
11 Feb 2016, 1:27pm
TARTANITEHello fellow CMDR's,
Greetings and felicitations to you all, I just signed up for this great site and community, I play on PC Horizons daily and enjoy a spot of this and that, mostly that!
I have managed to complete most of my profile now, but need to take some in game ship screenshots as I only have hi res ones that can't be uploaded.
Fly safe or don't if that is your wont!

I prefer to take 4k screens too, if you got gimp you can scale them down to 1080p and keep a lot of the pixel count which means it's still VERY high quality
11 Feb 2016, 2:33pm
TARTANITEHello fellow CMDR's,
Greetings and felicitations to you all, I just signed up for this great site and community, I play on PC Horizons daily and enjoy a spot of this and that, mostly that!
I have managed to complete most of my profile now, but need to take some in game ship screenshots as I only have hi res ones that can't be uploaded.
Fly safe or don't if that is your wont!

I prefer to take 4k screens too, if you got gimp you can scale them down to 1080p and keep a lot of the pixel count which means it's still VERY high quality

Thanks Techowl, I don't have any gimp software, just the mask! I'll look into that, thanks again for the advice.
11 Feb 2016, 4:51pm
Greetings from an Aussie here residing in Australia .. The Greater Down Under.
63 years old, Military Retired and introduced to this game by one of my 3 son-in-laws.... bloody addictive.

At the moment my bucket of bolts is a TYPE-6 TRANSPORTER. It developing into a great little machine and is good enough to beat all interdiction's - so far. We, the "AUSSIE DIGGER" as I have named her, and I have a system when hit... we do come close to failure BUT not close enough and manage to escape... and manage to reach our Destination.

Mainly, so far, done some planet crawling, harvesting as i call it and some Trading of items. NOT Making a fortune BUT making money to spend on the machine and improving it.

The TYPE-6 is a great Load Machine and set up with bigger fuel tanks and Larger Cargo Holds - is a good traveling trader. Will be hard to pass this ship for what its able to do.

Well thats me, in a nut shell.... cya later!
11 Feb 2016, 7:51pm
Hi everybody,

I am a very beginner player on Elite Dangerous, and hope you 'll be able to help me...
The first question is : now that I have done (with some difficulties) the training stages what I have to do to begin to play ?

In an other hand I am French, I live in Normandy.
I am 60 years old, but always a young man in my mind
I often play Falcon 4.0 BMS, Flight Simulator, and other games like Call of Duty, Snipper and all the Total War serie exept Attila

I understood that it was a french speaking forum, but if you accept my (bad) english, I am ready to continue with you...

Reading you soon

11 Feb 2016, 7:59pm
Salut William.

Il y a quelques groupes de joueurs Français qui vous aidera dans le jeu. Je recommande <<BlackBirds>> et mon ami Cmdr Aymerix... ici

Alternatively, my group has some French players and French speakers, here. Please feel free to friend me in game, and on Inara.

Cmdr Matzov
11 Feb 2016, 9:06pm
Merci Mat de nous l'avoir présenté

Bien le Bonjour/Bonsoir Sir William
Au sein de la PGMC à ma connaissance nous ne sommes que 3 francophones, moi, AngelRipper (ami IRL) et Taylor Vauban le second maitre de la PGMC après Matzov se débrouille très bien en terme de compréhension

Pour ma part je suis chasseur de primes, commerçant, mineur à l'occasion et faut pas le dire, mais contrebandier aussi je commence à me débrouiller aux niveau des mécanismes du jeu, Angel aussi et Taylor n'en parlons pas ^^,

En bref je (et probablement nous) serons ravis de t'aider à grimper les échelons de ce jeu, et trouver tes activités préférées.

Ps: si tu cherchais un jeux qui occupe ton temps, tu l'as trouvé
Ps²: si tu veux converser avec nous depuis le jeux, avant d'entrer en jeux, dans ton menu, va dans l'onglet ami(s) et dans la recherche d'ami entre nos pseudo qui sont les mêmes in game que sur INARA, on t'acceptera et nous pourrons t'expliquer les divers mécanismes
12 Feb 2016, 4:00am
William LordlandHi everybody,

I am a very beginner player on Elite Dangerous, and hope you 'll be able to help me...
The first question is : now that I have done (with some difficulties) the training stages what I have to do to begin to play ?

In an other hand I am French, I live in Normandy.
I am 60 years old, but always a young man in my mind
I often play Falcon 4.0 BMS, Flight Simulator, and other games like Call of Duty, Snipper and all the Total War serie exept Attila

I understood that it was a french speaking forum, but if you accept my (bad) english, I am ready to continue with you...

Reading you soon


Well I can't read french(even tho I took the class in school... sorry.) so if people already answered I won't know, anyway after you have done the training I would start doing some missions to get a better ship, however depending on what you wanna do as in bounty hunting, smuggling, exploring you need the ship for it
12 Feb 2016, 4:02am
HOGSnDOGSGreetings from an Aussie here residing in Australia .. The Greater Down Under.
63 years old, Military Retired and introduced to this game by one of my 3 son-in-laws.... bloody addictive.

At the moment my bucket of bolts is a TYPE-6 TRANSPORTER. It developing into a great little machine and is good enough to beat all interdiction's - so far. We, the "AUSSIE DIGGER" as I have named her, and I have a system when hit... we do come close to failure BUT not close enough and manage to escape... and manage to reach our Destination.

Mainly, so far, done some planet crawling, harvesting as i call it and some Trading of items. NOT Making a fortune BUT making money to spend on the machine and improving it.

The TYPE-6 is a great Load Machine and set up with bigger fuel tanks and Larger Cargo Holds - is a good traveling trader. Will be hard to pass this ship for what its able to do.

Well thats me, in a nut shell.... cya later!

Welcome, and yes Type-6 was my go to ship for a looong time too, it is a great one.
13 Feb 2016, 11:10am
Das BrotGreetings CMDRs. - Signed up here a few weeks ago, but didn't see theese introductions. - (Almoust) Completed my profile and looking forward to whatever I'll find here - And yes, my Logbooks are written in german, hope that won't be a problem. - Maybe I'll find some german-speaking guys out there too.

Playing on PC, btw.

There are some german wings in the wing menu.

Have fun cmdr
13 Feb 2016, 2:24pm
Hello CMDRs,
I saw your video on YouTube and followed the links back here. I have played for 6 months total time off and on. Between work, family, and other things. I rocked a vulture for the longest time, loved that ship. I also had an asp explorer, the jump range was amazing. I traded both of them in for a Fer-De-Lance, almost fully kitted out. The jump range is so bad, it is fun to fly. I do miss the maneuverability of my vulture and large weapons.....

I played with a group of CMDRs on my privet server, made of gaming buddies. But as other games came out and real life happened they slowly declined from Elite dangerous. I my self did when my HOTAS went bonkers on me.( I had to RMA it) I am trying to get the wing I use to fly with to come and join me here with you guys. I have played on open a few times and met only 2 other pilots. I have wanted to pvp but no one in my group wanted to come with me and I didn't want to loose my FDL as I just got it. Now I have a decked out cobra set up for exploration and planet landings. On PVE I mainly bounty hunted, I do know depending on what missions you take you can get a bounty your self so when it comes to pvp unless its a good pay out like really good pay out and its not a pirate or a griever id pass them up. i have read horror stories of grievers killing noob players or hunting cargo ships to kill them, obviously not being able to haul in enough cargo to make a great payout. I have also read stories of the fuel rats and other communities in the game its self to help players. Personally id like to hunt down grievers and deliver some just retribution.

See you out there CMDRs.
13 Feb 2016, 3:32pm
Hello CMDRs,
I just registered here and I admit am really amazed by the amazing quantity on info available and easy to find!
I am a 44 years old Italian living in Switzerland and grew up with Elite on my MSX (the remembering of the first docking is, as for sure for others here, one of the greatest computer achievements of my teenage days).
I am a kickstarter backer playing on a MAC (so one of the unfortunate not being able to land ) but have not much time to play.
I hope that with the help of this site, and hopefully at some pint by joining a wing, I can use this scarce time in the best way possible.
See you soon in space!
CMDR Bela Boka
13 Feb 2016, 9:42pm
Greetings commanders, I've been playing since xbox pie release....been solo until just recently..I've met a bunch of good people and only met one griefer..blew him up...had fun doing it...

I want to find a group that I can learn from and help as needed...

Gt is the same (xb1)
13 Feb 2016, 9:47pm
Hi, all you new folks Always good to see new people... especially ones on Xbox that I might run into
13 Feb 2016, 10:08pm
Just trying to make my corvette something to fear
13 Feb 2016, 10:18pm
GunNRunzJust trying to make my corvette something to fear

Mine scares off FDL pirates but not sidewinders

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