Elite: General talk

01 Dec 2020, 9:06pm
Sir SprockettI run currently, 3A shields, loads of hull and mod reinforcements. when the 3a's go down slow to reload, I can seem to survive a little longer than with out. if I could get boost up to 600 mps then i think with her agility and 3 hard points, a hard ship to hit....

You'll reach 600m/s boost easily once you install enhanced performance thrusters and engineer them. My own setup is far from ideal, I'm wasting about 50-60m/s for the SRV. But even with that, my boost speed is still between 670m/s and 740m/s, depending on how much fuel I'm carrying. Without the SRV the ship would be 6T lighter and the boost range would be 720m/s to 800m/s. That's how sensitive these thrusters are to weight.
01 Dec 2020, 9:57pm
Epi, from the Game Talk section, that'd be, Jell-O Wrestling. Definitely. <nods in approval>
01 Dec 2020, 10:20pm
Synthya WylderEpi, from the Game Talk section, that'd be, Jell-O Wrestling. Definitely. <nods in approval>

Wasn't me!
02 Dec 2020, 1:59am
Do y'all think Elite will ever be fully cross-platform? As in, PC and PS/XBox series players being able to interact in-game and Squadrons not being dependent on the game version?
02 Dec 2020, 6:30am
I think that's on the same level as instancing improvements. Not 100% impossible but the question is do the devs even aim for it? Is it worth the effort or will they avoid arguments about different control schemes bringing certain advantages and thus ruining balance? It might be a last thing they try when they run out of content ideas or genuinely fixed the majority of big issues. But I don't think it has any sort of priority right now and that's probably gonna stay like that for a while.
02 Dec 2020, 7:28am
Did FDev ever explain why they disabled crossplay?

I doubt it's because of different control schemes and their (dis)advantages. Choosing to play on a console isn't any different from choosing to play with a gamepad on a PC. They might as well segregate KBAM and HOTAS users into separate instances.
02 Dec 2020, 7:37am
Never said it is a good point. But people always find something to complain about and seeing as the lack of crossplay doesn't have any major impact on the state of the game I can understand FDev just not bothering with it for the time being. I think it would bring more good than bad but they have far more important things to deal with.
02 Dec 2020, 7:49am
I remember a few years back Sony disallowed crossplay for PS games. They've since changed their policy, but it might have played a role here.

I doubt it would take FDev much work to flip the switch. I guess it's like daylight saving time: it serves no purpose, it annoys people, but once it's introduced, you'll never get rid of it again.
02 Dec 2020, 7:58am
02 Dec 2020, 8:42am
SakashiroDid FDev ever explain why they disabled crossplay?

I doubt it's because of different control schemes and their (dis)advantages. Choosing to play on a console isn't any different from choosing to play with a gamepad on a PC. They might as well segregate KBAM and HOTAS users into separate instances.

I don't think they disabled it, just that it was never implemented properly. Iirc the universes the consoles have, have a couple of differences as well, fewer asteroids in rings for example.
02 Dec 2020, 8:46am
Rebecca Hail
SakashiroDid FDev ever explain why they disabled crossplay?

I doubt it's because of different control schemes and their (dis)advantages. Choosing to play on a console isn't any different from choosing to play with a gamepad on a PC. They might as well segregate KBAM and HOTAS users into separate instances.

I don't think they disabled it, just that it was never implemented properly. Iirc the universes the consoles have, have a couple of differences as well, fewer asteroids in rings for example.

Then that's another issue they'd have to deal with. Once they go separate ways it gets increasingly difficult to bring them back together the longer it stays that way. Then again maybe that's the secret at the end of this balancing spree who knows. I highly doubt it though.
02 Dec 2020, 8:58am
Igneel Prime
Rebecca Hail
SakashiroDid FDev ever explain why they disabled crossplay?

I doubt it's because of different control schemes and their (dis)advantages. Choosing to play on a console isn't any different from choosing to play with a gamepad on a PC. They might as well segregate KBAM and HOTAS users into separate instances.

I don't think they disabled it, just that it was never implemented properly. Iirc the universes the consoles have, have a couple of differences as well, fewer asteroids in rings for example.

Then that's another issue they'd have to deal with. Once they go separate ways it gets increasingly difficult to bring them back together the longer it stays that way. Then again maybe that's the secret at the end of this balancing spree who knows. I highly doubt it though.

I wouldn't bet on it. I'm not entirely sure since I don't know shit about consoles, but I suppose that these are performance limitations given by the consoles themselves. Since the backend is already unified to a certain degree, I'm somewhat positive that crossplay will be implemented at some point.
02 Dec 2020, 9:08am
Rebecca Hail
Igneel Prime
Rebecca Hail

I don't think they disabled it, just that it was never implemented properly. Iirc the universes the consoles have, have a couple of differences as well, fewer asteroids in rings for example.

Then that's another issue they'd have to deal with. Once they go separate ways it gets increasingly difficult to bring them back together the longer it stays that way. Then again maybe that's the secret at the end of this balancing spree who knows. I highly doubt it though.

I wouldn't bet on it. I'm not entirely sure since I don't know shit about consoles, but I suppose that these are performance limitations given by the consoles themselves. Since the backend is already unified to a certain degree, I'm somewhat positive that crossplay will be implemented at some point.

at some point sure but it'll be a while either way and then you gotta add the year and a half FDev lag :p
02 Dec 2020, 9:23am
Btw is that how we got Holo-Me? Players asked for crossplay, FDev got it wrong and added cosplay instead?
02 Dec 2020, 10:03am
I hate engineering!

I receive an invitation to PvP from a friend, and I'm like, yeah, why not? But then I'm like, oh wait, my ship is engineered to run away from PvP. It's not built to do well in a fight, it's all about avoiding the fight. So now I have a choice to:

a) use my ship for something it wasn't designed to do.
b) do what my ship does best, i.e. run away.
c) engineer a second ship for PvP, which will take a week at least.
d) use an unengineered ship and be at a disadvantage.
e) ask my friend to use an unengineered ship as well.

No good options here.

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