Elite: General talk

28 Aug 2024, 2:58pm
Rawnu Yup, the Imperial Interdictor attempts to acknowledge the issue. However I was always wondering why the ring was along the acceleration axis and not perpendicular to it. It would make for weird and potentially dangerous changes in the g vector, even if the rotation was halted. The only reason I can think of is: aesthetics. And a big f u to all practical considerations

Imperials must travel in style, and practicality is not a consideration. I believe the ring is locked when the ship is maneuvering but being as they don't maneuver in game the rings are in perpetual motion.
29 Aug 2024, 3:55pm
Anyone have some Elite Dangerous communities they'd recommend (in addition to this one here on Inara)?
I feel a little out of the loop sometimes and am wondering if I just have my ear to the ground in the wrong places. Perhaps FDev's forums themselves?

I left Reddit a while ago, so would prefer not that community. (Nothing against the grander user base of the site. Only a gripe with the corporate shills, spez especially.)
05 Sep 2024, 5:16pm
Greetings, Commanders!

From a beautiful corner of Venezuela, I want to extend a warm greeting to all the members of this incredible community, especially those who speak Spanish.

I have a question for you: Is it possible to get in touch with the commanders of the minor factions? I would love to learn more about their experiences and how we can collaborate to make our community even stronger.

I look forward to your responses and wish you clear skies and safe flights!

See you soon!
07 Sep 2024, 3:35pm
SPECULATION: I've read some convincing arguments that – after Faulcon deLacy, Lakon, and Zorgon Peterson – the next ship after the Mandalay will be from Saud Kruger. There's something to that: none of these manufacturers have rank-locked ships, so it would fit the mold so far.

If however it is a SK, I do believe that the design will be radically different from past SK ships, just like the PMk2, the T-8, and the Mandalay parted from many of their manufacturers' previous design traditions, only retaining a few (like e.g. the Mamba cockpit for the Mandalay). If the next ship is from SK, I would assume that they stick with the liner/yacht tradition but leave the "big boat in space" look behind. Maybe have something like a trimaran yacht style of a ship. This is all wild speculation, we could get something very different from idk Core Dynamics or Gutamaya. I just don't think this to be likely at this moment.

What are your thoughts?
07 Sep 2024, 7:07pm
If they go with that design people will immediately start judging it as "This could be a Star Citizen ship".
17 Sep 2024, 11:49pm
I absolutely love it when someone decides they are going to dedicate their time to undermining your PMF but they only ever play in PG. /s
my faction only ever plays in open when doing BGS work since we believe that if we can affect other players then players have the right to respond to our actions physically. What good is the crime and punishment system if I can never collect on that huge bounty my PMF has on them? I want to defend my factions people but I can't do that because they are invisible and untouchable while at the same time hurting me and my group.
yesterday, 6:28am
Have you ever heard the phrase:
“All is fair in love and war"
yesterday, 8:43am
I'd rather have a new Gutamaya design, but it makes sense to add a new SK ship with an improved FSD for the passenger missions that can take you pretty far out into the void, and as already stated, they are not rank-locked. As to the design, I have no idea - but it would be nice to finally have a shape that looks less like another slight variation of the already existing SK design.
today, 6:33pm
Btw anyone hanging out at Lave? https://m.twitch.tv/laveradio

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