Elite: General talk

28 Nov 2020, 1:06am
M. Lehman

I don't suppose that it would be worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority of the PP community was in favor of that proposal, would it?

Besides, how does keeping PP mode-agnostic protect new players from being attacked?

Maybe you should explain that. If the overwhelming PP community is in favor of all Open operations, then why aren't the overwhelming majority of all PP players already in Open? If they all want it to work that way, they could all simply be doing it that way. There is nothing stopping them from doing it freely by choice. I am not sure I understand the part where someone wants to do something they can freely do, but they won't do it until someone else forces them to do it.

The answer to the last one is, the point is not to protect new players. The point is that the constant refrain is that if a player doesn't like someone's behavior in Open, they can go to Solo/PG. What happened to that response again? Does that only count until the same person decides that if enough people make the choice to go to Solo/PG, that they have to be denied that choice?

I'd say that that question was answered in the text of Sandro's proposal, where he mentioned that PP seemed the ideal vehicle for giving PvP greater in-game relevance, and so it made sense to ask the question as to whether or not it should be made exclusive to open. I was in agreement with that notion, and still am.

The conversation that I've seen since goes something like this:

Naysayers: PvP has no relevance to the greater game.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.


Needless to say, I've been left with the awful impression that there are certain among the community who gleefully point out the irrelevance of PvP to the greater game, and even more gleefully kneecap any suggestion that would lend relevance to it...
28 Nov 2020, 1:06am
MarcOmegaMaybe you should explain that.  If the overwhelming PP community is in favor of all Open operations, then why aren't the overwhelming majority of all PP players already in Open? If they all want it to work that way, they could all simply be doing it that way.  There is nothing stopping them from doing it freely by choice.  I am not sure I understand the part where someone wants to do something they can freely do, but they won't do it until someone else forces them to do it.


"Almost everyone wants to play PP in open, why is it so empty in here?"
28 Nov 2020, 1:09am
Well, seal clubbing (it means, killing new inexperienced players "for the lulz") has certainly more negatives than positives and it's something many MMO, MMO-lite and similar games acknowledge and its authors are putting measures to the game to prevent that. Elite is no different (that's why the closed starter zone was created). Allowing killing new players in no time for no reason whilst they barely get the basics of the game is a great way how to lose a portion of them. And it doesn't necessarily need to be a live player, similar can be applied to NPCs. It's in the developer's (and not just developer's) best interest to protect new players (to some extent) for a while, otherwise you risk they will leave the game quickly, never return back and will spread the bad word about it. You simply do not want that, because there are no benefits to allow massacres of new players which can extend your community, increase the game longevity and bring some profit. Or are there any positives that significantly outweigh the negatives? I don't think so.

I believe it's in our (as a community) best interest to "lure" new players to the game, make them feel welcome and included, not to shot them on sight without a single word of explanation in overengineered ships once they barely know the difference between NPC and live player on their radar. Thus I see the behaviour of "seal clubbers" as highly counter-productive.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2020, 1:15am
28 Nov 2020, 1:15am
M. Lehman

I'd say that that question was answered in the text of Sandro's proposal, where he mentioned that PP seemed the ideal vehicle for giving PvP greater in-game relevance, and so it made sense to ask the question as to whether or not it should be made exclusive to open. I was in agreement with that notion, and still am.

The conversation that I've seen since goes something like this:

Naysayers: PvP has no relevance to the greater game.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.


Needless to say, I've been left with the awful impression that there are certain among the community who gleefully point out the irrelevance of PvP to the greater game, and even more gleefully kneecap any suggestion that would lend relevance to it...

Ah, so, now it sounds like it is not the PP community that is in favor of the proposal but instead, it is the PvP community that is in favor of it.  That makes more sense from the perspective of demanding that players be forced into a mode of play.

As I pointed it, it is not going to work the way they think it will. They might as well start up a suggestion that FDev alter or remove the blocking mechanism as well, otherwise, any such change is pointless.
28 Nov 2020, 1:20am
M. LehmanI don't suppose that it would be worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority of the PP community was in favor of that proposal, would it?

Prepare for the game you have, not the one you want. I believe that's what you said. You didn't suddenly change your mind, did you?

You are attempting wit, I believe. But yes, I remain prepared for the game I have, gankers and all!

M. LehmanBesides, how does keeping PP mode-agnostic protect new players from being attacked?

SakashiroBy allowing them to participate in PP without leaving the mode that protects them from being attacked, duh!

By the time a player is dabbling in powerplay they aren't really new, are they?
28 Nov 2020, 1:21am
Imagine a scenario where political wars aren't always fought on the front lines and in the public eye. I mean, you don't even have to imagine it. Political fog of war is a real thing and works in Elite just the same. Open is that frontline war and Solo/PG can be said to be the background, clandestine operations that still have an impact, but is that "unexpected" element that players have to deal with, and should. Paraphrasing Syn's comments earlier this month when this same topic came up then. And I agree with her 100%.
28 Nov 2020, 1:24am
M. Lehman

I'd say that that question was answered in the text of Sandro's proposal, where he mentioned that PP seemed the ideal vehicle for giving PvP greater in-game relevance, and so it made sense to ask the question as to whether or not it should be made exclusive to open. I was in agreement with that notion, and still am.

The conversation that I've seen since goes something like this:

Naysayers: PvP has no relevance to the greater game.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.


Needless to say, I've been left with the awful impression that there are certain among the community who gleefully point out the irrelevance of PvP to the greater game, and even more gleefully kneecap any suggestion that would lend relevance to it...

Ah, so, now it sounds like it is not the PP community that is in favor of the proposal but instead, it is the PvP community that is in favor of it. That makes more sense from the perspective of demanding that players be forced into a mode of play.

Given that a great deal of Powerplay involves truck driving and PvE combat, I sincerely doubt that PvP-centric players would be attracted to it even if OOPP were implemented. PvP would be a factor, yes, as one could deny merits being hauled via engaging the ships that carry them. But looking out for enemies would be only one part of a successful cycle; all the PvP in the world won't deliver merits for one's own side. If anything, OOPP would mandate that a more holistic approach be taken to accomplishing one's task.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2020, 1:32am
28 Nov 2020, 1:26am
M. LehmanThe conversation that I've seen since goes something like this:

Naysayers: PvP has no relevance to the greater game.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.


Now you're framing the story as if the petition came from FDev.
28 Nov 2020, 1:27am
M. LehmanThe conversation that I've seen since goes something like this:

Naysayers: PvP has no relevance to the greater game.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.


Now you're framing the story as if the petition came from FDev.

The original idea to make Powerplay open-only did, in fact, come from Sandro himself.
28 Nov 2020, 1:27am
M. Lehman

By the time a player is dabbling in powerplay they aren't really new, are they?

If Fdev allows activities for PP from PG/Solo but just changes the background tallies so that actual expansions/contractions, etc don't count if the activities take place in PG/Solo, then I am sure no one is really going to mind besides the PP community that will lose some of their workers that help toward goals. The players that simply pledge to pick up a module reward are hardly going to care one way or the other.

If I were actively interested in PP factions and working on one besides just to pick up a module here and there, I would be actively lobbying FDev against it because I would want to keep my existing contributors.

The article that was linked sounds really good until you start remembering the way actual instancing works and then the idea of having escorts and protection wings, along with attack wings, simply starts to fail due the problematic instancing.

And if they go the other way, and declare PP modules to be unobtainable except in Open, then see my post about blocking because that will definitely be on the rise and not just for "carebears." We already know that PvP players use block lists to avoid interaction with other players that they don't want to encounter for a variety of reasons. Easy enough to extend that into PP activities to duplicate the exact same function that PG/Solo is used for now.
28 Nov 2020, 1:35am
M. Lehman

By the time a player is dabbling in powerplay they aren't really new, are they?

If Fdev allows activities for PP from PG/Solo but just changes the background tallies so that actual expansions/contractions, etc don't count if the activities take place in PG/Solo, then I am sure no one is really going to mind besides the PP community that will lose some of their workers that help toward goals. The players that simply pledge to pick up a module reward are hardly going to care one way or the other.

If I were actively interested in PP factions and working on one besides just to pick up a module here and there, I would be actively lobbying FDev against it because I would want to keep my existing contributors.

The article that was linked sounds really good until you start remembering the way actual instancing works and then the idea of having escorts and protection wings, along with attack wings, simply starts to fail due the problematic instancing.

And if they go the other way, and declare PP modules to be unobtainable except in Open, then see my post about blocking because that will definitely be on the rise and not just for "carebears." We already know that PvP players use block lists to avoid interaction with other players that they don't want to encounter for a variety of reasons. Easy enough to extend that into PP activities to duplicate the exact same function that PG/Solo is used for now.

The potential to use the blocking mechanic in ways not intended (or at the very least, envisioned) by the devs is indeed unfortunate, and may well have been the reason that OOPP was never implemented.
28 Nov 2020, 1:58am
M. Lehman

The potential to use the blocking mechanic in ways not intended (or at the very least, envisioned) by the devs is indeed unfortunate, and may well have been the reason that OOPP was never implemented.

Instancing on ED is always going to be an issue.  P2P networking is client based and is always going to have limits based on the clients not having the same level of resources as a centralized server could have.  If you want to move away from P2P instancing, you have to have centralized servers and those are going to be high cost, which will force one of two modes for ED, either a subscription model, or higher levels of monetization.  And not just the cosmetic kind, but instead, pay 2 win or pay 2 avoid grind monetization because that will be pretty much the only way to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs, along with reasonable returns to the dev/publisher.  

If you wonder why Free to Play games have so much monetization, the reason is that there is no other choice.

For P2P, the larger the groups that people want to get together, the more load on the client and that means, the ultimate limit is the weakest client.  Take the lowest bandwidth, highest latency client that is attached to any instance, and that is your limiter.  So, if you wonder why sometimes you can get 20 commanders in an instance and sometimes struggle with just 4, likely one of the commanders is the weak link as far as network bandwidth and latency in that instance.  If you have ever tried to get into an instance and not been able to, one explanation is that either one of the existing instance clients is at capacity and no one else is allowed, or your own client won't let you attach because of a resource mismatch, you are either too fast or too slow.

That is without taking into account blocking dynamics which can cascade based on how the p2p client handles affinity for connections.

So, the idea that you can flip a switch and make things Open Only and then immediately have epic battles with 50 commanders vying for supremacy in the system is simply fantasy.  

As a matter of fact, the more people you add to your wing within any one system and the greater the chance that you won't see any other commanders at all.  Because once the instance is at peak based on the capacity of the weakest client, no one else will be in that instance.

With this in mind, I can put a bandwidth limit on my internet connection for ED, throttle it down to lower levels and ED will test the connection and then avoid instancing me with pretty much anyone else even when I am in Open.  I don't even need the block list.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2020, 2:11am
28 Nov 2020, 2:24am
M. Lehman

The potential to use the blocking mechanic in ways not intended (or at the very least, envisioned) by the devs is indeed unfortunate, and may well have been the reason that OOPP was never implemented.

Instancing on ED is always going to be an issue.  P2P networking is client based and is always going to have limits based on the clients not having the same level of resources as a centralized server could have.  If you want to move away from P2P instancing, you have to have centralized servers and those are going to be high cost, which will force one of two modes for ED, either a subscription model, or higher levels of monetization.  And not just the cosmetic kind, but instead, pay 2 win or pay 2 avoid grind monetization because that will be pretty much the only way to generate enough revenue to cover operating costs, along with reasonable returns to the dev/publisher.  

If you wonder why Free to Play games have so much monetization, the reason is that there is no other choice.

For P2P, the larger the groups that people want to get together, the more load on the client and that means, the ultimate limit is the weakest client.  Take the lowest bandwidth, highest latency client that is attached to any instance, and that is your limiter.  So, if you wonder why sometimes you can get 20 commanders in an instance and sometimes struggle with just 4, likely one of the commanders is the weak link as far as network bandwidth and latency in that instance.  If you have ever tried to get into an instance and not been able to, one explanation is that either one of the existing instance clients is at capacity and no one else is allowed, or your own client won't let you attach because of a resource mismatch, you are either too fast or too slow.

That is without taking into account blocking dynamics which can cascade based on how the p2p client handles affinity for connections.

So, the idea that you can flip a switch and make things Open Only and then immediately have epic battles with 50 commanders vying for supremacy in the system is simply fantasy.  

As a matter of fact, the more people you add to your wing within any one system and the greater the chance that you won't see any other commanders at all.  Because once the instance is at peak based on the capacity of the weakest client, no one else will be in that instance.

With this in mind, I can put a bandwidth limit on my internet connection for ED, throttle it down to lower levels and ED will test the connection and then avoid instancing me with pretty much anyone else even when I am in Open.  I don't even need the block list.

Yes, I'm aware of the limits of P2P architecture, having both a New Zealander on my friends list (though in fairness to Frontier their instancing has improved quite a bit in terms of us seeing each other in game) and having participated in the Salome event for Premonition.

Still, I don't think that Frontier would be well served by giving up on making PvP relevant just because some players might exploit the block mechanic or cheese their router settings. P2P is the bed that Frontier made, and for better or worse we all have to lay in it.
28 Nov 2020, 12:24pm
I will rather not pvp in a flawed p2p mechanics. The game is fine just by avoiding those. This is including open.

By deciding to use p2p Frontier actually is sending a clear message that the pvp is just a needed compromise to attract some players.
28 Nov 2020, 12:28pm
M. Lehman

Yes, I'm aware of the limits of P2P architecture, having both a New Zealander on my friends list (though in fairness to Frontier their instancing has improved quite a bit in terms of us seeing each other in game) and having participated in the Salome event for Premonition.

Still, I don't think that Frontier would be well served by giving up on making PvP relevant just because some players might exploit the block mechanic or cheese their router settings. P2P is the bed that Frontier made, and for better or worse we all have to lay in it.

Frontier:  Okay, how about we make Powerplay open-only so that PvP becomes a little more relevant? Just Powerplay. Not the BGS. Not your ability to grind credits or mats. Just Powerplay, which relatively few people even touch.

I almost feel like channeling Yamiks on this one to dissect it.

Frontier on Powerplay: We recognize that we utterly failed at making this engaging or relevant so let's just sacrifice it to appease the vocal PvP minority.

Frontier on PvP: If an activity is already touched by relatively few people, and we change it to make it even more exclusive/specialized, won't that do wonders for your relevance?

This makes me think of the line from Animal House:  "I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!  And we are just the guys to do it."

Just to be fair, I think Frontier takes a lot of unwarranted heat from it player base. The game is not perfect but none are, however, ED delivers a lot more value for money than 95% of the other games out there. From my perspective, however, Frontier needs to take a good long look at their strengths and weaknesses and if they want to attract and retain players, they need to play to the strengths, not the weaknesses.

The Salome event, while drawing lots of attention and player interaction, show cased a major weakness with p2p instancing in Elite. Recognize that, try to figure out how to create the same player excitement but with an event that is not hampered by p2p instancing but instead, enhanced by it. Make Elite a game, not of epic space battles but shadow wars, guerilla tactics, alliances, diplomacy. Give player groups a chance to be part of the lore in a way that doesn't interfere with the story/history. Give players a chance to assist groups in a visible way in the game, allow them to be part of the game and make a difference. But, create those activities so that players can do them in smaller groups or teams. And maybe, try to add in cooperative play and incentives to coop rather than always focusing on PvP, winners and losers.

For myself, PvP is simply too specialized. It takes too much time to build up a fleet, engineer and design a ship, learn the tactics and build up the skills, to then engage in an activity with too small a group of interested players that I simply don't find entertaining. It is, by definition, an elite pursuit that requires a significant investment of time and energy. And if a person doesn't think it is fun, they are never going to make that investment.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2020, 1:33pm

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