Elite: General talk

27 Nov 2020, 6:37pm
A simple improvemento of the crime and punishment mechanics could be a simple and viable solutions.

Said that, just a good friday and good week end to any Cmdrs
27 Nov 2020, 6:56pm
I have taken to sticking to Solo since my last ganking, I venture into Open if I am at some key event or community goal where I may be able to "wing up" with people. Mobius doesn't really appeal to me because I wouldn't mind attempting some PvP at some point...
27 Nov 2020, 7:01pm
Seth BradwellI have taken to sticking to Solo since my last ganking, I venture into Open if I am at some key event or community goal where I may be able to "wing up" with people. Mobius doesn't really appeal to me because I wouldn't mind attempting some PvP at some point...

I'm not a member of Mobius, but I seem to recall that consensual PvP is acceptable. Perhaps a member of Mobius would care to confirm the details re: PvP?
27 Nov 2020, 7:05pm
Synthya Wylder
Seth BradwellI have taken to sticking to Solo since my last ganking, I venture into Open if I am at some key event or community goal where I may be able to "wing up" with people. Mobius doesn't really appeal to me because I wouldn't mind attempting some PvP at some point...

I'm not a member of Mobius, but I seem to recall that consensual PvP is acceptable. Perhaps a member of Mobius would care to confirm the details re: PvP?

I keep intending to "get gud", even if that means just being able to high wake away whilst dodging a ganker's attacks for now...
27 Nov 2020, 7:10pm
I don't know where people get the idea that open is ruined by gankers and otherwise deserted. I've met a good amount of CMDRs and got blown up a grand total of 4 times, 1 of which my noob ass tried hunting the killer down alongside about 30 others in a shitty Anaconda. So 1 out of those 4 times it was entirely my fault for getting ahead of myself. If I have to sometimes look for the gankers to get myself killed, I'm not sorry it's not a big issue.
27 Nov 2020, 7:57pm
Igneel PrimeI don't know where people get the idea that open is ruined by gankers and otherwise deserted. I've met a good amount of CMDRs and got blown up a grand total of 4 times, 1 of which my noob ass tried hunting the killer down alongside about 30 others in a shitty Anaconda. So 1 out of those 4 times it was entirely my fault for getting ahead of myself. If I have to sometimes look for the gankers to get myself killed, I'm not sorry it's not a big issue.

Probably people flying tin cans through shipping lanes in high pop systems.

I have like 1k hours in and like you, have been blown up 3 times. Once in a CG, one i went looking for myself, and one at an engineer.

What i learned. Be careful in CGs. Dont go attacking people if you arent min/maxed. If engineering my tin can DBX be careful of my surroundings. Fly above or below shipping lanes. If a player with hardpoints extended is lining up behind you, jump system.

Got interdicted once after that with 165t of painite but they didnt manage to get through my shields. Hopped through 2 systems and all was ok.
27 Nov 2020, 8:12pm
Igneel PrimeI don't know where people get the idea that open is ruined by gankers and otherwise deserted. I've met a good amount of CMDRs and got blown up a grand total of 4 times, 1 of which my noob ass tried hunting the killer down alongside about 30 others in a shitty Anaconda. So 1 out of those 4 times it was entirely my fault for getting ahead of myself. If I have to sometimes look for the gankers to get myself killed, I'm not sorry it's not a big issue.

Probably people flying tin cans through shipping lanes in high pop systems.

I have like 1k hours in and like you, have been blown up 3 times. Once in a CG, one i went looking for myself, and one at an engineer.

What i learned. Be careful in CGs. Dont go attacking people if you arent min/maxed. If engineering my tin can DBX be careful of my surroundings. Fly above or below shipping lanes. If a player with hardpoints extended is lining up behind you, jump system.

Got interdicted once after that with 165t of painite but they didnt manage to get through my shields. Hopped through 2 systems and all was ok.

Not sure about the order anymore but got killed...

by an FDL in while in a Haz res with a friend, both of us in PVE Anacondas and on top of that there were instancing issues
doing passenger runs with a Beluga during the gold rush. Had a docking computer back then so that might've been the ganker's excuse
visiting Sol for the first time after unlocking the permit minding my own business when suddenly Cutter
and the before mentioned case of which some might remember the story of a small group of 2-4 people ganking AX pilots a lot and eventually having 30+ CMDRs chasing them.
27 Nov 2020, 8:24pm
Yeah, I recall reading a good while ago - can't recall whether it was here in Inara or in system chat - 1 or more others calling for anyone equipped with an advanced docking computer to be ganked...

My response to those who might be moaning over the dearth of players in Open...

Go fuck yerself.
27 Nov 2020, 10:18pm
Synthya Wylder
Seth BradwellI have taken to sticking to Solo since my last ganking, I venture into Open if I am at some key event or community goal where I may be able to "wing up" with people. Mobius doesn't really appeal to me because I wouldn't mind attempting some PvP at some point...

I'm not a member of Mobius, but I seem to recall that consensual PvP is acceptable. Perhaps a member of Mobius would care to confirm the details re: PvP?

PvP is strictly not allowed in Mobius, even if it is by consent of both players.  It is too easy for someone to twist that by one or the other claiming after the fact that consent was not given.  If players want to PvP, easy enough to switch out to Open.
27 Nov 2020, 10:34pm
I have been ganked exactly once in my... I don't even know how long in ED. I've been pirated by players before, I've been attacked and fought back or ran - but ganked - unprovoked and overpowering attack with not a warning, not a pretext and nothing but the intent to be sent to the rebuy screen for no other reason than that - ONCE.

It was when I bought my first Cutter and was running around getting all the A rated modules I wanted. I couldn't find the last few in LRY space and so I went to Shinrarta, in Open, and I got jumped the INSTANT I arrived in the system. It was inexplicable how fast it happened. Before I could point myself at the station, I was out of supercruise. Before my FSD cooled down, my shields were gone. Two engineered FDLs, before I did any engineering on my brand new and expensive ship. I barely got into SC again, and jumped out of the system with 14% hull. Came back in Solo.

The speed with which it happened has always bothered me. I'm not big into PvP, but this was unnatural. I don't accuse people of cheating much, but that is a more credible explanaiton to me that merely superlative skill. But whatever - lesson learned.

Ganking isn't a problem in Elite. I does not need a harsher in-game penalty for those who do it. This game has a massive learning curve, and how not to get ganked is one of those skills best learned early. Failure to learn it is, IMO, not the fault of the game.

Ganking is RUDE as hell. It is inconsiderate at least and pathological and sadistic a worst. Some people do it for sport. Some people can only get feel like they're getting some sense of control in life by taking it out on others. The psycho-sociological discussion of it is an attempt at gainins some control over something that is beyond the gankees sphere of direct influence.

Learning to avoid gankers and still managing to enjoy the game is as important a skill as fuel scooping without cooking yourself, and landing on a high G large pad without becoming a pancake. This is one of those mini-games which can only be won by not playing. There's no score to settle, and no stripes to be earned. And devoting energy to dissecting it in discussion is similarly a mis-spend of resources.
27 Nov 2020, 11:06pm
Synthya Wylder
Seth BradwellI have taken to sticking to Solo since my last ganking, I venture into Open if I am at some key event or community goal where I may be able to "wing up" with people. Mobius doesn't really appeal to me because I wouldn't mind attempting some PvP at some point...

I'm not a member of Mobius, but I seem to recall that consensual PvP is acceptable. Perhaps a member of Mobius would care to confirm the details re: PvP?

PvP is strictly not allowed in Mobius, even if it is by consent of both players.  It is too easy for someone to twist that by one or the other claiming after the fact that consent was not given.  If players want to PvP, easy enough to switch out to Open.

I would have thought that would have been very hard to enforce if it was true.

James HussarI have been ganked exactly once in my... I don't even know how long in ED. I've been pirated by players before, I've been attacked and fought back or ran - but ganked - unprovoked and overpowering attack with not a warning, not a pretext and nothing but the intent to be sent to the rebuy screen for no other reason than that - ONCE.

It was when I bought my first Cutter and was running around getting all the A rated modules I wanted. I couldn't find the last few in LRY space and so I went to Shinrarta, in Open, and I got jumped the INSTANT I arrived in the system. It was inexplicable how fast it happened. Before I could point myself at the station, I was out of supercruise. Before my FSD cooled down, my shields were gone. Two engineered FDLs, before I did any engineering on my brand new and expensive ship. I barely got into SC again, and jumped out of the system with 14% hull. Came back in Solo.

The speed with which it happened has always bothered me. I'm not big into PvP, but this was unnatural. I don't accuse people of cheating much, but that is a more credible explanaiton to me that merely superlative skill. But whatever - lesson learned.

Ganking isn't a problem in Elite. I does not need a harsher in-game penalty for those who do it. This game has a massive learning curve, and how not to get ganked is one of those skills best learned early. Failure to learn it is, IMO, not the fault of the game.

Ganking is RUDE as hell. It is inconsiderate at least and pathological and sadistic a worst. Some people do it for sport. Some people can only get feel like they're getting some sense of control in life by taking it out on others. The psycho-sociological discussion of it is an attempt at gainins some control over something that is beyond the gankees sphere of direct influence.

Learning to avoid gankers and still managing to enjoy the game is as important a skill as fuel scooping without cooking yourself, and landing on a high G large pad without becoming a pancake. This is one of those mini-games which can only be won by not playing. There's no score to settle, and no stripes to be earned. And devoting energy to dissecting it in discussion is similarly a mis-spend of resources.

The two times I have been ganked were at community goals - first was back during the Emperor's Dawn stuff when someone was RPing being pro-Emperor's Dawn, I was in a Cobra at the time and it wasn't even a minute between interdiction and rebuy. The last time was a few weeks ago courtesy of Dangerous dot com at the LTT 1935 CG, apparently not being of the Kumo Crew made me fair game. However I will take partial blame by being overzealous with the filtering on the nav panel, I hadn't filtered stars but I had filtered systems, preventing me from high waking. Also I really should learn to not keep moving in a straight line, no matter how close I am to getting out of weapons range.

I may get myself a smaller ship with negligible rebuy cost to start practising PvP and gank avoidance in. After all, they say the best defence is to "get gud". They will still be annoying AF and contrary to the spirit of the game, even if it's all within the rules.
27 Nov 2020, 11:09pm
Effie Trinket
We need an Anti-Gank Squad.

No no, we need more impotent hang-wringing from sanctimonious idealists; it takes far less effort for those affected and much more fun for us observers to read.
27 Nov 2020, 11:27pm
M. LehmanPlayers are free to play in the mode that is best suited for them. I don't look down on people for doing so. Not everyone wants to risk PvP, and that's okay.

Still, I would take that magical and much-balleyhooed "40,000 people in Mobius" with a sack of salt. All that number means is that over the game's six years, 40,000 people have been accepted into that particular PG, not that there are that many in it at any given moment. Naturally I don't have accurate figures to go off of, but anecdotes about Mobius being a wasteland are definitely out there, and a year or two back the devs revealed that open was the most popular mode by a significant margin. This suggests to me that gankers do not, in fact, drive people out of open in any significant quantity, despite ongoing claims that they have/do/will.

Also, your experience with flying to a ganker hotspot has been consistent with mine. The ganking "problem" , in my view, is grossly overstated. In a way, this is understandable- a combat-averse person will scream to the heavens about the one time they were pulled from supercruise and attacked while never mentioning the thousand times they weren't.

Please stop conflating ganking with PvP, it's offensive.

As I said (and again, you did not pay attention), the problem I'm talking about involves a tiny minority of players who spend all their in-game time sitting at a few key locations and waiting for soft targets that haven't yet had a chance to climb over the engineering grindwall. I am known to have taken a balanced viewpoint on ganking in the past because the game would be boring without challenges, but even I find it hard to defend the latest "baby seal clubbing" trend, precisely because there is no challenge in it whatsoever. It's boring as fuck, and I do believe that people who take enjoyment out of popping Sidewinders for seven days straight have serious mental issues. (Yes, Tony, I'm looking at you now.)

Of course, the proper PvP response would be to dogpile on the perpetrators and drive them out of the system, but the game's instancing, which seems designed to prevent stalking, makes that pretty much impossible. (Which is ironic because Tony used to be a stream sniper himself, back in the day when he was entertaining.)
27 Nov 2020, 11:33pm
Please stop conflating ganking with PvP, it's offensive.

Ganking is some Players versus another Player.

Seems pretty much PvP to me.
27 Nov 2020, 11:34pm
Kari Kerenski
Please stop conflating ganking with PvP, it's offensive.

Ganking is some Players versus another Player.

Seems pretty much PvP to me.

ganking is pvp but not all pvp is ganking.

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