Elite: General talk

02 Dec 2020, 6:59pm
Igneel Prime
Igneel PrimeWhat do you mean someone is shooting at my Cutter?

I think we tried that on Sunday. It was very ... non-interactive

Oh really? Krait and Python or Krait and Cutter? One was me trying to get to my friend who was already fighting someone else and the other time I noticed my own weapons being used against me which wouldn't have gone too well.

Krait and Python, if I remember correctly. I don't think we got through the Cutter's (not 100% sure if it was you, actually) first shield ring...
02 Dec 2020, 7:03pm
SakashiroI hate engineering!

I receive an invitation to PvP from a friend, and I'm like, yeah, why not? But then I'm like, oh wait, my ship is engineered to run away from PvP. It's not built to do well in a fight, it's all about avoiding the fight. So now I have a choice to:

a) use my ship for something it wasn't designed to do.
b) do what my ship does best, i.e. run away.
c) engineer a second ship for PvP, which will take a week at least.
d) use an unengineered ship and be at a disadvantage.
e) ask my friend to use an unengineered ship as well.

No good options here.

First, are you even interested in PvP?

If the intended matchup is way off (fully engineered Cutter vs your Courier), it will either be over before it starts, or you will probably have the most boring fight ever until the Courier gets within range of the Cutter's weapons, and then you will be dead quickly.

Options a) and d) sound okay. Have fun. Shoot stuff. Lean something. Die anyway. Rebuys are cheap.

Option b) sounds un-exciting in planned PvP.

Option c) would be a worthwhile exercise whether or not you PvP before then or not.

Option e) is a reasonable choice. In my very limited PvP experience, planned engagements like that are generally subject to some kind of agreement ("no premium ammo", etc). Our squadron sometimes gets together with stock Sideys to PvP for the fun of it. Agreeing to use similar ships / unengineered ships sounds okay to me. Also negotiable: stop at 10% hull.
02 Dec 2020, 7:08pm
Jubei Himura
SakashiroAlso typical Deciat: talking about Aisling's feet.

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind guys with a foot fetish but no one has ever seen Aisling's lower half, right? Her feet might indeed be blue, for all we know.

This detail could ruin the whole aesthetic of Aisling Duvall. Quite sad. I would like quote Helmut Newton: "Only a man without any talent have no obsessions"

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:00pm
02 Dec 2020, 7:23pm
Jubei Himura
SakashiroAlso typical Deciat: talking about Aisling's feet.

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!

Well, it's better than discussing Zemina Torval's feet, I can tell you that.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:00pm
02 Dec 2020, 7:32pm
Im expecting Quentin Tarantino appear in few moments...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:00pm
02 Dec 2020, 7:45pm
Jubei Himura
SakashiroAlso typical Deciat: talking about Aisling's feet.

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind guys with a foot fetish but no one has ever seen Aisling's lower half, right? Her feet might indeed be blue, for all we know.

Perhaps she's got some Andorian somewhere in her ancestry?

Oh, wait, almost forgot, no Andorians in the E:D galaxy.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:00pm
02 Dec 2020, 7:59pm
The Pilot just now on livestream:

"The likelihood of getting ganked in this game is extremely low."

*gets insta-killed in his shieldless DBX*

"Come on, you could at least have announced yourself."

02 Dec 2020, 8:19pm
RotwhylrFirst, are you even interested in PvP?

I'll sure give it a try some day, but I'm not exactly looking forward to engineering another ship. The Courier took me weeks to complete.
02 Dec 2020, 8:36pm
Jubei Himura
SakashiroAlso typical Deciat: talking about Aisling's feet.

Ugh... smurf feet. Dear Space-Christ, why?!


Don't get me wrong, I don't mind guys with a foot fetish but no one has ever seen Aisling's lower half, right? Her feet might indeed be blue, for all we know.

Pft. I really don’t care about color, it all feels the same when the lights are off or the gimp hood is on.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 8:50pm
RotwhylrFirst, are you even interested in PvP?

I'll sure give it a try some day, but I'm not exactly looking forward to engineering another ship. The Courier took me weeks to complete.
I think you should go for it.

None of my ships are "complete". They're somewhere between "needs attention" and "mostly there/pretty good", and have been for most of the time I've had them. They'll probably never be "done", and if I waited for that, I wouldn't fly them much.

If I may, I think that you would take to PvP like you took to gank evasion; cautious at first, then confident and enjoying it. If it helps, start PvP'ing with CMDRs who will engage on a more or less level playing field (unengineered ships of the same class, or similar). That said, growth comes from being pushed. Don't avoid situations just because the odds aren't in your favor.

Build the habit of doing things that will allow you to gather materials over time (scan every ship you see in SC; scan wakes; scoop HGEs; do PvE and scoop the materials; take a trip to HIP 36601 for raw mats; etc). You will then be ready more or less at will to build a ship that you think will suit you. As you have found out, a ship well-engineered for its purpose is worth the investment.

What do you have to lose?
02 Dec 2020, 8:55pm
Claude_GlystraPft. I really don’t care about color, it all feels the same when the lights are off or the gimp hood is on.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 8:58pm
Claude_GlystraPft. I really don’t care about color, it all feels the same when the lights are off or the gimp hood is on.


You'd better not think too much about the fact that she's the ONLY female smurf in existence....

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:06pm

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm
02 Dec 2020, 9:09pm
Thanks for the encouragement.
02 Dec 2020, 9:13pm
Claude_GlystraPft. I really don’t care about color, it all feels the same when the lights are off or the gimp hood is on.


That is NOT Aisling Duval, just saying.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 03 Dec 2020, 9:01pm

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