
09 Apr 2022, 7:57pm
AndroskyHello Commanders!

Right on!
09 Apr 2022, 8:22pm
hello Androsky, here are many cmd´s who will help you if have questions or need help.. be welcome
09 Apr 2022, 8:31pm
AndroskyMy doctors have told me that games like this have some kind of therapeutic level to it. It must cause, there are times when I am haunted and it pulls me out of reality and into the reality of Elite. It helps... And I am for one grateful for it, as odd as that may sound.
Indeed they are. Immersive games are amazing. I know what you're talking about. Perhaps, know too well. Elite helped me during the hard time last year and I realised that it's a good distraction measure when you're... not in the place you want to be in.

You're always welcome here.
10 Apr 2022, 12:24pm
Welcome aboard, CMDR Androfsky. If you're interested in meeting others, there are plenty of squadrons who would be happy to have you join.
10 Apr 2022, 7:51pm
Thank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.
10 Apr 2022, 7:55pm
AndroskyThank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.

Nah, it's 2022, I know far fewer people who don't play video games than that do, and I'm only a couple of years behind you, my man.
10 Apr 2022, 8:44pm
AndroskyThank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.

yep, im not the youngest too, who cares, when somethings makes fun and is so much interesting there is no age limit
btw. we are not old, we are experienced
10 Apr 2022, 9:28pm
AndroskyThank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.

Elite Dangerous is also a very different game compared to most others out there, and the community that surrounds it is different. I have played a large variety of games and while a lot of titles are definitely geared toward younger audiences, ED is a mixed bag. I have seen entire families playing it together. It's a game about space, and space is something that captivates people of all age groups.
11 Apr 2022, 1:20am
AndroskyThank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.

Hi! Welcome, i am newish also, big four-oh myself in December =) It's mad when you think about the legacy of elite, i began with Frontier Elite 2 on the Amiga, I'd hazard a guess i was in my early teens... So, here i am, almost middle aged, still enjoying Elite and still playing video games. Bear in mind generations have grown up playing computer games since the early 80's, isn't old age gaming pretty much the norm these days?
11 Apr 2022, 2:19am
A5tropopeisn't old age gaming pretty much the norm these days?

I still get a kick out of the story of the elderly lady who played video games and it seems to have helped her retain cognitive function longer and later in life than her peers.
11 Apr 2022, 7:10pm
Well I am in a community that doesn't really understand. So my interactions are adults that are just that... adults. I believe you must be a child when you can, and an adult when you must. I also wonder if being a creative also doesn't tap me into that part of the mind that is curious with unrestrained wonder and imagination. Plus I am Bipolar with combined ADHD. I am always in my head, my wife will normally ask me, "Where you at dear?" where I loving reply, oh I am here and I am there, but normally just somewhere in between. In the immortal words of Charlie Sheen, when he went bat crap crazy and accused of being bipolar. "I am bipolar, I am wining here and I am winning there." One of my favorite things to do is explore out in the woods. Sometimes I come across old ruins of houses, I'll touch the wood of the frame of this once home to someone, and cant help but to think. I am touching this persons hand across time and space.

See 50 and blessed with immaturity, my first gaming console was back in the 80's an atari 6400, or was that 2400, shoot i Can't remember the precise name. But Chopper Command was my jam, and I love the one adventure game, wish I could recall its name but you had to find these keys. Don't forget Indiana Jones raiders of the lost ark. Shoot, I barely remember seeing Star wars in theaters, but I was really young then, But at least I can say Ive seen all of them in theaters. I think the first star wars was what 78? So my memory isn't to bad, it is however more like fragments, nothing more then that from the 70's. The 80's was a blur, especially the later part, saw Kiss, slaughter, Ozzy, Foreigner, Jone Jet, list goes on and on. But what makes the late 80's such a blur was all the weed.

On 19 Aug 92 I enlisted in the USAF, but crap when sideways in a colossal manner. Thats where I end, I care not to relive those I lost. I Have one friend left, he was blown up 7 times by IEDs and one RPG. But because of the blasts he has undocumented TBI and suffers from Dementia and Alzheimer.

If there is any advice I can give anyone, "Be a child when you can, and be an adult when you must." and above all please please please don't be in a hurry to grow up. 50 will be there when its time, no need to rush things.
13 Apr 2022, 12:06pm
AndroskyThank you to all for your warm welcome. Being 50 on june 9th, I do at times feel silly playing a video game. When others my age are not. I guess I am just a big kid at heart also.

It's a rule. Nobody is under 50 in the Silverbacks!

Probably not true but it sure seems like it. I blame Cmdr Toberius' and his damn Banana Wine recipe.
13 Apr 2022, 1:39pm
Good morning, Commanders.

Just checking in and saying 'Hi,' as I'm new here. Just began playing the game with a few friends and thoroughly addicted already. Hope to see everyone around!
13 Apr 2022, 1:42pm
Lindy RuhlzagGood morning, Commanders.
Just checking in and saying 'Hi,' as I'm new here.

Happy to see you, glad you are here!
13 Apr 2022, 1:49pm

Lindy RuhlzagJust began playing the game with a few friends and thoroughly addicted already.
Yeah, it happens pretty quick.

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