
27 Feb 2016, 9:26am
Tall PaulHello everyone. I've just signed up to join the Syndicate. I registered over on the other website too. Looking to fly with other Commanders.

I've been playing since the beta and currently fly an Assault Ship generally farming Hazardous sites for cash, would like something more worthwhile to do. I play mostly in the evenings UK time.

Thanks for having me!

Welcome and something more worthwhile, hm? Like, helping a Wing extend the influence of their own Minor faction and thus expanding and conquering new Systems, forming a Empire by themselves?

Absolutely, I'm not really into power play so this sounds up my street. I'll get online tonight and join the team speak.
29 Feb 2016, 7:03am
Hello to everyone,

Thank you for the site, it is a big help to someone that has just started to play the game for the last couple of weeks. I am trying as many of the facets of the game as I can, though it is tough to earn credits without combat, which I am trying to learn. Right now I am concentrating on getting rank both with Hudson in Powerplay (Yea!/Boo?) and the Federation navy. Only doing solo play for now until I build up sufficient cash reserves and rank.

I sank a bunch of money into an ASP Explorer and have it carrying 52 tons of military supplies/commodities in runs. I agree that the Powerplay is a bit of a drag and I may top out at 4 for a while. I will re-buy a Vulture when I have enough CR to outfit it properly (CR 20,00,000+ the last time!) then go bounty hunting again.

Also I found an error in the database, there's no Butchers Keep station in Lushertha, maybe someone can look into that.

29 Feb 2016, 8:50am
Are you playing on Xbox? Butcher's Keep is a planetary station, part of Horizons, that Xbox players don't have access to yet.
29 Feb 2016, 12:43pm
Also I found an error in the database, there's no Butchers Keep station in Lushertha, maybe someone can look into that.

Hello, just checked it in the database for possible errors, but as Butcher Keep is a planetary outpost (as Lazar mentioned), so maybe you just missed it on the system map (not sure if you are also having Horizons expansion or not), but it should be present in Lushertha.

Last edit: 29 Feb 2016, 12:48pm
29 Feb 2016, 5:58pm
Hello everyone,

I am on a PC and do have the additional Season pass. I just double checked and Butcher Keep does not show up on my system map for Lushertha. It may be a bug, I will generate a ticket on it and see what happens. Thank you for your replies.
29 Feb 2016, 6:24pm
El_capitan: Maybe you are just not having the system entirely scanned. Butcher Keep should be on Lushertha B 7 A.
01 Mar 2016, 6:02pm
Hello there, fellow Commanders ! o7

Just discovered Inara, I must admit it's quite amazing :o

I just feel like being a real Commander writing his logbook and such

Hope to see you in the big black
03 Mar 2016, 11:58pm
Hello, I'm Sparkster. I'm new to Elite: Dangerous and so far, I've been playing with the Mobius group.
04 Mar 2016, 8:35am
Hello! Just discovered Inara. Flying with B.I.G. for a quite some time now.
08 Mar 2016, 6:13pm
Salutations one and all.

I'm a new player from Southeast Asia. I've been grinding out in RES for awhile now, having fun in my Federal Gunship.

Currently pledged to Zachary Hudson for the bounty bonus, but a part of me is looking for more than just credits.
08 Mar 2016, 8:37pm
HaztionSalutations one and all.

I'm a new player from Southeast Asia. I've been grinding out in RES for awhile now, having fun in my Federal Gunship.

Currently pledged to Zachary Hudson for the bounty bonus, but a part of me is looking for more than just credits.

Head over to lhs 3447 and join the bounty hunting CG, then. The High Rez site is near B2. Cheers and maybe see you out there.
22 Mar 2016, 12:54am
Hey there fellow spacetravel enthusiasts

My name is TehFocus! Elite Dangerous is not played without my TrackIR5 and my trusty Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick.
I have been enjoying this game for around 100h and got introduced to this site today. I instantly loved it! I always liked to do screenshots and especially sceneshots in games. Elite Dangerous is just about the best game to do that in. You can expect to see some very awesome additions to my gallery here on inara in the future, once I get my Asp Explorer that is.

Anyways, hope to find some fellow pilots out here to share my expierences with!
22 Mar 2016, 7:17pm
TehFocusHey there fellow spacetravel enthusiasts

My name is TehFocus! Elite Dangerous is not played without my TrackIR5 and my trusty Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick.
I have been enjoying this game for around 100h and got introduced to this site today. I instantly loved it! I always liked to do screenshots and especially sceneshots in games. Elite Dangerous is just about the best game to do that in. You can expect to see some very awesome additions to my gallery here on inara in the future, once I get my Asp Explorer that is.

Anyways, hope to find some fellow pilots out here to share my expierences with!

Hey there, I'm sorry to inform you that you got a typo in your name
(it's probably intended, I know)

You found one of the best community website here with - Welcome on board, CMDR!
22 Mar 2016, 7:25pm
TehFocusHey there fellow spacetravel enthusiasts

My name is TehFocus! Elite Dangerous is not played without my TrackIR5 and my trusty Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick.
I have been enjoying this game for around 100h and got introduced to this site today. I instantly loved it! I always liked to do screenshots and especially sceneshots in games. Elite Dangerous is just about the best game to do that in. You can expect to see some very awesome additions to my gallery here on inara in the future, once I get my Asp Explorer that is.

Anyways, hope to find some fellow pilots out here to share my expierences with!

Welcome and have fun.
25 Mar 2016, 4:25am
Greetings, Respected Allies.

B Wald Big Mek, intrepid explorer and peddler of fine goods and wares, at your service!

I've been playing ED since it was in preview on XB1, but only signed up to Inara and the FD forums in the past few days.

I play mostly in "solo", but I'll do "open" if I have some guys/girls to roll with. I do rares, smuggling, shipping, exploration and a bit of pirate hunting. Not particularly interested in CqC/Arena/PvP (except maybe to compare my ship build to my friends').

I'm a Lt. Commander in the Federal Navy (though I'm officially independent), Elite Explorer, Combat Expert, and Entrepreneur Trader. I have a small stable of ships, including an Anaconda, Asp-X, DBX and a 'Lance.

Just figuring this site out, any tips for a noob (to the site) are welcome.

See you in Wytchspace! (actually, you can't...)

EDIT: My Xbox GT is B Wald Big Mek, feel free to friend me (with PM) on Xbox Live. I'm also an avid Forza Motorsport 6 player, as well as Minecraft, GTA5, World of Tanks, and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, so hit me up if you enjoy those games, too. 35/M/Canada.

Last edit: 25 Mar 2016, 4:39am

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