
10 Sep 2016, 4:17pm
Marra Morgan
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.

Absolutely. I'd be lost without my flightstick.

Not sure when ill be able to invest into one of those, i think my wallet is crying right now at those price tags ($399.99 for a decent looking one here x.x) but ill keep that in mind if i can find a cheaper one for sure!

Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X - fantastic value for money!

I take it you use dollars? You can get one on Amazon for around $50

ooo! Its still $70 here but thats much better than like $400 I will for sure look into that one!
10 Sep 2016, 5:54pm
Hello CMDRs,

I'm new here, so there goes me introduction:

Name: Irie 3030
Race: interesting
Sex: not the same
Status: ass-kissing Feds for the possibility of a [significant?] fleet upgrade...

Profile: Introvert Loner but open-minded, sick & tired of politics - conversational if the time is right.. I like to think of myself as a friendly person, but my business is nothing of interest to most people outside my circle.
However, i recently find myself winging up with an old comrade that finally got his Pilot's Federation License. Helped him getting started and showing him what's what, returning an old favor if you wanna say so... Then again, he always been in my circle, even way back in the war, standing side by side... Anyways, i digress..

Happy to meet ya'll!
10 Sep 2016, 6:00pm
Welcome Irie 3030.
10 Sep 2016, 7:52pm
Irie 3030Hello CMDRs,

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
11 Sep 2016, 8:20am
Welcome new CMDRs, hope to see you out in the black soon!
11 Sep 2016, 9:31pm
Hi everyone, not new but making myself known on Inara.
I fly for Aisling Duval and the rest of the Empire and I'm a member of the Galactic Combat Initiative.
11 Sep 2016, 9:31pm
Oh no. Aescwulf is here. All hide!
11 Sep 2016, 9:33pm
oh damn hi Becci. It's like its a small Elite world O_O
11 Sep 2016, 9:38pm
Nah, I'm just everywhere xD
11 Sep 2016, 9:40pm
Becci really is everywhere, always watchin', makin' sure us Imps aren't up to anything sneaky.
11 Sep 2016, 10:12pm
AescwulfHi everyone, not new but making myself known on Inara...

Hello commander, and welcome.

It would appear that your reputation goes before you. Is that a good thing...?

Take care out there.
12 Sep 2016, 8:21am
Jemine Caesar
AescwulfHi everyone, not new but making myself known on Inara...

Hello commander, and welcome.

It would appear that your reputation goes before you. Is that a good thing...?

Take care out there.

Me and Becci have spoke on discord a few times. I dont really have a reputation.

And thank's for the welcome.
13 Sep 2016, 11:31am
Hoi Commanders. Kyzrath here, saying hallo to those who care and also those who don't.
13 Sep 2016, 11:32am
KyzrathHoi Commanders. Kyzrath here, saying hallo to those who care and also those who don't.

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
13 Sep 2016, 12:32pm
KyzrathHoi Commanders. Kyzrath here, saying hallo to those who care and also those who don't.

Welcome Kyzrath

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