
18 Jul 2016, 12:29am
Yo everybody. I've been playing elite for a while solo. Just got a good enough computer to do stuff other than trade endlessly and have settings higher than lowest, which is so so nice. Looking to branch out and get into the community more because all the stuff I see is pretty awesome. Don't know much about Wings or roles really since my computer was too laggy for me to want to slow anyone else down with it. Looking to get into it now. Guess you could say that I'm looking for someone to kind of take me "under their wing".
18 Jul 2016, 5:58am
ScplsdYo everybody. I've been playing elite for a while solo. Just got a good enough computer to do stuff other than trade endlessly and have settings higher than lowest, which is so so nice. Looking to branch out and get into the community more because all the stuff I see is pretty awesome. Don't know much about Wings or roles really since my computer was too laggy for me to want to slow anyone else down with it. Looking to get into it now. Guess you could say that I'm looking for someone to kind of take me "under their wing".

Ask to join Nova Elite
19 Jul 2016, 12:56am

I have been playing Elite on Xbox 1 for around two months now and have hammered out the basics. I mostly play open but sometimes end up in solo when I'm cycling the mission board. Currently I am rocking a maxed out T-7 and a maxed Vulture (although I suspect my bird needs a bad redesign by someone who knows what their doing.... Haha)

I usually trade and run courier missions, but also bounty hunt when I am looking to have some fun and have the disposable cash on hand to replace my girl after I noob death... Which I do a lot in combat, still learning.

Want to see a 21million dollar vulture get smacked down by a viper? Wing up with me!
19 Jul 2016, 2:49am
Any relation to the Aesir on
19 Jul 2016, 3:01am
Hmm possible. It was my gamer tag for Starcraft 10 years ago as well.
19 Jul 2016, 10:19am

I have been playing Elite on Xbox 1 for around two months now and have hammered out the basics. I mostly play open but sometimes end up in solo when I'm cycling the mission board. Currently I am rocking a maxed out T-7 and a maxed Vulture (although I suspect my bird needs a bad redesign by someone who knows what their doing.... Haha)

I usually trade and run courier missions, but also bounty hunt when I am looking to have some fun and have the disposable cash on hand to replace my girl after I noob death... Which I do a lot in combat, still learning.

Want to see a 21million dollar vulture get smacked down by a viper? Wing up with me!

Hey, if you ever want to wing up sometime just add me my GT is same as my inara name.
19 Jul 2016, 11:36pm

I have been playing Elite on Xbox 1 for around two months now and have hammered out the basics. I mostly play open but sometimes end up in solo when I'm cycling the mission board. Currently I am rocking a maxed out T-7 and a maxed Vulture (although I suspect my bird needs a bad redesign by someone who knows what their doing.... Haha)

I usually trade and run courier missions, but also bounty hunt when I am looking to have some fun and have the disposable cash on hand to replace my girl after I noob death... Which I do a lot in combat, still learning.

Want to see a 21million dollar vulture get smacked down by a viper? Wing up with me!

Hey, if you ever want to wing up sometime just add me my GT is same as my inara name.

Hell yea man next time I'm online I'll Add you =D
20 Jul 2016, 6:26pm
I am looking to join a group that is active PC players. Players who are assassins, mercenaries, all the dirty work. None of that cheesy pve möbius crap. Any suggestions?
21 Jul 2016, 5:18pm
Hi my name in game is -=KING=-.
I live in Holland and 41 years old.
Use to play Elite on my Commedore 64 a long time ago.
If you wane know me bether talk to me in game and sent me a group invite if you whant and i will come your direction.


Elmar Jansen.
22 Jul 2016, 12:40am
Wise to say if you're on PC or console, guys. just a recommendation.
22 Jul 2016, 10:53am
Hello I am Commander Teddy Demon. I am a 37yo bloke from Manchester, England playing the Xbox One version. I picked up the game ages ago when it was in game preview but couldn't get into the steep learning curve and ended up leaving it for ages unplayed. When Horizons dropped on Xbox One I decided to stump up for it and give the game another go. This time along with a fair amount of time spent on YouTube and other research locations I have been severely bitten by the bug and love the game to bits. It’s pretty much the only game I have played in June/July and I am completely and utterly hooked and already know I will be playing the game for some time to come!

I don’t mind playing the game alone especially since my favourite thing is exploring and it’s usually a lonely activity anyway but I feel as though I should maybe join a group and meet some other like-minded mature Xbox one players to start getting more out of the game over the coming months. I am not sure I like the idea of being shot at by NPC's more often because of joining a power but if I were to align myself with any power I think I feel closest to the Alliance and Edmond Mahon. They just seem the most libertarian left leaning power and more who my pilot would feel closest to. It’s a shame they don’t seem to offer the best of the in game benefits but I would rather be a part of something I feel closest to rather than join something purely for the in game benefits. If nothing else even if I don’t join a group or power or whatever I would at least like to get to know some fellow mature players especially those on the same time zone as me UK GMT. I have never even winged up with anyone else as all my current Xbox friends aren't into Elite apart from one but we never seem to be on at the same time. I have actually only even seen another player once when out bounty hunting. Despite playing in open most of the time I rarely see a soul! lol

I am currently out exploring in a DBX but I am close to the bubble. I have compiled a bucket list of all the black holes that are reasonably close by from various forum postings and I am hitting all those at the moment. At some point I would love to do a trip to Jacques and Sag A (once I have the funds to upgrade to an Asp with an SRV and an extra AFMU in it). I have also spent a bit of time Bounty hunting as I found it the quickest way to make money and I have a kitted out Vulture for that activity which I haven't had to strip down to fit out the DBX so that's ready to go again any time. I also have a type 6 but that's stripped at the moment and I plan to refit that again once I have the credits. I would like to end up with a fully kitted combat, trade and exploration ship and then once I have that I will look to upgrade them to better ships of course keeping one for each purpose. My Vulture and Type 6 are both docked at Raleigh Orbital in Ross 720 but I am happy to relocate if I find a group I want to join that are all set in one particular place.

Anyway I have rambled on enough now. If anyone wants an Xbox One friend from the UK that usually plays around the same time (usually sometime after 10pm gmt till around midnight and kinda random at weekends depending on what im up to) then send me an FR or a message about your group or what not. My gamertag is Teddy Demon as well.

Cheers All
22 Jul 2016, 5:32pm
Greetings, just joined EXO today, and I'm eager to start exploring with other players(helps with the space madness). I stumbled across elite on Reddit while searching threads about No Man's Sky. As some may know No Man's Sky is Ps4 and PC exclusive, and I'm on Xbox one. People mentioned elite dangerous and oh boy when I loaded up into the first tutorial level, I was instantly aroused.

After taking a long 3 month break from it, in light of all the posts about 2.1 and the new AI. Coming back to this game really solidified what roles I wanted to play, the less dangerous ones such as Mining and Exploration. Mining is still a grey area for me as I don't have any ships fully dedicated to mining( adder doesn't really get the job done), but I'm all ears for more experienced miners and what they have to say. I enjoy the dankest of memes, and the longest of dick jokes.

CMDR Le Walrus out o7
23 Jul 2016, 9:54am
G-day mates, Names CMDR Blak, recently and still currently part with another powerplay faction group called AIslings Angels, good group for what it is, but a bit quiet and hard to get involved with other players as instance issues always happen. So thus i am here, looking to join some fellow ANZAC's where i am able to chat, and play with other Aussies and Kiwi's with out having to jump in and out of space to get into the right instance.
24 Jul 2016, 9:19pm
Hola a todos, alguien por aqui que necesite wing?
26 Jul 2016, 10:32pm
BlakG-day mates, Names CMDR Blak, recently and still currently

G'day CMDR - I am also in your time zone. Playing with LHB/GOM out of Zelano
Will look out for you and hail if you are in reach

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