
04 Sep 2016, 12:43pm
Ewa TruszczyńskaHi everyone. I recently found this site and been enjoying it a lot - it is amazing! I stumbled onto Commander's Jennifer Shepard logs and I felt inspired by her to start a new pilot and my own logbook

Nice to meet you everyone!

04 Sep 2016, 5:41pm

CMDR Pharocles here, saying howdy from the black. I've been playing the game about 65 hours now, and trying to dip my toes into everything the game has to offer. If anyone wants to wing up, let me know!
04 Sep 2016, 9:37pm

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
04 Sep 2016, 10:12pm
Interesting bunch-a new jacks here. Welcome. I expect I shall be seeing some of you in the bar?
04 Sep 2016, 11:23pm
So i have been on this site for a little over a month now and thought i should finally introduce myself.

I have been playing elite dangerous since July 9th of last year with a few month long breaks in between. I think i have about 800 to 900 hours in game, i honestly am not sure because of horizons becoming a season pass. Elite dangerous has to be my favorite game i have played and i can see myself playing it past the time the last expansion comes out (hopefully it survives that long). I very much prefer the Federation over the Empire because of the lore and ships. Also, just recently, i have started to make more of an effort to make contact with other commanders instead of ignoring them completely, hopefully ill see some of you guys out there!

Anyways, Its nice to see how friendly the community is here.
05 Sep 2016, 9:56am
Miranda "FifthStreet" SaxonSo i have been on this site for a little over a month now and thought i should finally introduce myself...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
06 Sep 2016, 11:11pm
06 Sep 2016, 11:13pm
hello there comrade
06 Sep 2016, 11:14pm

Hello commander, and welcome.
07 Sep 2016, 12:01am
CMDR GeneralCrust, reporting for duty!
07 Sep 2016, 8:09am
GeneralCrustCMDR GeneralCrust, reporting for duty!

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
07 Sep 2016, 10:30am
Greetings, Commanders. I would leave a business card, but I assume this is not the proper ocasion, nor it would be the proper fashion for a professional of my lineage. Therefore, I'll say: Glad to be here. Looking foward to meet some of you!
07 Sep 2016, 10:46am
WooroobooGreetings, Commanders...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
07 Sep 2016, 2:48pm
GeneralCrustCMDR GeneralCrust, reporting for duty!

o7 Welcome!
08 Sep 2016, 2:39pm
Just signed up and logged my info. Glad to be here fellow CMDRs. o7

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