Elite: General talk

27 Dec 2020, 9:55am
Synthya WylderEpi, don't feel bad... I've heard it said that English can be 1 of the most tricky if not 1 of the hardest languages to learn; so much of it is comprised of 'borrow-words' & psuedo-slang & various subtleties which vary from country to country, even from region to region & town to town...

I'm English... and I don't get the nuances of the language even after umpteen years! Even my formal training in writing high level military briefs was apparently wrong in many ways according to an English teacher.
All I know is Epi is a great contributor and supportive CMDR. Let's support this great game together, whatever our POV on the intricacies of E:D... and there are many!

PS Got my Combat Elite... only Explorer to go!


Wow, congrats! This is by far the most difficult achievement IMO. Explorer is a piece of cake compared to combat. Presumably it’ll take me another 2-3 years to make combat Elite (and thus 3E).

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:37pm
27 Dec 2020, 11:14am
Synthya WylderEpi, don't feel bad... I've heard it said that English can be 1 of the most tricky if not 1 of the hardest languages to learn; so much of it is comprised of 'borrow-words' & psuedo-slang & various subtleties which vary from country to country, even from region to region & town to town...

I'm English... and I don't get the nuances of the language even after umpteen years! Even my formal training in writing high level military briefs was apparently wrong in many ways according to an English teacher.
All I know is Epi is a great contributor and supportive CMDR. Let's support this great game together, whatever our POV on the intricacies of E:D... and there are many!

PS Got my Combat Elite... only Explorer to go!


Congratulations on Combat Elite. An epic achievement. Respect.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:37pm
27 Dec 2020, 11:16am
Spud_@Smaloo a huge Congrats to you, ten years from now I will get there... LOL, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I'll fly with you in combat anytime Spud!  :D

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:37pm
27 Dec 2020, 11:18am
Rufus P. Bray
Synthya WylderEpi, don't feel bad... I've heard it said that English can be 1 of the most tricky if not 1 of the hardest languages to learn; so much of it is comprised of 'borrow-words' & psuedo-slang & various subtleties which vary from country to country, even from region to region & town to town...

I'm English... and I don't get the nuances of the language even after umpteen years! Even my formal training in writing high level military briefs was apparently wrong in many ways according to an English teacher.
All I know is Epi is a great contributor and supportive CMDR. Let's support this great game together, whatever our POV on the intricacies of E:D... and there are many!

PS Got my Combat Elite... only Explorer to go!


Wow, congrats! This is by far the most difficult achievement IMO. Explorer is a piece of cake compared to combat. Presumably it’ll take me another 2-3 years to make combat Elite (and thus 3E).

Lots and lots of CZ's! Hooray for the Corvette!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:37pm
27 Dec 2020, 11:19am
Synthya WylderEpi, don't feel bad... I've heard it said that English can be 1 of the most tricky if not 1 of the hardest languages to learn; so much of it is comprised of 'borrow-words' & psuedo-slang & various subtleties which vary from country to country, even from region to region & town to town...

I'm English... and I don't get the nuances of the language even after umpteen years! Even my formal training in writing high level military briefs was apparently wrong in many ways according to an English teacher.
All I know is Epi is a great contributor and supportive CMDR. Let's support this great game together, whatever our POV on the intricacies of E:D... and there are many!

PS Got my Combat Elite... only Explorer to go!


Congratulations on Combat Elite. An epic achievement. Respect.

Tx... now to do some exploring and unlock Palin!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:37pm
27 Dec 2020, 12:51pm
I started noticing many CMDRs logged on in game even on festive days.
I wanted to make a tribute, telling a story of those brave pilots who sortie when the rest of us are safe and sound.

And to a wonderful community that made the weeks and months pass easier thanks to the great squadrons who are like big online families.

I joined them in flying BGS and powerplay through Christmas weekend, because this year there was nothing for me to celebrate.

27 Dec 2020, 9:47pm
Lakshmi BaiI started noticing many CMDRs logged on in game even on festive days.
I wanted to make a tribute, telling a story of those brave pilots who sortie when the rest of us are safe and sound.

And to a wonderful community that made the weeks and months pass easier thanks to the great squadrons who are like big online families.

I joined them in flying BGS and powerplay through Christmas weekend, because this year there was nothing for me to celebrate.

Lakshmi BaiI started noticing many CMDRs logged on in game even on festive days.
I wanted to make a tribute, telling a story of those brave pilots who sortie when the rest of us are safe and sound.

And to a wonderful community that made the weeks and months pass easier thanks to the great squadrons who are like big online families.

I joined them in flying BGS and powerplay through Christmas weekend, because this year there was nothing for me to celebrate.

I sincerely hope you find something to celebrate in the coming year no matter how small. Happy to fly with you anytime CMDR.
28 Dec 2020, 12:13am
This game is awesome.
28 Dec 2020, 7:57am
As much as I am starting to love my new Courier, I’m always on the lookout for new ships to add to my arsenal. I’d like to start trying out getting used to flying Medium ships, so I’m looking at the Chieftain line to see which one suits me best. The stats seem to be pretty nice, and I’d be able to recoup my buy-in easily with some big bounty hunting contracts. Plus, I don’t have to grind rank for them and it looks like I won’t break the bank to outfit one.

Of course, the nearest place to me that sells Chieftains is Durrance Dock in Xi Ursae Majoris. Which is ~70ly away from Ohm City in LHS 20, aka the station I’m currently calling home.

Me? Frustrated? Never.
28 Dec 2020, 10:56am
Is anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 11:08am
SakashiroIs anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

Pre-order just on a marketing video which is combination of footage and art with no actual release date is something I wouldn't support ever nor I have plans to be a Tester for Frontier.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 11:43am
Hey Commaders ,

Just been wondering how much frontier will break elite with the odyssey expansion ..De ja vu again and again

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 12:23pm
Imperial Courier is not very good combat ship as its name suggest different applications.

The Chieftain is a nice ship but being a hull tank has its drawbacks for PvE. Hint: do not skip module reinforcement packages. A PvE fitted chieftain will cost you around 80 mil but for a bit more you can get Krait or FDL which should give you more options as those are more flexible.

.. Finally, you better invest some time in engineering - this can change any ship dramatically.
28 Dec 2020, 12:34pm
SakashiroIs anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

I've pre-ordered it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
28 Dec 2020, 12:46pm
Is there pre-order for Elite: Dangerous Odyssey on Xbox, too? Or it's just PC thing?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:38pm

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