
16 Aug 2016, 11:30pm
Nick Tod "Silhouette" Banks
Tod Silhouette Banks

I have added you, good sir.
16 Aug 2016, 11:34pm
Iaened Bourne
Nick Tod "Silhouette" Banks
Tod Silhouette Banks

I have added you, good sir.

Then let the merry games begin hahaha!
16 Aug 2016, 11:43pm
What have I gotten myself in for ....
16 Aug 2016, 11:50pm
Iaened BourneWhat have I gotten myself in for ....

Eh, nothing too bad I'm sure. Don't worry, I'm "harmless."
Although I think perhaps we should stick to the bar if we want to continue this conversation, I don't want any of the forum police railing on us for chatting up a storm in the "introductions" department haha!

Last edit: 17 Aug 2016, 7:27am
18 Aug 2016, 10:16am
Ello poppets..

Me handle is Exile10562, im based in the UK. I am online most of the time if i am needed.

Xbox One is my system and according to my mates' little girl, I sound like the Cookie Monster..

Have played ED for about a month, and joined this ragtag group of worthless vagabonds who name themselves Federal Privateers. xD

Wonder if they have a good cookie supply....

Beam me up Elmo!

18 Aug 2016, 11:23am
Hello Exile, and welcome.

Take care out there.
19 Aug 2016, 6:59am
Hello all, recently getting back into Elite after a really long hiatus from the game (well before powerplay)

I've been playing for about 3 days now re-learning and got myself into a T-6 for trading. First time I've heard of this site, pretty fun to post logs about whats happening.

19 Aug 2016, 7:01am
Zomb LeeHello all, recently getting back into Elite after a really long hiatus from the game (well before powerplay)

I've been playing for about 3 days now re-learning and got myself into a T-6 for trading. First time I've heard of this site, pretty fun to post logs about whats happening.


Hello! Welcome back. I also came back recently: seems to be a fair amount of us who have.

Are you on PC or Xbone?
19 Aug 2016, 7:06am
Iaened Bourne

Are you on PC or Xbone?

Whoops! I forgot to mention I'm on PC. Thanks for the welcome!
19 Aug 2016, 8:36am
Hello commander Lee, and welcome.

Take care out there.
20 Aug 2016, 9:07am
Hi All, Pleased to be here.

<<Name's Chris. Rufus is an IRL nickname based on my love of George Carlin. I'm just getting back into E:D after a few months off, I play on PC and Xbox, although I've liquidated my PC account into my Xbox one [yeah yeah, I know!] so primarily play there.>>

Bounty hunting, trading beyond the bubble, and collecting antiques and replicas from the old 21st are my thing.
20 Aug 2016, 10:00am
Hello commander Vegas, and welcome.

May all your trade runs give you good profit.
20 Aug 2016, 2:09pm
Jemine CaesarHello commander Vegas, and welcome.

May all your trade runs give you good profit.

21 Aug 2016, 2:18am
I'm new to this site, but I've been playing ED on PC for a few months now. This is the first game that I have played in a long time that I still can't get enough of(and there aren't too many of those nowadays, being married and all).
About Me:
From MA living in KY (USA), 34 years old, and my nickname is Penguin (hence the first half of my handle and photo, lol)
In game, my main activities are delivering/courier and sometimes bounty hunter. Tried mining, didn't care much for it. Haven't done exploring on a big scale, but I'll give it a go here soon enough. Pirating looks like too much work for too little payout, so I don't bother with it. Also, I don't like pirates, so a heads-up to anyone here that might target me. Here's the only tip I have for you if you try to rob me: you're much better off taking me out without mercy because I sure as shit won't show you any if you're a pirate.
As for my primary ships to this point, I have used a Sidie (who hasn't on here?), an Adder, a Cobra MK3, an Asp X, and a Python. In addition, I have also tried out a Viper MK3, Viper MK4, DBX, and Vulture. These ones weren't too bad, but I like to use a primary ship for most of the stuff I do on here and getting a secondary one if necessary.
As for wings, I've never joined one and not planning on doing so anytime soon. However, if any of you are in a jam with pirates, I'll definitely be more than happy to help you deal with them.
21 Aug 2016, 8:54am
Hello commander "Penguin", and welcome.

I don't like pirates either. If you pick up my ID, send me a hail. I love to chat!

Take care out there.

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