Elite: General talk

31 Dec 2020, 12:37pm
Happy new year only 11 hours 35 mins to go
31 Dec 2020, 12:40pm
Happy new year!
31 Dec 2020, 1:49pm
Happy New years eve Everyone!

Looking for dedicated Elite Players who like to Explore, take on missions, mine materials and well basically just love to play the game. In my squadron we are players who enjoy showing new players how to get started and welcome veteran players who love to share info on what they have learned while playing the game. If any of you are looking for fellow ED enthusiasts and or you have an addiction to this game like I do please look us up. Our platform is PS4 and the squadron name is Obscure Ones, OBON for short in game squadron look up. If any of this sounds interesting please look us up in game or give me a shout out on PS4. We have shared bookmarks in squadron to help the new players find resources as well and for the vets some places they might not have checked out yet.

07 CMDRs and a very Happy New Year
31 Dec 2020, 3:38pm
The potential for in-person RP in Odyssey intrigues me. My only complaint is that it won't be onboard the ships, which I'd argue are as much of a character as any of us once you settle on one.

Last edit: 31 Dec 2020, 5:02pm
31 Dec 2020, 3:56pm
M. LehmanThe potential for in-person RP in Odyssey intrigues me. My only complaint is that it won't be onboard the ships, which I'd argue are as much of a charcter as any of us once you settle on one.

31 Dec 2020, 6:05pm
Adding interiors to each type of ship may be too much work, but I'm cautiously optimistic they'll add a common set of interiors to fleet carriers at some point.
31 Dec 2020, 6:25pm
SakashiroAdding interiors to each type of ship may be too much work, but I'm cautiously optimistic they'll add a common set of interiors to fleet carriers at some point.

The asset-building and texturing would be the "easy" part. More difficult would be integrating different modules and weapons into some kind of meaningful consistency in terms of the internal space they require. Hardest of all would be creating gameplay that both adds to and co-exists with the rest of the game.
31 Dec 2020, 7:21pm
Synthya Wylder
M. LehmanThe potential for in-person RP in Odyssey intrigues me. My only complaint is that it won't be onboard the ships, which I'd argue are as much of a charcter as any of us once you settle on one.

31 Dec 2020, 9:24pm
Happy New Year and strong (space) legs, everybody!
31 Dec 2020, 9:28pm
ArtieHappy New Year and strong (space) legs, everybody!

You also, Artie, & the same to everyone else!
31 Dec 2020, 9:28pm
Happy new year Commanders
31 Dec 2020, 9:37pm
ArtieHappy New Year and strong (space) legs, everybody!

Happy New Year to you, Artie, and to all the new friends I've made thanks to this site.
31 Dec 2020, 10:33pm
Happy new year from my time zone
31 Dec 2020, 11:36pm
M. Lehman
SakashiroAdding interiors to each type of ship may be too much work, but I'm cautiously optimistic they'll add a common set of interiors to fleet carriers at some point.

The asset-building and texturing would be the "easy" part. More difficult would be integrating different modules and weapons into some kind of meaningful consistency in terms of the internal space they require. Hardest of all would be creating gameplay that both adds to and co-exists with the rest of the game.

This is pretty much why I am expecting ship interiors to be coming in the next expansion years from now and not in Odyssey. Would love the ability to hang out with others in a fleet carrier or an imperial cutter, but Star Citizen is an ongoing example of what happens when you overreach with limited resources.
01 Jan 2021, 12:31am
Happy NEW YEAR. Just cant wait to throat punch 2020 in a few hours!!!

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