
13 Apr 2022, 6:19pm
Lindy RuhlzagGood morning, Commanders.

Just checking in and saying 'Hi,' as I'm new here. Just began playing the game with a few friends and thoroughly addicted already. Hope to see everyone around!

Welcome CMDR o7
13 Apr 2022, 7:17pm
o7 Lindy, welcome aboard.
14 Apr 2022, 11:16am
Lindy RuhlzagGood morning, Commanders.

Just checking in and saying 'Hi,' as I'm new here. Just began playing the game with a few friends and thoroughly addicted already. Hope to see everyone around!

Welcome to Elite. Have fun and enjoy!
14 Apr 2022, 1:18pm
It's a rule. Nobody is under 50 in the Silverbacks!

So I could apply :-). But Tiffany is a bit younger at 42 or 44 abouts. So no ganging up yet for me. Or maybe there's a squadron of Asp Scout cmdrs doing passenger traffic?

o7 to bus drivers and other CMDRs.
14 Apr 2022, 4:46pm
Tiffany Yür
It's a rule. Nobody is under 50 in the Silverbacks!

So I could apply :-). But Tiffany is a bit younger at 42 or 44 abouts. So no ganging up yet for me. Or maybe there's a squadron of Asp Scout cmdrs doing passenger traffic?

o7 to bus drivers and other CMDRs.

No disrespect! You look fifty, you'll get past the tree bouncers. Check out the Silverbacks, ye can't go wrong.
15 Apr 2022, 8:05am
Actually, we don’t have a rule as such about age requirement, any age of Cmdr is welcome to our ranks - as long as they don’t mind the occasional bouts of nostalgia or grouching about ......... well, anything, really
15 Apr 2022, 11:57am
;tldr uttering the phrase 'OK boomer' will get you banned there.
15 Apr 2022, 1:11pm
Age requirement? That is awesome. How is that enforced? Show your AARP enrollment?

Last edit: 15 Apr 2022, 2:52pm
16 Apr 2022, 6:12pm
Hello fellow Commanders. My name is Nardu and I've played on and off for the last 6 to 7 years now, mostly on the Xbox. Now that my kids are a bit older I can finally start playing again in my down time after work and on my weekends.
Hope to see you among the stars.
Cmrd Nardu
17 Apr 2022, 6:52am
Hello CMDR, you'r welcome! dangerously, have fun and enjoy the Milky Way! o7
17 Apr 2022, 7:15am
I thought it's my time for introduction, as the player, not the cmdr. Apologize to not have done it before.

I was born in '81, Italy, and since I was 6 years old I started to approach videogames.
I feel like I'm in that part of my generation grown up seeing the evolution of the technology about videogame-softwares. In particular I'm a maniac of flightsim and everything that can move 3D as ariplanes helycopters, spaceships, and even ROVs ( for istance in real life I've worked as ROV Pilot on boad for 11 years).
The more the simulation is adherent to the reality of physics the more I like it.
More or less it's 4 years I'm playng ED and I find it lovely, despite all the bugs and imperfections. I hate only one thing of ED....the level of grinding needed to cap ship-upgrades!!! In my opinion that is a bit sick, just that.

Anyway I'm always able to find something funny to do in the galaxy!
Ah.... and Inara... is a superb comunity, love it too! Long live Inara!!

Bye folks, See u in the black!

PS. Excuse me for my english
17 Apr 2022, 2:16pm
Welcome, Nardu and Jimbo.
17 Apr 2022, 8:05pm
Welcome CMDRs Nardu and Jimbo!

PS - The Silverback's don't have an age rule. As a matter of fact, one of us was in high school when he joined. That said, a lot of us tend to be around the half century mark or over.
19 Apr 2022, 1:48pm
o7 commanders,

been here for a while but never stayed to chat, unfortunately.

I'm mostly (95%) an explorer/researcher, i love my ships and i love space.

I'm hoping to find other commanders to talk about our flying experiences and this kind of stuff. I've seen some of your Stories and really liked them.

I got some experience i could help others with, i dont consider myself a very funny person but i'm good to have around if you need forces added to a fair cause (when i'm not under acute space madness of course).

See you around o7
19 Apr 2022, 1:51pm
o7 CMDR Eeka, nice to meet you.

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