
22 Oct 2021, 4:22am
Welcome back to Elite! I'm in the same boat - Got my first experience with Elite in 1984 - was addicted to the game throughout my teens and never found another game like it until ED came around.

ZEN IndustriesHi all... my name is Zen and I'm addicted.

I returned to Elite after... Well about 35 years (yeah it's not typo... thirty five), last December. I did bought this version of game in 2015... But was afraid to start playing it till I retired last year, knowing how I was addicted to Elite from 1984-1986.

So I was right... Addicted to the bone, even tried to quit when they released Odyssey alpha in May telling myself now they ruined game... but... I was lying myself and returned in August.

Yeah this sound like those "helping" sessions for addicted people

35 years after... *amused grin* I had it on my c64 back then...
Have fun!

22 Oct 2021, 4:25am
o7 Commanders

Like many others here, I'm a recovering ED addict - Got my first taste in 1984, and jumped back-in in 2019. Not too impressed with Odyssey, but have way too many hours invested to give up now.

I'm planning a trip to Colonia tomorrow - FARS Galactica (KHJ-81B) will be departing from FATES for long stay in the Colonia region at approximately noon Eastern time (GMT-5) / 1600h Game time)

Feel free to transfer any ships onboard if you want to join. We'll be in Colonia for an extended period of time (one month or more)
24 Oct 2021, 12:20pm
Hi, all CMDR.

Though I am playing since 2015 yet never joined a community before. Playing solo all the time.
I Hope, now ED journey will be more interesting as I am now part of an active community.
24 Oct 2021, 8:40pm

Though I am playing since 2015 yet never joined a community before. Playing solo all the time.
I Hope, now ED journey will be more interesting as I am now part of an active community.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the ED journey in this community as well! My personal experience has been that ED has one of the best communities surrounding any game I have ever played. I hope your experiences with it are as positive as mine were! Personally I have fallen out of playing for the time being but I still stick around just because I enjoy the community so much!
27 Oct 2021, 12:36pm
Hallo zusammen,

ich spiele erst seit ein paar Wochen ED. Das ist mein erstes Sandbox MMO und bin seit langem mal sowas von tiefenentspannt beim Zocken wie hier im ED Universum.
Ich war die letzten 10 Jahre im Star Wars Universum unterwegs.
Mal sehen was noch kommt.
Ich bin bereit^^.
27 Oct 2021, 1:20pm
SatockHallo zusammen,

ich spiele erst seit ein paar Wochen ED. Das ist mein erstes Sandbox MMO und bin seit langem mal sowas von tiefenentspannt beim Zocken wie hier im ED Universum.
Ich war die letzten 10 Jahre im Star Wars Universum unterwegs.
Mal sehen was noch kommt.
Ich bin bereit^^.


Das Spiel kann tiefenentspannt sein... vor allem wenn Du ein paar Lichtjahre weiter raus fliegst...
Allerdings wirst hier die englische Sprache verwenden müssen, wenn Du am Communityleben teilnehmen willst...

04 Nov 2021, 2:25am
Hello Commanders,

I'm fairly new to this incarnation of Elite (Elite Dangerous Horizons) having started only about a month ago. I played the original Elite for awhile back in the 80s. So far, I'm really enjoying it. I'm amazed at the depth and realism of the game. I love how truly open the game is. At this point I mostly enjoy the solitary life of an Explorer; just going wherever I feel like, mapping planets or landing and driving around in my SRV. I can do missions if I want; or not, whatever.

I also really like this site. It's great that it is a resource, a community and a fan site all rolled up in one.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say "Hi."

One other thing, I've noticed that many people use the shorthand "o7" as an apparent greeting. I'm unfamiliar with that. What does it mean?

Thanks, and perhaps I'll see you out there.

04 Nov 2021, 8:07am
BrandecHello Commanders,

I'm fairly new to this incarnation of Elite (Elite Dangerous Horizons) having started only about a month ago. I played the original Elite for awhile back in the 80s. So far, I'm really enjoying it. I'm amazed at the depth and realism of the game. I love how truly open the game is. At this point I mostly enjoy the solitary life of an Explorer; just going wherever I feel like, mapping planets or landing and driving around in my SRV. I can do missions if I want; or not, whatever.

I also really like this site. It's great that it is a resource, a community and a fan site all rolled up in one.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say "Hi."

One other thing, I've noticed that many people use the shorthand "o7" as an apparent greeting. I'm unfamiliar with that. What does it mean?

Thanks, and perhaps I'll see you out there.


Welcome to the club, CDR...

o7 is the stylized form of a military salute... consider the o your head and the seven your arm.. ;-)

04 Nov 2021, 5:47pm

Welcome to the club, CDR...

o7 is the stylized form of a military salute... consider the o your head and the seven your arm.. ;-)


Thank you and thanks for the explanation.

In that case: o7
05 Nov 2021, 8:54am
As of update 8 for Odyssey you can give a proper salute - although it seems disturbingly similar to Arnold Rimmer’s salute in Red Dwarf
05 Nov 2021, 9:41am
BrandecHello Commanders,

I'm fairly new to this incarnation of Elite (Elite Dangerous Horizons) having started only about a month ago. I played the original Elite for awhile back in the 80s. So far, I'm really enjoying it. I'm amazed at the depth and realism of the game. I love how truly open the game is. At this point I mostly enjoy the solitary life of an Explorer; just going wherever I feel like, mapping planets or landing and driving around in my SRV. I can do missions if I want; or not, whatever.

I also really like this site. It's great that it is a resource, a community and a fan site all rolled up in one.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say "Hi."

One other thing, I've noticed that many people use the shorthand "o7" as an apparent greeting. I'm unfamiliar with that. What does it mean?

Thanks, and perhaps I'll see you out there.


Greetings cmdr o7
05 Nov 2021, 7:16pm
Silver TafferAs of update 8 for Odyssey you can give a proper salute - although it seems disturbingly similar to Arnold Rimmer’s salute in Red Dwarf

I would definitely call that a proper salute!
06 Nov 2021, 3:49am
Hi, I am human. Mostly...
06 Nov 2021, 4:09am
SalmoneaHi, I am human. Mostly...

Hi Human, I'm Cal.
08 Nov 2021, 10:05am
Calteru Taalo
SalmoneaHi, I am human. Mostly...

Hi Human, I'm Cal.

beat me to it.

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