Elite: General talk

29 Nov 2020, 5:17pm
Synthya WylderNow, with all the recent advancements in discoveries & knowledge of the solar system, galaxy & universe, we have a game that thanks to the advancement of computer technology, allows us the means to enjoy them.

I think someone here mentioned that Stellar Forge, the Elite Dangerous engine responsible for generating stuff, somewhat discovered TRAPPIST-1 before the official recognition discovery of that system happened. Not only its position was mostly accurate (although there was 1 or 2 light years of difference), but also it generated almost exact planetary configuration.
29 Nov 2020, 5:27pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

Getting good isn't really the case here. Engineering is the main issue, and - like I mentioned in one of my posts already - a lot of these players who play ED around few hours a week may and will be in disadvantage, because I doubt anyone who plays game for such a short amount of time would spend a few months (accordingly to their time basis) on engineering their PVP-capable ship, which is tedious and unrewarding to these players. Especially if PVP in Open is not the core activity, but more an add on to the entire game - and a lot of players have combat ships that are to last long in RES/CZ, not just to kill one player ship after interdicting it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:27pm
The first step should be made by Frontier by removing the ridiculous capping of bounties of players. CR lounry/transfer is far easier with FC...
I saw a reddit post today where one guy claims 124 mil of bounty by killing a ganker (names are excluded but you can easily find it on reddit). Of those 124mil, the bounty hunter got... 10mil. And how much kills the ganker made to accumulate such bounty?

PvP do not pay so people do not care or go for easy kill count by clubbing seals.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:30pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

Well, no. The best way is to get gut and avoid pvp and leave them to their misery. Sorry but I am not interested in flying meta builds and spinning around for 20-30 min just to prove whose "stick" is longer.

If the pvp is your thing yes, go and look for troubles. Else just build your ships properly and learn how to evede a gank.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:41pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:31pm
EpisparhThe first step should be made by Frontier by removing the ridiculous capping of bounties of players. CR lounry/transfer is far easier with FC...
I saw a reddit post today where one guy claims 124 mil of bounty by killing a ganker (names are excluded but you can easily find it on reddit). Of those 124mil, the bounty hunter got... 10mil. And how much kills the ganker made to accumulate such bounty?

PvP do not pay so people do not care or go for easy kill count by clubbing seals.

I know from my days back in EvE that gankers tend to see very high bounties on their heads as a trophy of sorts. "Hey look, see how much of an a-hole I am towards other players." and similar things along those lines.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:41pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:44pm
Aleksander MajjamGuys, it slipped my mind too, but I think Artie wants to keep gank talk in General and not in Game.

SakashiroOfftopic I get, but I have yet to figure out the distinction between game and general talk.

The idea is to keep the Game talk for things directly related to the gameplay. It means questions and tips for the gameplay like ship loadouts, where to mine things, how to explore, how to solve game issues, in-game events and so on and the General talk for things related to the game, but not necessarily to the gameplay itself, like the recent discussion about the ganking. I am aware it may feel a little bit vague and I am not exactly sure how to define it precisely without long and extensive examples, so I am open to suggestions.
29 Nov 2020, 6:09pm
M. LehmanCurious how the game keeps on not dying, then.

I'd love to see how ED would perform if solo and private groups didn't exist.

After all, PvP in ED is anything but hardcore. You die, you respawn in your ship, you lose 5% of your ship's value in credits. Big deal.

Compare that to Rust or Conan Exiles, for example. You die, you respawn literally naked. You have one chance to get your stuff back by looting your own corpse before it despawns. If you fail to do that before dying again, your stuff is gone. When you log out, your body remains in-world and can be killed and looted while you are away. Your base can be raided while you are offline. If Rust didn't have regular server wipes, those who arrived late in the game wouldn't have a chance to achieve any progress whatsoever. They'd just be ganked by the earlier players, again and again and again.

PvP in ED is a walk in the park by comparison since solo mode exists to protect new players until they can protect themselves. If Deciat could be entered only in open, we'd be looking at a very different game, targeting a very different demographic.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 6:19pm
29 Nov 2020, 6:27pm
guess they moved my post

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 11:05pm
29 Nov 2020, 7:16pm
kek , I just destroyed my 1st commander the poor sod rammed his cobra in my vette ... apparently I was a bit over 100m/s as well ... repairs from the station costed me 200k ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
29 Nov 2020, 7:28pm
Episparhkek , I just destroyed my 1st commander the poor sod rammed his cobra in my vette ... apparently I was a bit over 100m/s as well ... repairs from the station costed me 200k ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

More Mandh rammer-gankers or just an unfortunate circumstance? Hilarious either way lol
29 Nov 2020, 7:31pm
oh , definitely a rammer but most of my ships can get me out of station guns before the re-buy screen
29 Nov 2020, 7:32pm
That makes it so much better
29 Nov 2020, 7:41pm
not to mention that even the full re-buy of 42 mil is merely inconvenience for me
29 Nov 2020, 8:08pm
Amata Lirein
I know from my days back in EvE that gankers tend to see very high bounties on their heads as a trophy of sorts. "Hey look, see how much of an a-hole I am towards other players." and similar things along those lines.

As a current EVE player who enjoys the occasional gank-spree, I can tell you that the bounties are meaningless. They're just for the victim to feel that they've got some sort of recourse.
29 Nov 2020, 9:05pm
Look who just tried to gank me...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 11:05pm

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