Elite: General talk

30 Dec 2020, 7:06am
Jubei HimuraI flew my Courier on many o'combat mission. Did me well, and I looked damn sexy too.

Definitely it can work in combat missions vs single targets ... but only until you get small to medium ships with low ranks. Once the mission targets are Dangerous + with Anaconda or Vette it is over. The ship do not have a punch for it.

Yes, iCourier can do combat, but for me to say that a "ship is good", it needs more than that. It needs to be able to harass strong targets in CZ and Haz RES on its own. That are spec ops wings in CZ and wings of 3 high ranked medium + large ships in Haz Res with pinnacle being able to solo a wing assassination mission. IMHO, only one small ship could qualify for this - the Vulture.
30 Dec 2020, 7:53am
EpisparhOnce the mission targets are Dangerous + with Anaconda or Vette it is over. The ship do not have a punch for it.

In PvE, Condas and Vettes are a problem only if they carry turrets. Clippers I find more difficult because they turn quite fast despite being large.

Which is why my next ship will be a Clipper.
30 Dec 2020, 8:31am
( : Pro : )

Tell this to "Star Citizen" players =D

Everyone can make owns judgment. IMHO, those are not players but victims. Backing a project during a kick starter is one thing but failing for such low baits after is a different story.

This is exactly a behavior I would not support.  We still do not know what the game play in Odyssey will be nor we know release date. So why bother with pre-order? There is not limit for accounts that will have access to it nor digital licenses require production and delivery to actual location.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah I agree whole heartedly.  Frankly, peoples willingness to throw money at something with nothing to go on is killing this industry.  Every time you buy something before you know what you're actually getting you're telling their management and shareholders 'it doesn't matter what they give you, you'll take it anyways'.  The list of dumpster fire product releases just keeps growing faster every year and we need to start taking ownership of our part in the problem.

I bought the lifetime pass because I've loved every Elite product FDev has ever made.  I regret it simply because of the arms list of glaring bugs that are still in the game 5+ years later.  I can't help but think that maybe if I (and others like me) hadn't made that mistake they would have been more inclined to worked harder to fix what is, instead of piling more on.  Now I have no choice.  I put up with what they give me whether I'm happy with it or not.  A lesson I learnt the hard way.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:41pm
30 Dec 2020, 12:02pm
SakashiroIs anyone here going to participate in the Odyssey alpha? I'm pondering which DLC to preorder.

Pre-order just on a marketing video which is combination of footage and art with no actual release date is something I wouldn't support ever nor I have plans to be a Tester for Frontier.

Tell this to "Star Citizen" players =D

IMAGINE...posting garbage about supporting a developer while flying an AURORA in Star Citizen...the irony.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:41pm
30 Dec 2020, 12:10pm
What is Aurora?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:41pm
30 Dec 2020, 12:37pm
Aurora is a small but great fighter in the right pilots hands. Its a ship in Star Citizen.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Dec 2020, 2:41pm
30 Dec 2020, 7:38pm
I think that at this point we know that Frontier generally delivers on its promises.

The same cannot be said for Cloud Imperium.
30 Dec 2020, 8:00pm
The question is not if Frontier will deliver but what, how and when they will.
31 Dec 2020, 3:27am
Honestly can’t see myself playing the game without Odyssey once it releases. Even if the FPS gameplay is boilerplate at best, it adds a dimension to the game that is sorely lacking at the moment via player avatars and player hubs. Players will feel like they are more than their ships, however limited it might end up being. When community goals kick off in Odyssey, folks will talk trash not just in the systems, but within station hubs as well. It will be like my time on Phantasy Star Online’s lobbies. Folks will undoubtedly spend hours just yapping away with complete strangers.

Friendships will form. Cliques will be forged. Insults will be hurled. Vendettas will emerge. I am here for all of it.
31 Dec 2020, 3:39am
And, more nutrients to nurture additional RPs.
31 Dec 2020, 3:49am
Definitely. RP communities thrive when they have more to work with. Just being able to be outside of a ship or SRV will do wonders for the immersion.
31 Dec 2020, 8:43am

From all us Koala Cmdrs in Australia.
31 Dec 2020, 10:26am

From all us Koala Cmdrs in Australia.

Happy New Year from Berlin! I’m not sure what we command here nowadays, so I’ll default to a Great White in memory of my home town, Cape Town.
31 Dec 2020, 11:21am
Happy New Year from Korea! Less than four hours left in 2020, am glad to see it go.
31 Dec 2020, 12:08pm
Happy New Year to you all

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