jump is just 6k and i don't even have a cargo section so idk why but i think its probably my fuel tank or fsd ?

also can i do both of this bounty hunting & exploring with the imperial eagle?

This video is 43 mins long but has dome really great tips on playing elite for a new;s focus is onmoney but you;ll need that for all the upgrades you'll want for your ship (s)...also once you leave the newplayer systems add me to friends and we can wing up and do stuff!!!
26 Oct 2020, 2:59pm
Hi CMDRS and o7 to you all.

Caedwyn - you’ve got some good advice going there but I’d add you should make use of external tools. You can link straight through to EDSY shipyard from your fleet page here and play around with different ship builds. That way you can see which modules give the best bang for your buck.
Ultimately, all ships can be kitted out to work - especially once you get into engineering, so get some money behind you and try out a few. See which you like the best.
26 Oct 2020, 8:32pm
QuillmonkeyHi CMDRS and o7 to you all.

Caedwyn - you’ve got some good advice going there but I’d add you should make use of external tools. You can link straight through to EDSY shipyard from your fleet page here and play around with different ship builds. That way you can see which modules give the best bang for your buck.
Ultimately, all ships can be kitted out to work - especially once you get into engineering, so get some money behind you and try out a few. See which you like the best.

i will try that after i got some money yes that's great idea tyvm


This video is 43 mins long but has dome really great tips on playing elite for a new;s focus is onmoney but you;ll need that for all the upgrades you'll want for your ship (s)...also once you leave the newplayer systems add me to friends and we can wing up and do stuff!!!

that's an awesome video i watched it thank you for suggesting it
26 Oct 2020, 9:54pm
Welcome, and good luck commander!
Have fun.

26 Oct 2020, 10:16pm
Probably a lot has changed since I started, but I can confirm that Road to Riches still works, and I was able in about 30 minutes with Adder make 4.5 mil without even trying. (was bored and did not want to make anything @ engineer, so used exploration data to level it up)

First thing was to tag ships in extraction zone, get enough credits (about 1 million) to get adder and equip it for long range jumps. (not hard to get +20 ly for stocked adder with couple of items removed/replaced)

Adder Starter Explorer

Sidewinder Explorer

Note that sidewinder is half the price, but those extra LY jumps can mean a lot. As you start with road to riches, first thing to upgrade would be rated A scoop, as that will make huge difference, as it will take less time to scoop fuel.

Couple of hours of road to riches and you should have enough for proper mining ship, like Asp Explorer.

To be continued...

Last edit: 27 Oct 2020, 4:22pm
27 Oct 2020, 6:54pm
SuperFrogXProbably a lot has changed since I started, but I can confirm that Road to Riches still works, and I was able in about 30 minutes with Adder make 4.5 mil without even trying. (was bored and did not want to make anything @ engineer, so used exploration data to level it up)

First thing was to tag ships in extraction zone, get enough credits (about 1 million) to get adder and equip it for long range jumps. (not hard to get +20 ly for stocked adder with couple of items removed/replaced)

Adder Starter Explorer

Sidewinder Explorer

Note that sidewinder is half the price, but those extra LY jumps can mean a lot. As you start with road to riches, first thing to upgrade would be rated A scoop, as that will make huge difference, as it will take less time to scoop fuel.

Couple of hours of road to riches and you should have enough for proper mining ship, like Asp Explorer.

To be continued...

... and now everyone has Horizons, all the more reason to get off to Deciat to see the farseer as soon as possible and unlock those FSDs. (Just make sure you do your first run in SOLO. No point giving it to the ganks on a plate.)
29 Oct 2020, 11:00pm
I saw a number of new Commanders brave the chaos of interstellar shipping hazards and imperial commerce raiders to deliver much needed humanitarian aid to LFT 625.

All of us got ten million credits in the top ten Commander bracket which I presume is a Federal banking error in our favour.

There are still lots of credits to be earned, with short range boom time deliveries netting up to 3.6 million credits for 99 tons of commodities to be transported under 9LY.

Theres an outpost on lockdown that's taking mountains of synthetic meat from Fox Enterprise, I did five (!!) contracts simultaneously on the same trip.

No more problems with interdiction when flying manual and following the pattern of solar winds to hit maximum velocity in deep space rather than following slow shipping lanes blindly.
30 Oct 2020, 1:44am
Hey I'm Albazar I'm from Canada. I'm brand new to Elite and I wanna thank the community for the incredible guidance.

I've only been playing this game a week and I've got my Glorious Python fully kitted, my Asp (Explorer) fully kitted, Farseer unlocked, a quarter BN in the bank and I live next to dual painite.

It's been f*cking awesome joining this game, and I want community! Someone said "go here," and I said "ok." I'll get into installing the API program shortly.

Looking forward to badgering you all.

On a related note anyone near BD+21 717 who likes buying painite?
30 Oct 2020, 8:36am
Welcome CMDR
Got your asp kitted out in time to visit Coalsack?
Now you’ve got got the ships, you’ll need to learn to fly ‘em. That’s where the real fun begins.

Catch you in the black o7
30 Oct 2020, 9:16am
SuperFrogXProbably a lot has changed since I started, but I can confirm that Road to Riches still works, and I was able in about 30 minutes with Adder make 4.5 mil without even trying. (was bored and did not want to make anything @ engineer, so used exploration data to level it up)

First thing was to tag ships in extraction zone, get enough credits (about 1 million) to get adder and equip it for long range jumps. (not hard to get +20 ly for stocked adder with couple of items removed/replaced)

Adder Starter Explorer

first thing to upgrade would be rated A scoop, as that will make huge difference, as it will take less time to scoop fuel.

I’d also upgrade to D class shield generator for lightness which then allows you to buy a G class planetary vehicle hangar. Allows you to get down on those planets. Still have an unengineered 24+ly jump unladen.
30 Oct 2020, 12:56pm
I've been tempted to team up with a mentor who offered me wing credits of 50 million per run but I declined, I wanted to enjoy slowly building my own fleet and learning how to outfit them.

But my noble intentions are dying out because of the current humanitarian crisis.

Let's just say there's a lot of money to be made in a crisis zone. I'm in a Federal Dropship now and happy with it for short range heavy duty work.
30 Oct 2020, 5:56pm
QuillmonkeyWelcome CMDR
Got your asp kitted out in time to visit Coalsack?
Now you’ve got got the ships, you’ll need to learn to fly ‘em. That’s where the real fun begins.

Catch you in the black o7

I could make it out there pretty easily. What's going on in the Coalsack nebula?
31 Oct 2020, 6:07pm
Experienced CMDR making a return to the game been playing off and on since 2017, starting to really get back into it and always looking to meet new CMDRs! I also stream regularly this game just looks to amazing not to xD

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