Elite: General talk

05 Dec 2020, 8:38pm
Kill Sir Ganksalot and win a free copy of Cyberpunk 2077

On Saturday 05 Dec 2020 at 19:00 UTC, Sir Ganksalot will be flying along a route from San Tu to Arque in a wing of 4. The first person to kill him will be gifted a free copy of Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam. You can bring anything or anyone to attempt to kill him. Sir Ganksalot will be flying a Fer De Lance on an economic route to Arque along with a wing of some of the best pilots in the game. If he is able to arrive at the station in Arque, he will set a route back to San Tu and continue going until someone is able to claim the kill. Players can use any means necessary to kill Sir Ganksalot

Event rules for defending wing:

For Sir Ganksalot and his wing: No combat logging, no menu logging, medium ships only, only one ship with heal beams and once a player from the wing is killed, they cannot return to continue protecting Sir Ganksalot.
Players of Sir Ganksalots wing are ineligible to win.

Event rules for attackers:

Absolutely NO HACKING/CHEATING/USING TRAINERS. If you are caught cheating you will be disqualified and reported immediately.

Whoever's name appears as the player to kill Sir Ganksalot, wins. You can bring a wing or multiple wings but only one player can claim the prize.
Any players that participate will need a Steam account. If the winner has already pre-ordered a copy of Cyberpunk 2077, you can either refund you pre-order or gift it to a friend.

The event will be streamed by Sir Ganksalot and ACowForAllSeasons.

Ganksalots twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sir_ganksalot
Cowforallseasons twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/acowforallseasons

I've been watching this.

Quick summary: Founder of "Gank Evasion Academy" failed to evade and got killed about 3 minutes into the event.

It was good fun though. I guess there'll be more events like this in the future.
05 Dec 2020, 8:55pm
Kill Sir Ganksalot and win a free copy of Cyberpunk 2077

On Saturday 05 Dec 2020 at 19:00 UTC, Sir Ganksalot will be flying along a route from San Tu to Arque in a wing of 4. The first person to kill him will be gifted a free copy of Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam. You can bring anything or anyone to attempt to kill him. Sir Ganksalot will be flying a Fer De Lance on an economic route to Arque along with a wing of some of the best pilots in the game. If he is able to arrive at the station in Arque, he will set a route back to San Tu and continue going until someone is able to claim the kill. Players can use any means necessary to kill Sir Ganksalot

Event rules for defending wing:

For Sir Ganksalot and his wing: No combat logging, no menu logging, medium ships only, only one ship with heal beams and once a player from the wing is killed, they cannot return to continue protecting Sir Ganksalot.
Players of Sir Ganksalots wing are ineligible to win.

Event rules for attackers:

Absolutely NO HACKING/CHEATING/USING TRAINERS. If you are caught cheating you will be disqualified and reported immediately.

Whoever's name appears as the player to kill Sir Ganksalot, wins. You can bring a wing or multiple wings but only one player can claim the prize.
Any players that participate will need a Steam account. If the winner has already pre-ordered a copy of Cyberpunk 2077, you can either refund you pre-order or gift it to a friend.

The event will be streamed by Sir Ganksalot and ACowForAllSeasons.

Ganksalots twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sir_ganksalot
Cowforallseasons twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/acowforallseasons

I've been watching this.

Quick summary: Founder of "Gank Evasion Academy" failed to evade and got killed about 3 minutes into the event.

It was good fun though. I guess there'll be more events like this in the future.

05 Dec 2020, 9:45pm
He was flying a FDL, so he did what people usually do in FDLs: return fire instead of evading asap. Big mistake.

That's one of the benefits of cardboard ships like the Courier: they won't make you overconfident.
05 Dec 2020, 11:42pm
Like I already stated somewhere: balanced PVP on Elite: Dangerous isn't and won't be a thing thanks to Engineering.  It's not your typical multiplayer game in which both teams are given the same tools and its just up to the player's knowledge on how well you know these. When you play Battlefield 1 you can only blame to your own lack of skills (or lags). On ED however, the only set of PVP skills you can have without Engineering is quick picking random system from the left panel and high wake.

That said, Elite: Dangerous requires a lot of dedication to min-max the ship ready for typical PVP. Not to mention the time, which is usually spent by players on these 95% different activities which are not PVP - as PVP is not even a focus but totally optional content. Even (most of) the PVE combat builds are built around idea of "lasting long is the zone" instead of "deal massive damage and return every 5 minutes for rearm".

Last edit: 05 Dec 2020, 11:47pm
06 Dec 2020, 12:16am
Vinh KruczekLike I already stated somewhere: balanced PVP on Elite: Dangerous isn't and won't be a thing thanks to Engineering.

Everyone starts with a Sidewinder and 1000 Credits. Horizons and engineer access is now included in the Core game.

Everyone starts equal. What you do from there is up to to you.

Yes, those who put in the time and effort to engineer will have greater gains on those who don't. I've never seen a probem with this myself.
06 Dec 2020, 12:40am
Say what now?

06 Dec 2020, 1:19am
An Aisling-shaped bobblehead that vibrates?
06 Dec 2020, 1:25am
I was actually more confused about the "...where the bouncier parts (plural!) of the bobbleheads were repeatingly slapping (?) against the glass."-line...
06 Dec 2020, 1:31am
06 Dec 2020, 4:32am
06 Dec 2020, 2:28pm
Amata LireinSay what now?

Low-frequency harmonic oscillations causing ship damage & difficulties in control? Aisling bobblehead dancing seductively?

I wonder if it's due to pilots holding onto the wrong 'joystick'...

I'd rather take my chances.
06 Dec 2020, 3:13pm
Synthya WylderLow-frequency harmonic oscillations causing ship damage & difficulties in control? Aisling bobblehead dancing seductively?

I wonder if it's due to pilots holding onto the wrong 'joystick'...

The Aisling bobblebutt, a perfect HOT-AS for your cock-pit.


06 Dec 2020, 5:26pm
What a great way to start my day in Elite
06 Dec 2020, 5:38pm
EizoeWhat a great way to start my day in Elite

Just wait until our resident Fuel Rat comes along. I bet she'll add to this as well (she usually does anyway).
06 Dec 2020, 6:04pm
Remember: Always aim for the PP.

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