Elite: General talk

07 Dec 2020, 4:33pm
I think it would be nice if nothing else, when you kill another player you get material drops far and beyond what you get from killing an NPC. Perhaps a sampling of what the player you killed has, but without that player losing any.
07 Dec 2020, 4:59pm
Tharik OtoliI think it would be nice if nothing else, when you kill another player you get material drops far and beyond what you get from killing an NPC. Perhaps a sampling of what the player you killed has, but without that player losing any.

It would be exploited gloriously!
07 Dec 2020, 5:03pm
Kari Kerenski
It would be exploited gloriously!

Yup! LOL!!!
07 Dec 2020, 7:08pm
Igneel Prime

correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a completely different and separate game mode and thus pretty irrelevant to the rest of the game?

Technically speaking, it gives permit for one particular system so it is not completely separate.
07 Dec 2020, 9:41pm
Kari Kerenski
Aleksander MajjamI think once we stop dancing 'round and 'round here and realize that the people against ganking aren't against PvP, then maybe we can get some meaningful points coming across other than PvP is useless.

What's the point?

No one will ever convince you otherwise.

Aleksander Majjam
PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game. No one will ever convince me otherwise.


What point are you trying to make? No one will convince me that PvP plays a vital role in ED. Currently, it doesn't. It is a joke. There could be a discussion on how to improve it for people on both sides of the fence (that I would happily consider), but we seem to be stuck on, "Blah. Gankers suck." vs "LoLRoTF, you consented. It doesn't need to change. Suck it up."

Hell, even the statistics from the video posted sheds light that most people just want to grief others and not engage in a PvP fight where they have to defend themselves or even try to pick a fair fight. Then there's complaints at wanting to tie the game's mechanics to PvP because BGS can be done in Solo. Well, the majority of gank PvP drives people to Solo, much like people here telling others to play Solo if they've got a problem with it. You don't offer suggestions or solutions as to why people should even try PvP other than, "It's fun shooting people. It's fun being shot at. Button make pew."

I'm sure if the PvP'rs had it their way, Solo and PG wouldn't even exist and the 1000 average players for the month would be 999 seal clubbers avoiding each other and looking for that 1 new CMDR to pewpew.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2020, 9:51pm
07 Dec 2020, 10:04pm
Aleksander Majjam
What point are you trying to make?

I was simply pointing out your own admission that discussion on PvP with you is pointless.
Which you've just doubled-down on.
07 Dec 2020, 10:19pm
Kari Kerenski
Aleksander Majjam
What point are you trying to make?

I was simply pointing out your own admission that discussion on PvP with you is pointless.
Which you've just doubled-down on.

LOL. I think there's a difference between saying PvP is pointless and PvP discussion. Me being convinced that PvP is useless and that I can't be swayed otherwise is irrelevant. I'm still willing to listen and discuss, despite my firmness on the subject. If you took that as saying PvP discussion with me would be pointless because I stand by my unwavering reasoning, just as you yourself.. oh well.

07 Dec 2020, 10:21pm
I'm sure we've heard just about all the arguments pro & con, or variations of them... but he does make a valid point.

Kari Kerenski
Aleksander Majjam
What point are you trying to make?

I was simply pointing out your own admission that discussion on PvP with you is pointless.
Which you've just doubled-down on.

Was there something about it that you wanted to dispute? If further discussion is indeed pointless, why continue with it?

Unless there's an effort/hope to try to change the opposing side's position on it, & I don't think that's gonna happen.

If the facts don't make the argument, then it must be opinion.. & opinions are like @$$holes... everyone has at least one.

Some are gonna like PvP & some aren't. The game offers alternatives to PvP & Open, & I take advantage of them.
07 Dec 2020, 10:33pm
Here is where I think the disconnect is and it's a pretty important fact that the PvP crowd is ignoring.

Those that don't like PvP aren't lumping gankers/seal-clubbers into the PvP category.
Those that do like PvP lump everything into one category.

I don't like ganking. I especially don't like new player ganking. PvPr's say that ganking isn't an issue and isn't widespread. Statistics are showing otherwise. I like PvP. I really like contained PvP. I especially like RP/BSG PvP. The majority of ED PvP isn't RP/BGS PvP, it's ganking/seal-clubbing PvP. When those that don't like ganking/seal-clubbing voice their opinions about it, the PvP crowd thinks that none of us like PvP and think we want to fly Solo the whole time. This is not true. I don't want to end PvP, I just want to make it more meaningful like other games make it meaningful. However, in its current state, it is very useless other than getting your shooting kicks in, and it provides no substance to the game. It's like it's there because it's there. Unless PvP changes, I don't think I'll change my mind on that, but we can still talk about ways to make it better, but it seems like the majority of PvPr's think everything is fine as is.
07 Dec 2020, 10:46pm
Synthya WylderI'm sure we've heard just about all the arguments pro & con, or variations of them... but he does make a valid point.

Yes, it's a valid point, I haven't disagreed with it.

All's good, he's confirmed what I thought.
08 Dec 2020, 12:41am
Igneel Prime
Igneel Prime

Gimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

CQC tournament is PvP by design. In all other cases PvP is optional, primary for fun or proving who is better.

correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a completely different and separate game mode and thus pretty irrelevant to the rest of the game?

08 Dec 2020, 12:51am
Igneel PrimePvP serves no purpose


Aleksander MajjamLol. Who should be surprised by this? PvP in ED is a damn joke and serves no other purpose except to just shoot shit when you're bored, and there are obviously a lot of bored people in this game.

Also rubbish.

As someone who almost exclusively does PvP, I have to agree with him. Unfortunately the game mechanics dictates that PvP is the ends rather than the means. Material collection for engineering, credit grind for rebuys, it is all to allow for PvP. PvP doesnt achieve anything in game. Its almost impossible to turn a profit with the player bounty ceiling. It has a negligible effect on BGS as far as I know and you cant even stop other people from effecting BGS as they can just do it in solo/PG.
08 Dec 2020, 12:59am
Aleksander MajjamHere is where I think the disconnect is and it's a pretty important fact that the PvP crowd is ignoring.

Those that don't like PvP aren't lumping gankers/seal-clubbers into the PvP category.
Those that do like PvP lump everything into one category.

I don't like ganking. I especially don't like new player ganking. PvPr's say that ganking isn't an issue and isn't widespread. Statistics are showing otherwise. I like PvP. I really like contained PvP. I especially like RP/BSG PvP. The majority of ED PvP isn't RP/BGS PvP, it's ganking/seal-clubbing PvP. When those that don't like ganking/seal-clubbing voice their opinions about it, the PvP crowd thinks that none of us like PvP and think we want to fly Solo the whole time. This is not true. I don't want to end PvP, I just want to make it more meaningful like other games make it meaningful. However, in its current state, it is very useless other than getting your shooting kicks in, and it provides no substance to the game. It's like it's there because it's there. Unless PvP changes, I don't think I'll change my mind on that, but we can still talk about ways to make it better, but it seems like the majority of PvPr's think everything is fine as is.

"Those that..." is generalising it a bit much for this situation I think. There are definitely too many different people looking at it in too many different ways. Seen plenty of people lump and not lump things together.

Saying that ganling is a widespread issue because most pvp is ganking is a statistic based on the wrong reference. What you should be looking at to make that statement is how many encounters overall lead to a gank, how often people actually get tanked in this game and by how many different CMDRs . And those statistics paint a very different picture than what you said.
08 Dec 2020, 1:13am
The irony about ganking is that once you learn how to counter it, you're no longer the preferred target.
08 Dec 2020, 3:36am
Igneel PrimeGimme one purpose in the game that PvP has. One thing that you can do in the game where PvP is directly involved as core mechanic and achieves a goal. There is nothing in this game that you NEED pvp for in any way because it's not a pvp game

Let me enlighten you all.

1. PvP has BgS consequences, every PvP encounter has a cost. Be it fuel, ammunition, repairs, rebuy, bounties, and every successful kill has at least one reward, ARX. However minute these are, they still affect the BgS, except for the ARX.

2. The player that gets destroyed could lose bounties, merits, exploration data, etc., which has an effect on the BgS or Powerplay, their destruction prevents those resources from affecting the BgS or Powerplay. This can be targeted, has been targeted in the past and will again in the future.

3. Fun, most of the time for at least one party.

4. Playing your way, Blazing your trail.

5. Roleplay and Piracy.

You may not think this significant or efficient however, these are in fact purposes of PvP in Elite: Dangerous.

Elite is in fact a PvP game or PvP interactions would be impossible.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2020, 4:16am

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