
07 Oct 2016, 1:29pm
Name: kellakind (rl:sascha)
Race: against time?
Sex: i like sex... with girls! ^^
Status: making friends with the empty space

basically im from ger/hamburg so u can write also in german. ... if u want to talk with me ;P
07 Oct 2016, 1:33pm
kellakindName: kellakind (rl:sascha)...

Hello commander, and welcome.
08 Oct 2016, 6:53am
Hello CMDRs o/

finally i found this great website as i was looking for some infos for elite . Playing now around 1 year and get horizons a week ago , so mostly i doing planet exploration at the moment.

Name: Xelec' with these thing> ' at the end not this > but this '
Race: sometimes if im late
Sex: long time ago last time...i think it was yesterday
Status: some where on a planet searching for aliens getting some coffe now

Feel free to add me here or ingame , maybe doing some explorations together or just doing what needs to get some credits. Im speaking/understanding english good and german better.Sometimes i dont understand my wife maybe shes an alien or not english or german (?)

Fly safe o7
08 Oct 2016, 8:35am
Xelec'Hello CMDRs...

Hello commander, and welcome.
08 Oct 2016, 1:43pm
Xelec'Hello CMDRs o/

finally i found this great website as i was looking for some infos for elite . Playing now around 1 year and get horizons a week ago , so mostly i doing planet exploration at the moment.

Name: Xelec' with these thing> ' at the end not this > but this '
Race: sometimes if im late
Sex: long time ago last time...i think it was yesterday
Status: some where on a planet searching for aliens getting some coffe now

Feel free to add me here or ingame , maybe doing some explorations together or just doing what needs to get some credits. Im speaking/understanding english good and german better.Sometimes i dont understand my wife maybe shes an alien or not english or german (?)

Fly safe o7

And what's with the Name Race Sex Status thing?
08 Oct 2016, 1:51pm
Stryker Aune
Xelec'Hello CMDRs o/

finally i found this great website as i was looking for some infos for elite . Playing now around 1 year and get horizons a week ago , so mostly i doing planet exploration at the moment.

Name: Xelec' with these thing> ' at the end not this > but this '
Race: sometimes if im late
Sex: long time ago last time...i think it was yesterday
Status: some where on a planet searching for aliens getting some coffe now

Feel free to add me here or ingame , maybe doing some explorations together or just doing what needs to get some credits. Im speaking/understanding english good and german better.Sometimes i dont understand my wife maybe shes an alien or not english or german (?)

Fly safe o7

And what's with the Name Race Sex Status thing?

08 Oct 2016, 2:02pm
Stryker Aune
Xelec'Hello CMDRs o/

finally i found this great website as i was looking for some infos for elite . Playing now around 1 year and get horizons a week ago , so mostly i doing planet exploration at the moment.

Name: Xelec' with these thing> ' at the end not this > but this '
Race: sometimes if im late
Sex: long time ago last time...i think it was yesterday
Status: some where on a planet searching for aliens getting some coffe now

Feel free to add me here or ingame , maybe doing some explorations together or just doing what needs to get some credits. Im speaking/understanding english good and german better.Sometimes i dont understand my wife maybe shes an alien or not english or german (?)

Fly safe o7

And what's with the Name Race Sex Status thing?


Not really, it's getting old. The joke has run its course.
08 Oct 2016, 4:39pm
Let's be honest. That joke was old back in 1998 when people were doing it on
09 Oct 2016, 1:19am
Reminds me of AOL days.
09 Oct 2016, 4:03am
Brrrrrzzzzzeeeerrggggh, bagang, bagang........ You got mail.....

The 90's, when internet chat rooms were all the rage........wait a sec......*gives the discord link button a dubious look.*

Last edit: 09 Oct 2016, 1:00pm
09 Oct 2016, 5:09pm
12 Oct 2016, 9:20am
Hello everyone,

great to finally be here. I was looking for a community site like this for quite a while. Awesome website. Great design and huge amount of features. Anyway, here is my introduction:

Name: Sebastian Foerster
Callsign: R3tr0C4t
Sex: Male
Status: Freelancing in Federation space around Eravate mostly with my Asp Explorer and saving up for a Python for PowerPlay

Just accepted an invite by the Paladins to join their wing, so I'm looking forward to fly with some of you guys soon. I'm always happy to meet new people and didn't have a cooperative experience except for CGs in ED yet, so just give me a holler if you feel like hanging out. You can often find me on the lanes to or docking in Cleve and Jenner Hub.


12 Oct 2016, 9:48am
R3tr0C4tHello everyone,

great to finally be here...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
14 Oct 2016, 10:04am
R3tr0C4tHello everyone,

great to finally be here. I was looking for a community site like this for quite a while. Awesome website. Great design and huge amount of features. Anyway, here is my introduction:

Name: Sebastian Foerster
Callsign: R3tr0C4t
Sex: Male
Status: Freelancing in Federation space around Eravate mostly with my Asp Explorer and saving up for a Python for PowerPlay

Just accepted an invite by the Paladins to join their wing, so I'm looking forward to fly with some of you guys soon. I'm always happy to meet new people and didn't have a cooperative experience except for CGs in ED yet, so just give me a holler if you feel like hanging out. You can often find me on the lanes to or docking in Cleve and Jenner Hub.



Welcome, now get out of Eravate and come see us in LFT 37!
14 Oct 2016, 1:00pm
Xeknos, god, you made me feel old with that noise. I still remember having to listen to that to connect to the internet.

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