
30 Sep 2021, 9:52am
Thallia ThornThanks SnapStr!

Now that there are space-legs and such, is there a hub where people meet up and play out of?

Unfortunately Odyssey is not very popular because of poor optimization and bugs. That's why I can't tell you. I'm more on Horizons.
02 Oct 2021, 3:38am
Thallia ThornHey all! Returned to ED after a very long time away. Hoping to join in the fun and create some awesome stories with you all. see you out there! o7

Welcome back to the black!
04 Oct 2021, 1:41am
Hey! I'm a returning CMDR looking to get into the BGS and helping factions expand. Are there any squadrons that need an extra hand in helping their factions? If so I'd be happy to do so! I'd make my own but i don't know enough people who play.
05 Oct 2021, 9:53am
TheUwUlooHey! I'm a returning CMDR looking to get into the BGS and helping factions expand. Are there any squadrons that need an extra hand in helping their factions? If so I'd be happy to do so! I'd make my own but i don't know enough people who play.

Welcome back Cmdr 07

I suggest that you take a look at the Squadrons listed here on Inara, see if there is one that appeals to your aims and game preference. Most squadrons will keep their BGS operations within their group for obvious security reasons so joining one of your choice will open up BGS opportunities for you.
06 Oct 2021, 3:24pm
TheUwUlooHey! I'm a returning CMDR looking to get into the BGS and helping factions expand. Are there any squadrons that need an extra hand in helping their factions? If so I'd be happy to do so! I'd make my own but i don't know enough people who play.

Hi Cmdr,

This is something my squadron will be doing at some point , most likely once we get back from our current excursion into the dark , you can check what we are about and if your interested just drop me a private line.
Also we are not to far out yet so if you want to join us before we get further into our trip your welcome . I can keep my carrier at its current location the time it takes you to join us if your interested.

Have a good day

Last edit: 06 Oct 2021, 3:33pm
06 Oct 2021, 3:32pm
Thallia ThornThanks SnapStr!

Now that there are space-legs and such, is there a hub where people meet up and play out of?

Hi Cmdr, I don't know about any hubs for the space legs as so many people are having so many issues with this extension of the game , I however use it all the time and have no issues or at least not the ones that I keep hearing others complain about. I suppose this is because I am not using the game in the way the developers intended, so I assume its for that reason. My Squadron and I are currently out in the dark doing exploration going from system to system and I am using space legs all the time to get first foot falls and searching for life and have had no issues in that respect. As I have just commented a few seconds ago to another person here about the squadron you might want to check us out and if your interested just drop me a line. I would have a particular role in mind for you if your interested.

Have a good day

Last edit: 06 Oct 2021, 8:14pm
06 Oct 2021, 3:55pm
TheUwUlooHey! I'm a returning CMDR looking to get into the BGS and helping factions expand. Are there any squadrons that need an extra hand in helping their factions? If so I'd be happy to do so! I'd make my own but i don't know enough people who play.

Hi Cmdr,

This is something my squadron will be doing at some point , most likely once we get back from our current excursion into the dark , you can check what we are about and if your interested just drop me a private line.
Also we are not to far out yet so if you want to join us before we get further into our trip your welcome . I can keep my carrier at its current location the time it takes you to join us if your interested.

Have a good day

I'd be down to help! I'll join it, and if you want i can give you a head start on gaining influence and stuff
I'd rather not go on another exploration trip, i haven't long since got back from going to Sag*A
07 Oct 2021, 3:13pm
Thallia ThornHey all! Returned to ED after a very long time away. Hoping to join in the fun and create some awesome stories with you all. see you out there! o7

Welcome back and love the Avatar! ^_^

TheUwUlooHey! I'm a returning CMDR looking to get into the BGS and helping factions expand. Are there any squadrons that need an extra hand in helping their factions? If so I'd be happy to do so! I'd make my own but i don't know enough people who play.

Welcome back! ^_^
08 Oct 2021, 1:51pm
Thallia ThornHey all! Returned to ED after a very long time away. Hoping to join in the fun and create some awesome stories with you all. see you out there! o7

Welcome back and love the Avatar! ^_^

Yes, praise be to good avatars!
09 Oct 2021, 10:04pm
I just got back in too in need of friends wanna be friends I’m kinda funny I’m just looking for people to play with it’s kinda shitty flying alone
11 Oct 2021, 12:02am
Hi all... my name is Zen and I'm addicted.

I returned to Elite after... Well about 35 years (yeah it's not typo... thirty five), last December. I did bought this version of game in 2015... But was afraid to start playing it till I retired last year, knowing how I was addicted to Elite from 1984-1986.

So I was right... Addicted to the bone, even tried to quit when they released Odyssey alpha in May telling myself now they ruined game... but... I was lying myself and returned in August.

Yeah this sound like those "helping" sessions for addicted people
14 Oct 2021, 6:55pm
Hi Zen and Hi all. My name is Hamwlad and i'm addicted to.

While you return i just started some month ago with ED. So now iam here with my mates from the squadron and i / we are looking for new contacts, interesting storys and new friends to get togehther in action. We all play active the BGS with our faction and a light RP. Hope to see some people outside who wants to join or visit us. Have a good day. o7
15 Oct 2021, 12:14pm
ZEN IndustriesHi all... my name is Zen and I'm addicted.

Hi Zen!

I started back up about a month ago, not having played since late November last year due to other games filling my schedule. Wanted to at least test Odyssey, check if it would do anything for me.
I now find myself planning ship builds and exploration expeditions once more. I call it a lifestyle rather than an addiction =)
15 Oct 2021, 6:25pm
ZEN IndustriesHi all... my name is Zen and I'm addicted.

I returned to Elite after... Well about 35 years (yeah it's not typo... thirty five), last December. I did bought this version of game in 2015... But was afraid to start playing it till I retired last year, knowing how I was addicted to Elite from 1984-1986.

So I was right... Addicted to the bone, even tried to quit when they released Odyssey alpha in May telling myself now they ruined game... but... I was lying myself and returned in August.

Yeah this sound like those "helping" sessions for addicted people

35 years after... *amused grin* I had it on my c64 back then...
Have fun!

18 Oct 2021, 11:15pm
Good Day Commanders,

I am CMDR Crit. and I am returning to the game in VR now. First impressions have blown me away and would love to meet others in this great big galaxy.

See you all out there o7

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