
12 Nov 2020, 6:08pm
Diagoras_AtheosHello to all from me in North wales

Hello from the West of the Netherlands!
12 Nov 2020, 6:10pm
ParsecpilgrimHello All. Elite is my very first "game". I'm coming over from over 20 years in the flightsim communit (737's, F18 Hornet Carrier Ops, WW2 Vintage fighters, general aviation. I'm a real life pilot). I found my way here through Obsidian Ant, who does SUPERB flightsim videos as well as ED. I live in sunny south Florida (Grandkids change everything). Retiring at the end of this year. Some guys buy golf clubs, I bought a screaming hot PC and all the toys to go with it. Been playing ED about six weeks now. RTFMing and watching tutorial vids as much as I'm playing. I'm having just a ball. Who would have thought. My main interests are exploration and trading, although I won't rule out combat down the road ( I have an 11 year old grandson who is a XBox Starwars Jedi). I am a RL lifeflong ameatur astronomer with a 12" Orion light bucket, though it's been collecting dust the past few years. I  had hoped that would change upon retirement, we shall see. I'm quite new to "online social media", Discord and what not. I have never done Facebook, Twitter etc, always felt it was going to end poorly. Slowly learning the ED community. I just joined The Silverbacks and they asked me to stop by and introduce myself, so here I am. Must confess to being encouraged by all the posts about the maturity level of this community. I haven't had too good of luck in that regard. Just a different generation here. I do believe I have found a home with The Silverbacks. Looking forward to trying anyhow. I probably sound like a crusty old curmudgeon, but I guess if the shoe fits... I really do have a sense of humor,  it just takes a bit to get it to come out...... Cheers Folks, look forward to learning and being part of the community.

Welcome from a guy who has to wait (as in working) for another 4 or 5 years to my retirement....
12 Nov 2020, 10:47pm
As one who has officially retired five times so far and never did find what they wanted to be they grew up, I welcome the silver gamer mentality, wherever you may hail.
Greetings from the tiny island with the narrow mindset

o7 CMDRs
14 Nov 2020, 3:40pm
Synthya WylderA fine intro, Parsecpilgrim! Greetings & Welcome from a fellow curmudgeon <1000 miles north of you!

Welcome to the site....its been an awesome tool and a great place to meet people....

And Synt...that sounds like NJ?
14 Nov 2020, 5:01pm
o7 Parsecpilgrim
16 Nov 2020, 1:33am
Hi.. been playing for 3 months exact. 99.9% have been in Solo.
the only time i went into Open, i was instant killed without any RP.
From there on, i will stick to solo till i m big strong enough to be in the open.

Now just accumulating credits, material and upgrades.

Still having FUN

16 Nov 2020, 1:54am
Ayck, there's also Private Group...?
16 Nov 2020, 2:39am
o7 Ayck. I spent 3 years in solo, almost left the game a few times. Open is a lot of fun; you may also want to find like-minded players as part of a private group or squadron. Multiplayer play adds a lot to this game.
16 Nov 2020, 5:16am
YES... no doubt about Open play Fun..
i used to play " Freelancer" for 15 years.. hahaha
would be nice to join private groups though
just that i m in GMT+8 TZ

will be in Open play once i think i am able to survive for more than 5 mins in gank.

16 Nov 2020, 3:13pm
It's a pity, but there are clearly some people who want to chase new players out of the game completely. Another notch in their bedpost, I guess...
16 Nov 2020, 11:34pm
Yeah there are certain systems (Shinrarta, Deciat, Hyades 112 etc) where gankers do hang out. Just check the homepage here at Inara for murders committed and make sure to go SOLO in those systems. 90% of the time you’ll have no problem at all.
17 Nov 2020, 5:44pm
18 Nov 2020, 10:08am
Hello CMDRs

Is there any interest from any mid-week players looking to form a small Faction/Group?

I play on UTC +8 hours.

I work every weekend and so do all my game time mid-week (Tues-Thurs) but can pop in-game an hour each day after shifts.

I own a Fleet Carrier that we can utilize. More credits than I can ever spend and willing to help, guide new players.

Good luck CMDRs and stay safe. Merango
19 Nov 2020, 1:59am
MerangoHello CMDRs

Is there any interest from any mid-week players looking to form a small Faction/Group?

I play on UTC +8 hours.

I work every weekend and so do all my game time mid-week (Tues-Thurs) but can pop in-game an hour each day after shifts.

I own a Fleet Carrier that we can utilize. More credits than I can ever spend and willing to help, guide new players.

Good luck CMDRs and stay safe. Merango

Perhaps you could create a squadron and advertise on the Inara discord server under #squadron-recruiting for members.
20 Nov 2020, 3:24pm
Hello all! I'm new here, and a new pilot, just starting to get my space legs. I'm looking to get seriously into exploration, but want to see what else there is to as I get started. I'm really getting into the lore as well. Glad to be here!

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