
06 Apr 2021, 9:47am
Welkom terug / Welcome back o7
08 Apr 2021, 8:50pm
Prins HugoHello fellow cmdr's,

I'm returning to Elite after being away for almost 35 years. Played the game years ago on an Acorn Electron and enjoyed it a lot.
Now I'm back playing Elite Dangerous, and I must say, the world has changed, but is also still the same.

Name: Prins Hugo
Language: Dutch / English

Have a save flight,
Prins Hugo


Also returned after similar time too, on the bbc micro. The galaxy is amazing now and the information from CMDRs and the Inara site is so helpful.

I think I went to the main forum thread 1st originally and missed the introductions thread oops.

And welcome all new CMDRs o7
10 Apr 2021, 4:05am
Hello, I am Commander Coleton. I've just started playing a little less than two weeks ago, though I've bought and owned the base game years ago. That being said, I love the concept of exploration. I always have, and recently I've had my start at making credits through mostly accomplishing Data Curior missions. I mainly play Solo, however, once I make some closer friends, I wouldn't mind doing Private Sessions with them. My goal is to build a group of like-minded friends and establish what I call "The Exploration Committee" and finally once I am in a position to actually offer viable and valuable assistance to others without the need to rely on them at all, I will move on to Open Play.

And always remember to travel far, and to always keep your eyes open for new opportunities to explore to your heart's content.

That is all fellow commanders, over and out.
10 Apr 2021, 5:36am
ColetonHello, I am Commander Coleton. I've just started playing a little less than two weeks ago, though I've bought and owned the base game years ago. That being said, I love the concept of exploration. I always have, and recently I've had my start at making credits through mostly accomplishing Data Curior missions. I mainly play Solo, however, once I make some closer friends, I wouldn't mind doing Private Sessions with them. My goal is to build a group of like-minded friends and establish what I call "The Exploration Committee" and finally once I am in a position to actually offer viable and valuable assistance to others without the need to rely on them at all, I will move on to Open Play.

And always remember to travel far, and to always keep your eyes open for new opportunities to explore to your heart's content.

That is all fellow commanders, over and out.

Hello and welcome. Have fun! o7
10 Apr 2021, 11:09am
Clover Shaw
ColetonHello, I am Commander Coleton. I've just started playing a little less than two weeks ago, though I've bought and owned the base game years ago. That being said, I love the concept of exploration. I always have, and recently I've had my start at making credits through mostly accomplishing Data Curior missions. I mainly play Solo, however, once I make some closer friends, I wouldn't mind doing Private Sessions with them. My goal is to build a group of like-minded friends and establish what I call "The Exploration Committee" and finally once I am in a position to actually offer viable and valuable assistance to others without the need to rely on them at all, I will move on to Open Play.

And always remember to travel far, and to always keep your eyes open for new opportunities to explore to your heart's content.

That is all fellow commanders, over and out.

Hello and welcome. Have fun! o7

Welcome and good luck Cmdr-)o7.
10 Apr 2021, 12:42pm
Guardsman Z
Clover Shaw
ColetonHello, I am Commander Coleton. I've just started playing a little less than two weeks ago, though I've bought and owned the base game years ago. That being said, I love the concept of exploration. I always have, and recently I've had my start at making credits through mostly accomplishing Data Curior missions. I mainly play Solo, however, once I make some closer friends, I wouldn't mind doing Private Sessions with them. My goal is to build a group of like-minded friends and establish what I call "The Exploration Committee" and finally once I am in a position to actually offer viable and valuable assistance to others without the need to rely on them at all, I will move on to Open Play.

And always remember to travel far, and to always keep your eyes open for new opportunities to explore to your heart's content.

That is all fellow commanders, over and out.

Hello and welcome. Have fun! o7

Welcome and good luck Cmdr-)o7.

Thank you, may we cross paths in Open during an exploration or two in the future.
10 Apr 2021, 4:57pm
Greetings fellow pilots,

I am returning to Elite Dangerous once again, having played on and off since 2016, sometimes starting afresh and sometimes just continuing on with a different theme. This time the focus is on being social... hence my Inara debut!

So far this run looks promising:

New HOSAS setup!
New Squadron... hopefully it takes off!
New Tool to help VR gameplay.... hopefully that takes off too!

And I refurbished my old devblog to support it all.

This could go spectacularly well or simply crash and burn like a sidewinder in a distant unmapped system. Wish me luck!
10 Apr 2021, 10:24pm
TheCephHello, this is a broadcast from The Triglaive Collective, we are here to murder all of you, if you are not part of the triglaive you are against it. Good luck surviving us. Apply if you wish, the bar is too high anyways for 99% of you to clear. If you make it to my disscord, then you are a peon of our forces and may begin your formal training. but to get there, you must prove yourself to be a relentless murdering machine, The Triglaive Collective, does not need money , loot , or glory , we are here to make you explode if you are not on our side, nothing more nothing less.

yours truly, The Ceph

Stick to Eve mate, the Triglavian Collective ain't anywhere near the Milky Way.
10 Apr 2021, 10:59pm
Don't feed him. He's a known troll.
10 Apr 2021, 11:50pm
LordPsymonDon't feed him. He's a known troll.

Yeah, the best defense is ignoring.
10 Apr 2021, 11:58pm
Synthya Wylder
LordPsymonDon't feed him. He's a known troll.

Yeah, the best defense is ignoring.

I thought the best defense was blocking
14 Apr 2021, 12:10pm
I am returning from a long time off. I was on the PC, now it's the PS4, non pro. Before my haiatus, I was working on bounty hunting. I still am f working on that, but I want to learn FAOFF. Friday I should have my HOTAS 4, so the new controller and FAOFF ideas going to slow me down a little.

I watched a could YouTube videos on practice. Mostly, unlearn what I have leaned about flying! Any other advice is welcomed.
14 Apr 2021, 6:16pm
BN ArmyHello.
I am returning from a long time off. I was on the PC, now it's the PS4, non pro. Before my haiatus, I was working on bounty hunting. I still am f working on that, but I want to learn FAOFF. Friday I should have my HOTAS 4, so the new controller and FAOFF ideas going to slow me down a little.

I watched a could YouTube videos on practice. Mostly, unlearn what I have leaned about flying! Any other advice is welcomed.

You seem to be doing all the right things there, Cmdr. FA-off flying is very much a ‘hands on’ learning curve. The only advice I could proffer is: have FA-off on a ‘toggle’ mode, so you can switch on/off quickly. I have found FA-off a must-have skill for fast boosted turns in combat, and for making yourself a more difficult target. However I tend to toggle it on/off according to need and that needs practice to learn when - and when not to!
19 Apr 2021, 7:38am
Hello all,

Relatively new to ED, been flying for a little while now. Mostly solo after being ganked, looking to meet new people and exploring new places in Elite.

hope to see you out there!
19 Apr 2021, 8:42am
ShanistaHello all,

Relatively new to ED, been flying for a little while now. Mostly solo after being ganked, looking to meet new people and exploring new places in Elite.

hope to see you out there!

Welcome fellow Fatherhooder! o7

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