Elite: General talk

29 Nov 2020, 12:52pm
Don't quote me on that but calling out the names is against the rules of INARA, too. As well as law in some countries, as infamy (even if rightful) may be recognized as a crime. Plus, from my old 'net times, I remember the Trial-By-Forum being not only shunned upon but fully barred from any form of discussion.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 1:14pm
29 Nov 2020, 1:22pm
DescartesThat sounds reasonable, yes. I'm still not convinced that gankers are that much of a problem. Nuisance, yes. Pain in the butt, yes. Avoidable, yes.

Let me put it another way: We soon learn where pirates tend to congregate, and can avoid them. We know that if we venture into goid territory, we may get stung by corrosive chemicals and avoid them too, (or not, as we choose). I think the same goes for gankers.

As for me? I swing both ways. . . in and out.

p.s. just going out now.

I couldn’t agree more, regarding the reality of ganking. It simply isn’t as bad as the victims make out, whether they are really suffering, or simply say that they are being griefed just to spread the banter around and if one is refusing to educate themselves about how to avoid the rarest of players, then who’s fault is that?

29 Nov 2020, 1:37pm
Freebie week is over, baby seal clubbing has stopped. I think we can put that topic to rest.
29 Nov 2020, 1:47pm
SakashiroFreebie week is over, baby seal clubbing has stopped. I think we can put that topic to rest.

At least until the next "for free"-week comes up on either Steam or Epic.

Anyway: I myself ran into too many gankers in too many games in my gaming career, all operating under the modus operandi "I don't want to ruin the game, I want to ruin your game!". I just don't have any interest left to serve as an easy ego-boost for some guy who knows very well that his definition of "PvP" translate more into "Player vs Prey" instead of "Player vs Player", no matter how unlikely the chance to run into one is. So if a game gives me a chance to make sure I won't run into them I will take it.

"A burnt child dreads the fire." and all that jazz...
29 Nov 2020, 3:07pm
I think there also may be elements of each player's RL experiences that they bring into any game, inseparable from themselves & integral to their identity.

If, for instance, someone was bullied in RL as a child, &/ even as an adult, physically assaulted, or even an attempt made on their life, they'd bring aspects of that trauma which remains, also integral to themselves, therapy notwithstanding.

Which in my case, no doubt explains my aversion to PvP in general & uninvited PvP ('ganking', in my mind; YMMV) in particular.

The game offers alternatives to Open, of which I have, do & will continue to take advantage.
29 Nov 2020, 3:30pm
ZentzlbI'd like to see a couple of you PvP hating carebears at the next one.

I don't hate PvP. I don't even mind ganking.

I just dislike baby seal clubbing. Is that really necessary?


According to the class I played in Kingdom of Loathing, yes, it is. You gotta club 'em early, before they turn evil.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 3:47pm
ED should have a proper co-op mode. The problem with Mobius is that private groups can't have more than 20,000 members. Their workaround is to split the group by geographic region. According to their FAQ, when you sign up you have to choose whether you want to play with Americans or with Europeans/Asians/etc. I'd rather stay in open than lock myself out of either of those regions/time zones.

It makes no sense to me that FDev separate ED's player base by platform (PC/XB/PS) but not by play style.
29 Nov 2020, 3:56pm
XeknosAccording to the class I played in Kingdom of Loathing, yes, it is. You gotta club 'em early, before they turn evil.


I thought baby seals turn into Navy SEALs when they grow up.

Seems I was wrong. Sorry.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:39pm
29 Nov 2020, 4:13pm
XeknosAccording to the class I played in Kingdom of Loathing, yes, it is. You gotta club 'em early, before they turn evil.


I thought baby seals turn into Navy SEALs when they grow up.

Seems I was wrong. Sorry.

More reasons to club them lol.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 4:38pm
No one like gankers. But, no one likes whiners. On and on the story shall be.

From what I read, you all are in agreement that "Gankers suck and we don't like ganking". But, you all have different ideas on how to go about it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 4:42pm
Aside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:12pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

arrive in deciat  unarmed no cargo  dead 30sec arrive in engineered vette,cutter,type10. free road . newbees need to be allowed a bit more protection. the game needs new players to progress and add to the game community or it will die

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:16pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

If you think that their ganking is bad, giving them an incentive for doing that bad thing is exactly the opposite of what you should do. Just wake away. If you stay for a fight, it means that their bad behavior is successful, a reason to go on. If it is just a waste of time, it may become boring and not worthwhile.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm
29 Nov 2020, 5:17pm
Captin PelleyAside for career gankers which make up a relatively small portion of the community, most gankers are just bored pvpers waiting for fights so they gank in the meantime. The best thing you can do to combat their ganking is just get good and give them fights.

arrive in deciat unarmed no cargo dead 30sec arrive in engineered vette,cutter,type10. free road . newbees need to be allowed a bit more protection. the game needs new players to progress and add to the game community or it will die

Curious how the game keeps on not dying, then.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 29 Nov 2020, 5:40pm

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