Elite: General talk

30 Nov 2020, 10:50am
JB ThreepwoodForced PvP is the only part of the game that really forces you to play the game how someone else wants you to play... hence there being ways to avoid it.

This is False, I have to gather and grind for materials to engineer my ships, in some cases that grind is hefty, if I was to play my way the grind would not be quite so time consuming on some materials rather than others of the same rarity. I am forced to do this in game. I also have to defend myself against unwanted Bounty hunting NPC's. In the early game this can be quite the ordeal if you are not yet ready for a fight against a more powerful opponent of you haven't had to run from anything before.

Your logic here is just silly. A commander is not forced to defend themselves against commanders unless they choose open, which clearly states they may encounter others commanders.

By choosing this option you are playing how you want, with the opportunity to encounter other commanders.

The point is that you aren't being forced by another player to grind... you're forcing yourself to grind... and, as for NPCs, the clue's in the name.

As for my "silly" logic... I said they can avoid PVP, not defend against it, which includes other game modes.

Last edit: 30 Nov 2020, 10:55am
30 Nov 2020, 5:01pm
ZentzlbYooooo, Ive been wanting to get ganked by him for ages!

He flies FA/off with KBAM like a boss!

Love his voice and cute German accent.

I apologize for excessive fangirling. But evading that gank really made my day!

you hanging out in system, desperate to get ganked especially the hot gankers.... LOLs
30 Nov 2020, 5:36pm
Can someone please make a summary of how to gain reputation (as well as the benefits of said reputation) for Arissa Lavigny-Duval? I might just stick to the passive bounty boost if the gains aren't very good.
30 Nov 2020, 6:02pm
Sparlin007Can someone please make a summary of how to gain reputation (as well as the benefits of said reputation) for Arissa Lavigny-Duval? I might just stick to the passive bounty boost if the gains aren't very good.

30 Nov 2020, 7:03pm
Sir Sprockettyou hanging out in system, desperate to get ganked especially the hot gankers.... LOLs


First I found ganking annoying, but I wanted to leave solo mode, so I engineered the hell out of one of the fastest ships available in the game. (It was going to be a Viper Mk III first, but Epi pointed me at the Courier.)

Then I went to Deciat to test it.

Then I did that again. And again...

Now I'm addicted to the adrenaline rush. Gank evasion is the most fun I've had in the game. I feel a bit like the girl in that video, dodging, sidestepping, while opponents with much more firepower take swings at me... One day I'll get my teeth kicked, too, but so far I've been lucky. And it will never get boring, because once it gets too easy, I can upgrade the challenge by downgrading my ship to a slower one, with weaker shields etc. There will always be someone taking the bait.

And it's also a social thing. I found my squadron this way, and a lot of friends in the game that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
01 Dec 2020, 12:06am
Sir Sprockettyou hanging out in system, desperate to get ganked especially the hot gankers.... LOLs


First I found ganking annoying, but I wanted to leave solo mode, so I engineered the hell out of one of the fastest ships available in the game. (It was going to be a Viper Mk III first, but Epi pointed me at the Courier.)

Then I went to Deciat to test it.

Then I did that again. And again...

Now I'm addicted to the adrenaline rush. Gank evasion is the most fun I've had in the game. I feel a bit like the girl in that video, dodging, sidestepping, while opponents with much more firepower take swings at me... One day I'll get my teeth kicked, too, but so far I've been lucky. And it will never get boring, because once it gets too easy, I can upgrade the challenge by downgrading my ship to a slower one, with weaker shields etc. There will always be someone taking the bait.

And it's also a social thing. I found my squadron this way, and a lot of friends in the game that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I just had ZENTZLB interdict me, in my still un engineered Courier, and we had a damn good scrap... I got some dmg on him and I made it as hard as possible for him to get the kill. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I am looking forward to Gank evasion in my engineered courier...
01 Dec 2020, 12:24am
Sir SprockettI am looking forward to Gank evasion in my engineered courier...

Due to the increase in bounty payouts, I just dropped my mining gear and equipped a FSD interdictor instead. It's not engineered yet, but there are some tricks to avoid getting pulled that we can practice if you like. If you get an interdictor, too, we can take turns at interdicting and evading.
01 Dec 2020, 12:28am
Sir SprockettI am looking forward to Gank evasion in my engineered courier...

Due to the increase in bounty payouts, I just dropped my mining gear and equipped a FSD interdictor instead. It's not engineered yet, but there are some tricks to avoid getting pulled that we can practice if you like. If you get an interdictor, too, we can take turns at interdicting and evading.

i have an Intradictor already on mine with a KWS. EMC and wake scanner (mats gathering) I also have 4 t cargo 1a intradictor and rest hull and mod reinforcement with rsc armor.
01 Dec 2020, 12:51am
Sir Sprocketti have an Intradictor already on mine with a KWS. EMC and wake scanner (mats gathering) I also have 4 t cargo 1a intradictor and rest hull and mod reinforcement with rsc armor.

Looking at your build in EDSY now. I see you're going for hull tank instead of high speed. Not sure if the Courier is an ideal choice for this approach, but I'm curious to see how it works out for you.

Anyway, if you want to practice interdictions, let me know.
01 Dec 2020, 12:54am
Sir Sprockettyou hanging out in system, desperate to get ganked especially the hot gankers.... LOLs


First I found ganking annoying, but I wanted to leave solo mode, so I engineered the hell out of one of the fastest ships available in the game. (It was going to be a Viper Mk III first, but Epi pointed me at the Courier.)

Then I went to Deciat to test it.

Then I did that again. And again...

Now I'm addicted to the adrenaline rush. Gank evasion is the most fun I've had in the game. I feel a bit like the girl in that video, dodging, sidestepping, while opponents with much more firepower take swings at me... One day I'll get my teeth kicked, too, but so far I've been lucky. And it will never get boring, because once it gets too easy, I can upgrade the challenge by downgrading my ship to a slower one, with weaker shields etc. There will always be someone taking the bait.

And it's also a social thing. I found my squadron this way, and a lot of friends in the game that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

The other day in Parutis my mate wanted to have a go at you. I told him he can try and I'll sit back and watch him fail. I'm not chasing a Courier in a Cutter
01 Dec 2020, 8:51am
Igneel Prime

The other day in Parutis my mate wanted to have a go at you. I told him he can try and I'll sit back and watch him fail. I'm not chasing a Courier in a Cutter

She is not that fast anymore - a cutter will have 190m/s disadvantage that will give you 31sec for long range rails abuse. The time with FDL would be 51sec.

But I am bothered why wing ganks do not include a fast interceptor craft?
01 Dec 2020, 9:21am
Igneel Prime

The other day in Parutis my mate wanted to have a go at you. I told him he can try and I'll sit back and watch him fail. I'm not chasing a Courier in a Cutter

She is not that fast anymore - a cutter will have 190m/s disadvantage that will give you 31sec for long range rails abuse. The time with FDL would be 51sec.

But I am bothered why wing ganks do not include a fast interceptor craft?

who said they don't? Working on a wing comp at the moment trying to figure out what goes where
01 Dec 2020, 11:28am
EpisparhShe is not that fast anymore - a cutter will have 190m/s disadvantage that will give you 31sec for long range rails abuse. The time with FDL would be 51sec.

FSD cooldown time is 5 seconds. High-wake charge time is 15 seconds flat, low-wake can be as short as 5 seconds if the ship is beyond mass lock range.
01 Dec 2020, 12:03pm
Sir Sprockett
ZentzlbYooooo, Ive been wanting to get ganked by him for ages!

He flies FA/off with KBAM like a boss!

Love his voice and cute German accent.

I apologize for excessive fangirling. But evading that gank really made my day!

you hanging out in system, desperate to get ganked especially the hot gankers.... LOLs

... while still playing hard to get.
01 Dec 2020, 12:11pm

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