
27 May 2021, 3:02am
Aven BracaHi their,

I hate sand, its course and it gets everywhere...

But really, I bought the game back on release but never got the chance to dump much time into the galaxy, now I'm back and enjoying some chilled out trading.

Hello there
27 May 2021, 7:24am
Nex Cruor
Aven BracaHi their,

I hate sand, its course and it gets everywhere...

But really, I bought the game back on release but never got the chance to dump much time into the galaxy, now I'm back and enjoying some chilled out trading.

Hello there

General Kenobi
27 May 2021, 4:59pm
Aven Bracanow I'm back and enjoying some chilled out trading.

Didn't Lani from Team Four Star call it "Space Truckin' "?
28 May 2021, 5:54am
We get it, you're from space!
28 May 2021, 7:55pm
Greetings fellow commanders o7
After some absence i‘ve finally found my way back into space, but I didn‘t quite like what i‘ve found…so I simply chose to reset my progress and start anew. Now it is time to get back on track trading and stealing from settlements (while trading with them hrhr) That‘s all for now.

Fly safe commanders o7
30 May 2021, 4:51pm
Greetings all!
Just started last night running through some tutorials, and managed to complete my first 5 missions. So far I find it very very enjoyable.
30 May 2021, 5:39pm
Muy Buenas Comandantes,

De vuelta después de un largo descanso y adaptandome a la nueva expansión.

Saludos desde España
30 May 2021, 6:24pm
Greetings & Welcome!

Great avatar pic, Alan Stark! I love Clint Eastwood playing in those old westerns!
02 Jun 2021, 6:03pm
After a long hiatus from the game due to health reasons, I'm finally slowly getting back into it. Glad to be back and welcome to all new and returning commanders.
04 Jun 2021, 4:39pm
05 Jun 2021, 1:06am
Nova RoninHello!

o7 Cmdr!
06 Jun 2021, 8:17am
Hi folks,

Long time ED player but not as frequent in using INARA as I probably should be.

I have three questions which I hope someone can answer.

1. On foot engineers, I can't see them in the current engineers list, how do I add them or am I doing something wrong?

2. In my Commander section, the Photographer says progress hidden, yet I have previously submitted screen shots here so wondering what I need to do to make them not hidden so I can start progressing?

3. The writer, also says hidden, again what do I need to do to make this viewable so I can start progressing?

Cheers folks.
08 Jun 2021, 5:10pm
Paul Sweet3. The writer, also says hidden, again what do I need to do to make this viewable so I can start progressing?

As far as I know, progressions for Writer and Photographer awards are hidden to prevent spamming with low-quality rubbish. The site, however, tracks the quantity of your contributions (logbook entries / screenshots) and will give you that shiny medal... one day.
08 Jun 2021, 5:25pm
Paul Sweet3. The writer, also says hidden, again what do I need to do to make this viewable so I can start progressing?

As far as I know, progressions for Writer and Photographer awards are hidden to prevent spamming with low-quality rubbish. The site, however, tracks the quantity of your contributions (logbook entries / screenshots) and will give you that shiny medal... one day.

Wow.. thanks for the insight... wow.. this explains soooo much. Thanks!
09 Jun 2021, 10:42pm
Greetings Commanders!

New ED Pilot Explorer joining the ranks of INARA. Glad to be here.

I've owned ED for 4 or 5 years... never really played it much before now. It think when I first got it, my computer could handle it very well... so I neglected it.

Loving the 1:1 scale aspect of ED, and the roleplay opportunities in game and on this site are very fun, just starting to really get into it. The logbook feature is simple and awesome.

The black calls me back,

Last edit: 11 Jun 2021, 7:21pm

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