
05 Jan 2021, 4:09pm
ThomasWJamesGreetings Commanders,

My Commander name is Thomas W. James, which is also my Xbox Gamertag "ThomasWJames", feel free to add me. I'm 40 and in Eastern Time Zone, game time is sometimes limited since our first baby was born, but I still manage to get on later at night. I'm one of the leaders of the Canonn Squadron on Xbox. I'm not exactly new, but this is my first post here on Introductions, of course, my main interest is exploring and research. Don't hesitate to contact me to wing up and do missions or just game together. See you all out in the "Black", take care Commanders.

Welcome fellow XBox-er o7
08 Jan 2021, 11:24pm
This is commander uptownmedal signing on, new to ed but ive clocked over 30 hrs in my three days off. Seems lonely in space, still no siting of any non mpc players. Granted im on the outskirts of the bubble

I think on my next personal goal is to meet with felicity farseer and another suspected engeneeir or to hunt down some fabled guardian tech (mainly the fsd booster
09 Jan 2021, 12:35am
Heh. You ought to see other players soon enough then.
09 Jan 2021, 1:21am
Welcome, CMDR Uptownmedal!

This is a fantastic game, and I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us.

Other players are definitely out there. As Synthya says, if you head to Deciat for Farseer, chances are good you will meet some. Make sure you have a rebuy in the bank.

09 Jan 2021, 2:29am
Man people are really like that? Im mainly an exploer/trader
09 Jan 2021, 2:44am
I really should actually get to trying out engineering... I keep meaning to trek out to Felicity Farseer but alas I am far too easily distracted by side missions or shiny things.
09 Jan 2021, 5:56am
UptownmedalMan people are really like that? Im mainly an exploer/trader

Almost everyone I have met in this game are good people. My home system is adjacent to an active wing of pirate role-players, and actually, things have been really good.

That said, there are some who like to attack vulnerable targets, and they often hang out in Deciat.

* Do not be discouraged *

1) It's annoying, but it's not that bad.
2) There are things you can do to avoid hostile players.
3) There are things you can do to annoy the hell out of them to the point they (mostly) leave you alone.

There is a lot of content that has been made around avoiding and evading hostile players. Here's a couple of the better ones.

09 Jan 2021, 3:44pm
UptownmedalMan people are really like that? Im mainly an exploer/trader

I've been playing a month or so, and always in open. Doing community goals I have been randomly killed once. I have also been ambushed by a pirate, who demanded 8 units of my 256 unit cargo, so not so bad, was never going to be able to fight in a type 7.

all other interactions were positive

Welcome to you
doubt ill bump into you or others for the next few weeks, but if I do, I'll be friendly.
09 Jan 2021, 5:39pm
I'll classify the pirate interaction as a sort of positive: it's the kind of bump on my own story I would consent to by playing in open. What would make me decide to retcon an event and play solo for a while would be being randomly murdered for no reason. (On the same subject, I'd love it if Frontier were to introduce a system interdiction declaration, something that would lower the bounty incurred by the interdictors while warning players during the jump preparation - then players could choose the level of risk they accept to take or go solo, and Frontier could increase the penalty for ganking without reasons)
But being a noob, I've never had any interaction... I might change my mind when that happens.

Hello all, sorry for starting bantering before proper introduction.
I play Akiya, a former Imperial slave currently using her cobra to ferry to their homeworlds a couple slaves she'd promised to deliver free, and probably bound to do some work for Princess Aisling because she feels she owes her for her freedom. She's good at maths and complex machines management, bad at social interactions and especially at lying, average at flying FA ON, and hopeless at flying FA OFF.

I was progressing her "off game" story by making PBTA-like rolls (2d6+some bonus: 6- there's a major complication, 7-9 there's a cost or a minor complication, 10+ success), and just realized there was a community of writers and roleplayers in Inara that could help me steer my story or correct my lore errors, so here I am. Going to go ask plenty of questions on the lore thread!

EDIT: English mistake

Last edit: 09 Jan 2021, 6:59pm
09 Jan 2021, 5:53pm
\o/ Fresh game!

Hi there! Ask away!
09 Jan 2021, 5:54pm
Greetings & Welcome, Akiya!
09 Jan 2021, 6:09pm
Welcome aboard, Akiya.
09 Jan 2021, 7:01pm
Thanks all.
One last thing, English is not my native language: Akiya promised to free those slaves, not deliver them to a new owner! (post edited right now)
09 Jan 2021, 7:11pm
Fun fact: "deliver" originally meant "to set free", it's just not often used in that sense anymore.
09 Jan 2021, 7:15pm
I suppose my native language is closer to latin, it still means that there, thus my mistake.

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