Elite: General talk

27 Nov 2020, 1:22pm
Effie TrinketWe need an Anti-Gank Squad.

Good luck with that. Last weekend I tried multiple times to enter an instance where a Twitch streamer was clubbing seals. Didn't work. I haven't blocked anyone, and I doubt that I'm blocked by him. Maybe it's a geographic issue, maybe there's some cascading effect due to people on my friends list he has blocked; I don't know. Maybe it would work with a "clean" alt account. I do have an alt, but it has barely any credits and no engineer access. It would take weeks to prepare it for PvP.
27 Nov 2020, 1:23pm
The Fuel Rats when the caseload goes finally back to normal levels:

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 3:08pm
27 Nov 2020, 1:32pm
Rebecca HailThe Fuel Rats when the caseload goes finally back to normal levels:

Becca, can I personally requisition you to save me in my time of fuel-starved need?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 3:08pm
27 Nov 2020, 1:39pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca HailThe Fuel Rats when the caseload goes finally back to normal levels:


Becca, can I personally requisition you to save me in my time of fuel-starved need?

All rescues have to happen in the Fuel Rats IRC channel dedicated to it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 3:08pm
27 Nov 2020, 1:43pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca HailThe Fuel Rats when the caseload goes finally back to normal levels:


Becca, can I personally requisition you to save me in my time of fuel-starved need?

All rescues have to happen in the Fuel Rats IRC channel dedicated to it.

Hmm. I see. I see.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 3:08pm
27 Nov 2020, 3:24pm
@Aleks if on PC just ping us here .. I am sure someone will reduce the time till re-buy
27 Nov 2020, 3:52pm
@Grecale80, your question is more for the https://inara.cz/board/2/

Have you ever used Plasma Accelerator? ... just keep in mind that you may have trouble hitting small NPCs ... but when you hit ...
27 Nov 2020, 3:57pm
Episparh@Grecale80, your question is more for the https://inara.cz/board/2/

Have you ever used Plasma Accelerator? ... just keep in mind that you may have trouble hitting small NPCs ... but when you hit ...

Yeah, I just got a Vulture with two PAs yesterday in my quest to become a not-quite-garbage pilot. They feel amazing!

That said, having them on a Conda with its non-existent turn rate seems ambitious.
27 Nov 2020, 4:23pm
Episparh@Grecale80, your question is more for the https://inara.cz/board/2/

Have you ever used Plasma Accelerator? ... just keep in mind that you may have trouble hitting small NPCs ... but when you hit ...

Oh thx i didn't noticed the new section i apologize. I move my question there
27 Nov 2020, 5:18pm
so getting chat banned from TONY_Curtis twtich stream, as he was killing off his 35th new player in 3 hrs...

SO hear is the thing:

We are told by FDEV that we can play this game how we want to - but this is basically not true, as there are a few people (Gankers/Griefers) who through their actions are forcing a vast majority of players from Open into SOLO.

Solo is boring with out other commanders in system etc. But if one wants to progress in this open sand box then we have to play in SOLO for should we play in open there is a very high chance that you will be ganked.  This is not good for the game.

1) why cannot all bounties be placed on the COMMANDER and not his ships?

2) If a player is ganking for the sake of ganking (CMDR TONY CURTIS , CMDR Cow for all season etc. )  then the bounty on new players murder should double upon each Gank. SO 1 mill for the 1st killing , 2 mill for the 2nd, 4 mill the 3rd and so on; but here is  the kicker, if and when that commander is stopped ( Ie killed in game) then all the bounties from his Ganking that have accumulated against him, are paid out of the GANKERs  in game account...ie the ganker ultimately is going to have to pay for his actions.  If he does not have the credits available then his ships are sold until the debt / bounty is paid and if that is not doable then he goes back to a D rated sidewinder.

This is only going to affect players who are killing off others because they can, but will  not have an issue against genuine pirates who really only want your cargo and not the blood lust of your death.

If this was implemented then Ganking has a huge risk to the ganker in game and we would suddenly see this behaviour become something less toxic as it is right now.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 5:58pm
27 Nov 2020, 5:28pm
An idea worth considering. No doubt, you'll have lots of responses, pro & con.

How about those Newbz that were ganked, getting a cut of the bounty?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 5:58pm
27 Nov 2020, 5:38pm
Synthya WylderAn idea worth considering. No doubt, you'll have lots of responses, pro & con.

How about those Newbz that were ganked, getting a cut of the bounty?

yes that could definitely also be good.  The point is that Ganking at the moment has no come back of cost to the ganker  it is all on the the ganked!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 27 Nov 2020, 5:59pm
27 Nov 2020, 5:49pm
SakashiroTo reiterate a point I was making earlier (which Lehman sadly missed while shamelessly plugging his novels), one of the reasons why open mode in ED feels somewhat empty is that Mobius has been quite successful in scooping up a large number of players who've had it with the sociopaths and prefer to play the game they want instead of the one Lehman suggests they should put up with.

And frankly, after spending a few weeks at ganker hotspots like Deciat, I can't help but notice that the number of players hogging those systems and waiting for prey is actually rather small. And every time they blow up some noob who happens to show up unprepared, the excuse they post in system chat is the same: if you don't like it, play solo!

So what we have here is a small minority of sociopaths, probably no more than two or three dozen, camping at key locations in the game and pushing people into solo at every opportunity. And we are supposed to accept that, because it's the game THEY want, not the one we want.

How about "no"?

Players are free to play in the mode that is best suited for them. I don't look down on people for doing so. Not everyone wants to risk PvP, and that's okay.

Still, I would take that magical and much-balleyhooed "40,000 people in Mobius" with a sack of salt. All that number means is that over the game's six years, 40,000 people have been accepted into that particular PG, not that there are that many in it at any given moment. Naturally I don't have accurate figures to go off of, but anecdotes about Mobius being a wasteland are definitely out there, and a year or two back the devs revealed that open was the most popular mode by a significant margin. This suggests to me that gankers do not, in fact, drive people out of open in any significant quantity, despite ongoing claims that they have/do/will.

Also, your experience with flying to a ganker hotspot has been consistent with mine. The ganking "problem" , in my view, is grossly overstated. In a way, this is understandable- a combat-averse person will scream to the heavens about the one time they were pulled from supercruise and attacked while never mentioning the thousand times they weren't.

Last edit: 27 Nov 2020, 5:57pm
27 Nov 2020, 5:59pm
Sir Sprockettso getting chat banned from TONY_Curtis twtich stream, as he was killing off his 35th new player in 3 hrs...

SO hear is the thing:

We are told by FDEV that we can play this game how we want to - but this is basically not true, as there are a few people (Gankers/Griefers) who through their actions are forcing a vast majority of players from Open into SOLO.

That is simply not true. Ganking is not that big of a problematic. It requires you to have a shred of situational awareness in some systems and to not fly a build that minmaxed for the most cr/hr you can squeeze into it, that's about it.

The fact alone that open is far from as deserted as you claim it is, speaks against this argument.

Solo is boring with out other commanders in system etc. But if one wants to progress in this open sand box then we have to play in SOLO for should we play in open there is a very high chance that you will be ganked. This is not good for the game.

1) why cannot all bounties be placed on the COMMANDER and not his ships?

Already implemented in form of the notoriety tracker. Doesn't stop people from ganking, who would've thought.

2) If a player is ganking for the sake of ganking (CMDR TONY CURTIS , CMDR Cow for all season etc. ) then the bounty on new players murder should double upon each Gank. SO 1 mill for the 1st killing , 2 mill for the 2nd, 4 mill the 3rd and so on; but here is the kicker, if and when that commander is stopped ( Ie killed in game) then all the bounties from his Ganking that have accumulated against him, are paid out of the GANKERs in game account...ie the ganker ultimately is going to have to pay for his actions. If he does not have the credits available then his ships are sold until the debt / bounty is paid and if that is not doable then he goes back to a D rated sidewinder.

That is just disproportional. I agree that the bounties on player kills should be higher to incentivize actually hunting gankers, but what you propose here is just essentially nuking someones account for playing in a playstyle you don't agree with.

"Oh, you intercepted and killed enemy BGS players in a system ten times in a row? Woops, guess you have to restart the game."

I have zero doubt that the gankers would even manage to turn that very mechanic against the people it's supposed to protect by ramming them with paperships when they're speeding or something similiar.

This is only going to affect players who are killing off others because they can, but will not have an issue against genuine pirates who really only want your cargo and not the blood lust of your death.

If this was implemented then Ganking has a huge risk to the ganker in game and we would suddenly see this behaviour become something less toxic as it is right now.

Yeah, and what's a pirate supposed to do if you refuse to give him the cargo? Shooting at you and eventually killing you so they get a big fat bounty that is probably costing them three times what they got from robbing you?

Higher bounties, yes for all I care. Exponentially increasing bounties? Fuck no.

Last edit: 27 Nov 2020, 7:18pm
27 Nov 2020, 6:34pm
I agree on the playing in Private Group point. I've played the vast majority of my time in Solo, & next has been Private Group. Even those rare times I've played in Open, winged with 1 or more friends, I've never been ganked.

Joining a decent squadron with like-minded members greatly increaseses my enjoyment of the game, as has playing in Private Group.

If joining Mobius private group adds to that, I'm all for it. The fact that so many have already joined Mobius speaks volumes (pun intended), if only as a means to increase the chances of meeting others without the ganker mindset.

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