
28 Jan 2016, 6:31pm
MatzovTechowl - I think you mean hobby, not hoppy. Not that it matters too much :-)

You are very right, my bad, I spent a lot of time rewriting it and adding things I thought could fit and I missed that. Very embarrassing

No problem!
28 Jan 2016, 9:11pm

Lol didn't know it was beer
29 Jan 2016, 12:29am
MatzovTechowl - I think you mean hobby, not hoppy. Not that it matters too much :-)

You are very right, my bad, I spent a lot of time rewriting it and adding things I thought could fit and I missed that. Very embarrassing

Don't sweat it. It happens.
29 Jan 2016, 5:16am
CMDR SRK Rabbit signing on.

Primarily a PvE player and a Freelancer/Explorer, I do not engage in piracy, black market trading nor support the (non-imperial) slave trade on principle. Even where Imperial Slaves are concerned I do not engage in free trading of them, I only occasionally do missions involving them.

I formed the AOPAC wing based on my core belief of operating peacefully with other members of the Pilot's Federation where possible and while I have no ambitions for the wing to grow large I hope that through coalitions with groups of differing political affiliations that we may all co-operate on matters of mutual self-interest and overall galactic security despite our political differences.

I primarily fly in Private Groups both Solo and with friends but am willing to consider proposals to winging up (in-game) with people in Open (or other groups) in order to support collaborative activities.

CMDR SRK Rabbit signing off.
29 Jan 2016, 1:37pm
Srk RabbitCMDR SRK Rabbit signing on.

Primarily a PvE player and a Freelancer/Explorer, I do not engage in piracy, black market trading nor support the (non-imperial) slave trade on principle. Even where Imperial Slaves are concerned I do not engage in free trading of them, I only occasionally do missions involving them.

I formed the AOPAC wing based on my core belief of operating peacefully with other members of the Pilot's Federation where possible and while I have no ambitions for the wing to grow large I hope that through coalitions with groups of differing political affiliations that we may all co-operate on matters of mutual self-interest and overall galactic security despite our political differences.

I primarily fly in Private Groups both Solo and with friends but am willing to consider proposals to winging up (in-game) with people in Open (or other groups) in order to support collaborative activities.

CMDR SRK Rabbit signing off.

Welcome Srk rabbit
30 Jan 2016, 12:20am
Hey guys! Just wanted to introduce myself before I get started. I have about 50hrs on Xbox One with elite and about a hundred on PC. You guys seemed like a great community (via reddit), so I figured I would branch out of my normal "make a hundred thousand credits here and there then log" routine. There is a lot I have to learn about this game still and what better place than a faction to call my own!

Normally I do smuggling missions (sold the cobra for a dbe for good jump ranges) when I see good ones pop up, but I have never done the robigo runs or anything yet. I guess you can say that I am a little unconfident in my abilities as a smuggler and haven't wanted to risk losing it all on a scan yet. I would love to group up with anyone who would be willing to help me or teach me how to make more money. I only have about 4mil credits (including ship value) to my name, which isn't a lot for the time I have invested, so I know I have a lot to learn still. I have a decent combat setup, so if anyone wanted to wing up I would be willing to try some conflict zones too. I tried a high intensity solo and it did not go so well haha.

I'm glad to be a part of this and look forward to meeting more of you! Currently I am doing EXO missions, but am yet to see another CMDR around Wolf 1301. My gamertag is UFO Sasquatch and I will be on most evenings including currently! Thanks for having me!
30 Jan 2016, 12:56am
UFO SasquatchHey guys! Just wanted to introduce myself before I get started. I have about 50hrs on Xbox One with elite and about a hundred on PC. You guys seemed like a great community (via reddit), so I figured I would branch out of my normal "make a hundred thousand credits here and there then log" routine. There is a lot I have to learn about this game still and what better place than a faction to call my own!

Normally I do smuggling missions (sold the cobra for a dbe for good jump ranges) when I see good ones pop up, but I have never done the robigo runs or anything yet. I guess you can say that I am a little unconfident in my abilities as a smuggler and haven't wanted to risk losing it all on a scan yet. I would love to group up with anyone who would be willing to help me or teach me how to make more money. I only have about 4mil credits (including ship value) to my name, which isn't a lot for the time I have invested, so I know I have a lot to learn still. I have a decent combat setup, so if anyone wanted to wing up I would be willing to try some conflict zones too. I tried a high intensity solo and it did not go so well haha.

I'm glad to be a part of this and look forward to meeting more of you! Currently I am doing EXO missions, but am yet to see another CMDR around Wolf 1301. My gamertag is UFO Sasquatch and I will be on most evenings including currently! Thanks for having me!

Hey, I have over 500 hours to my name and am always willing to help out fellow CMDRs. My gamertag is nathanc213
30 Jan 2016, 1:04am

I thought I would introduce myself. I'm Lucky-Luke, a 32 year old guy from belgium. My background is a bit strange. My first experience with flying was back in WW II. At the end of the war I was severely injured. As the technology at the time was not sufficient enough to save me they decided to freeze me. They woke me up and fixed me in the year 1992. It was a new era in aviation. The newest thing where the jet planes. Way faster but way more deadly as well. After I got shot down they decided to freeze me again, this time to preserve my knowledge for the future. I again awoke to a new era. To my amazement it was not for another war as I feared. They just could not afford the electric bill for the freezer anymore. They gave me a small ship called a sidewinder and left me out in space. Since that day I've been doing a lot of stuff, but mostly trading and bountyhunting. Glad to be flying again.

Greets, Lucky-Luke.
30 Jan 2016, 10:18pm
Hi folks, another new one here.

Stumbled over this place today, and I have to say I was very impressed Just getting started in Elite (on XBox One) so I'm still not sure what sort of trouble I'm likely to get myself into... but I'm sure it'll prove interesting.

I'm mostly a PvE player, but might dabble in PvP and CQC if I feel the urge... and I also have a habit of writing about stuff, so you may see log entries cropping up...

Looking forward to maybe bumping into some of you out there in the black!
30 Jan 2016, 11:24pm
Phrae VetriHi folks, another new one here.

Stumbled over this place today, and I have to say I was very impressed Just getting started in Elite (on XBox One) so I'm still not sure what sort of trouble I'm likely to get myself into... but I'm sure it'll prove interesting.

I'm mostly a PvE player, but might dabble in PvP and CQC if I feel the urge... and I also have a habit of writing about stuff, so you may see log entries cropping up...

Looking forward to maybe bumping into some of you out there in the black!

Greetings CMDR its always nice to meet a fellow xbox player, my GT is nathanc213 if you want to add me
30 Jan 2016, 11:41pm
Phrae VetriHi folks, another new one here.

Stumbled over this place today, and I have to say I was very impressed Just getting started in Elite (on XBox One) so I'm still not sure what sort of trouble I'm likely to get myself into... but I'm sure it'll prove interesting.

I'm mostly a PvE player, but might dabble in PvP and CQC if I feel the urge... and I also have a habit of writing about stuff, so you may see log entries cropping up...

Looking forward to maybe bumping into some of you out there in the black!

We like log entries.
31 Jan 2016, 10:28am
Thanks, guys

I need to get my GamerTag sorted out, but once I do I may well add you, Nathan.
31 Jan 2016, 9:21pm
Phrae VetriHi folks, another new one here.

Stumbled over this place today, and I have to say I was very impressed Just getting started in Elite (on XBox One) so I'm still not sure what sort of trouble I'm likely to get myself into... but I'm sure it'll prove interesting.

I'm mostly a PvE player, but might dabble in PvP and CQC if I feel the urge... and I also have a habit of writing about stuff, so you may see log entries cropping up...

Looking forward to maybe bumping into some of you out there in the black!

Welcome mate. Also on Xbox here. Look me up in game. GT: JacknyfeUK


01 Feb 2016, 7:47pm
If anyone on Xbox wants to look me up, I've gotten my Gamertag sorted out now: Phrae Vetri
01 Feb 2016, 10:36pm
Hello everyone. Found this site the other morning and decided to sign up. Looks pretty cool so far!

I prefer combat. Mostly PVE but PVP as well sometimes.

Anyone looking for a wingman or someone to bullsh*t with send me a message.

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