
26 Jul 2016, 10:43pm
Le WalrusGreetings, just joined EXO today, and I'm eager to start exploring with other players(helps with the space madness). I stumbled across elite on Reddit while searching threads about No Man's Sky. As some may know No Man's Sky is Ps4 and PC exclusive, and I'm on Xbox one. People mentioned elite dangerous and oh boy when I loaded up into the first tutorial level, I was instantly aroused.

After taking a long 3 month break from it, in light of all the posts about 2.1 and the new AI. Coming back to this game really solidified what roles I wanted to play, the less dangerous ones such as Mining and Exploration. Mining is still a grey area for me as I don't have any ships fully dedicated to mining( adder doesn't really get the job done), but I'm all ears for more experienced miners and what they have to say. I enjoy the dankest of memes, and the longest of dick jokes.

CMDR Le Walrus out o7

Also on Xbox look me up Silverdrake220 will help out all I can
27 Jul 2016, 3:32am
I just joined looking for a fun experience I play on xbox one still a newbie to it but a awesome game
27 Jul 2016, 6:52am
Just signed up on the site hoping to link up with some of you in game on Xbox. Been playing on and off for about 5 months. Stick to Conflict Zones in my Viper MKIII and Trade Routes in my Type 6. Always looking to play with other CMDRs. My gamer tag is the same as my profile name. Feel free to add me.

Last edit: 27 Jul 2016, 7:22am
27 Jul 2016, 9:06am
Hello Commanders!

I left Dahan Gateway some two weeks ago, for my very first trip in the black space. I've spend 40 years of my life between Dahan, Asellus Primus, Morgor, and other nearest neighbourgs to get enough money to be able to buy a Cobra MKIV and reach the lonelyness of outer space. And now, well, I'm there, in the outser space. Far, far away from my lovely Dahan station. Somewhere between nowhere to my right, and another nowhere else to my left. Behind me I see, well, nothing. And if front of me, a space where no man has gone before. Probably. Up to now I've done more the 150 jumps since my departure, all between 14 and 18 LY. Switching from an unknown system to another.

At the beginning I've had my deal of pirates’ fights when leaving the known world, but I managed to survive. Somehow. My shields are at max, my hull integrity above 95%, which is not bad, and only my landing computer has been damaged below 50%. It doesn't feel so bad, after all.

The only problem is...well, looking around me, it seems as if I don't know what path I took to arrive here, not what path to take to go further. In other words...


More seriously, hi and nice to meet you all. I'm 40, playing from Belgium, and am looking for some advice on how to get out of the trop I've dig myself. There's a place I'd like to go to, but it's still more than 18.000 LY away, and seeing how hard it was to navigate the first 2.000 LY, I doubt I'll arrive there alive :/

Furthermore, I would really be interested in testing a "voice chat team play" of Elite. So if anyone would be interested in taking me under his wings, it would be really appreciated ^^ I mean, if I arrive at my destination first…

PS: I'm playing on PC, using a X52 Pro, and soon (I hope) a VR helmet.
27 Jul 2016, 12:42pm
Hi All

I am CMDR Gruffta on the PC and CMDR GruffJustice on the xbox. Playing Horizons in the UK timezone.

Got a few friends on the xbox but haven't met anyone who plays the PC version yet.

Currently working on my fed rank and bobbing around in a dropship which really isn't as bad as most make out.
28 Jul 2016, 1:43am
Hi, I am just popping in to say a big hello to all you cmdrs out there in the dark void. Been on Elite Dangerous Horizons for about 6 months now and wanna get in on the wing action. Sorry about he name but it started as a joke, that has come back to bite me in the ass...

Looking to do a bit of everything as on here most of the time. Wishing you all the very best of Luck

If you fancy a blast then look me up. Thanks...

31 Jul 2016, 7:21pm
Greetings all, I am a small time Cmdr flying out of Ez Aquarii I seem to have lost a fellow Cmdr and am also trying to grow a combat squadron to patrol the galaxy and explore. I am just getting back into Elite after a month away so if there is anybody on Xbox looking for people contact me. GT is the same as my Inara user

-Cmdr Green
31 Jul 2016, 8:43pm
GreenArrowC67Greetings all, I am a small time Cmdr flying out of Ez Aquarii I seem to have lost a fellow Cmdr and am also trying to grow a combat squadron to patrol the galaxy and explore. I am just getting back into Elite after a month away so if there is anybody on Xbox looking for people contact me. GT is the same as my Inara user

-Cmdr Green
look me up on quite a bit still learning only been playing just over a month GT silverdrake220
01 Aug 2016, 5:34pm
Hello all, just signed up on the site...been playing ED since public Beta on PC. I quit playing for some time because it was just getting boring. Sites like this have me back in the game and working on my PP. Commander name in game is DLocke and you can usually find me hanging out around Eotienses. I also have the XBox version i bought while spending some couch time recovering from a battle with cancer(kicked its ass) but hardly ever play it since I have a HOTAS for the PC. I would love to get in a wing with some fellow commanders that fly in the Eastern time zone. Fly Safe
01 Aug 2016, 9:33pm
[quote=DLocke ....PC. I would love to get in a wing with some fellow commanders that fly in the Eastern time zone. Fly Safe[/quote]

Welcome to LHB / GOM
I am in UTC plus 10 hrs does that equate to your Eastern TZ ?

See you in the black
02 Aug 2016, 1:55pm
Hello fellow CMDRS. I have been playing ED for 1 year now after stumbling over a web related blog. I first played Elite back in 1985, a mate had it and so I forked out 500 quid for a Commodore 64 just to play Elite. I was hooked then and once again I find myself hooked. I love this game even though I gripe massively on the Forum threads. I only joined INARA a few days ago and I am soo looking forward to hopefully flying in wing with some fellow CMDRS.

I play in the Perth Time Zone (AWST) and I play most evenings and weekends. Having said that, my current work location means I am unable to play for the next few weeks, although this is a very unusual scenario for me.

The singular most standout feature of playing this game is the passion of the player base. I am constantly amazed of the ideas and work put in by other players, that is then shared for everyone, is literally staggering. Most of what I read that other players have developed and then shared blows me away on a regular basis.

I have several ships, some well modified thanks to our Engineers, and when able, I will be very happy to support any other CMDRS in Wing out in the black.

Good luck.

CMDR Merango IV
02 Aug 2016, 3:47pm
DLocke I also have the XBox version i bought while spending some couch time recovering from a battle with cancer(kicked its ass)

Damn dude fuck yeah. Ultimate npc out there- and ya beat it.
04 Aug 2016, 9:17pm
MerangoivHello fellow CMDRS. I have been playing ED for 1 year now after stumbling over a web related blog. I first played Elite back in 1985, a mate had it and so I forked out 500 quid for a Commodore 64 just to play Elite.  I play in the Perth Time Zone (AWST) and I play most evenings and weekends


G'day - Me too, started on the 48 k Spectrum, and at last we can land on planets

I am in AEST time zone
Currently earning rep in Sol but usually play in Zelano on LHB / GOM missions

Will check for you in a couple of weeks for a fly by

CU in the black
05 Aug 2016, 12:22pm
Tejjets[quote=Merangoiv]Hello fellow CMDRS. I have been playing ED for 1 year now after stumbling over a web related blog. I first played Elite back in 1985, a mate had it and so I forked out 500 quid for a Commodore 64 just to play Elite.  I play in the Perth Time Zone (AWST) and I play most evenings and weekends


G'day - Me too, started on the 48 k Spectrum, and at last we can land on planets

I am in AEST time zone
Currently earning rep in Sol but usually play in Zelano on LHB / GOM missions

Will check for you in a couple of weeks for a fly by

CU in the black

Look forward to it - stay safe
05 Aug 2016, 11:30pm
Hello Commanders. I've been registered here for quite some time now, but never introduced myself. Cmdr Mathias Shallowgrave, Grand Hetman of The Winged Hussars May the Space treat you well, Commanders.

I have a question - how can I contact owners of this service, anybody knows? Thanks!

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