Elite: General talk

17 Dec 2020, 6:11am
My first excursion into Guardian Ruins has ended before it’s even begun—botched the landing with my brand spanking new DBX and was forced to rebuy. This BITES. All that exploration data I was gathering? Gone. That Guardian cargo I was hauling, hoping to sell? Yeah, I’m not getting those back.

Looks like I have to do some more bounty hunting to go fund another try (turns out I need to refuel my SRVs manually). I really want that Guardian PP...I’m not planning on Thargoid hunting yet; I’m trying to hold off engineering my stuff.

Last edit: 17 Dec 2020, 6:34am
17 Dec 2020, 9:29am
MAVERICKbirdyMy first excursion into Guardian Ruins has ended before it’s even begun—botched the landing with my brand spanking new DBX and was forced to rebuy. This BITES. All that exploration data I was gathering? Gone. That Guardian cargo I was hauling, hoping to sell? Yeah, I’m not getting those back.

Looks like I have to do some more bounty hunting to go fund another try (turns out I need to refuel my SRVs manually). I really want that Guardian PP...I’m not planning on Thargoid hunting yet; I’m trying to hold off engineering my stuff.

Below is a site I like to use for Guardian Module blueprints. It has flat areas to land close to the site and the layout of the pylons (as in picture) are easy to memorize. May be best done in solo/PG cos it's popular.
Don't forget your Point Defenses. I pack two on my DBX, both on the upper auxiliary points. They take out the Guardian missiles, no problem!

17 Dec 2020, 5:52pm
MAVERICKbirdyMy first excursion into Guardian Ruins has ended before it’s even begun—botched the landing with my brand spanking new DBX and was forced to rebuy. This BITES. All that exploration data I was gathering? Gone. That Guardian cargo I was hauling, hoping to sell? Yeah, I’m not getting those back.

Looks like I have to do some more bounty hunting to go fund another try (turns out I need to refuel my SRVs manually). I really want that Guardian PP...I’m not planning on Thargoid hunting yet; I’m trying to hold off engineering my stuff.

Sounds like you really need to practice your landings!

If you think you're going into a high-risk area or activity, far better to unload &/ turn in all you can prior & minimize any potential losses.
17 Dec 2020, 8:33pm
Synthya WylderSounds like you really need to practice your landings!

If you think you're going into a high-risk area or activity, far better to unload &/ turn in all you can prior & minimize any potential losses.

Ya don’t say. (But really, this is all my fault—I’ve never really done any real flight in atmo before, let alone one outside of a settlement, so I should’ve bookmarked the location before I jumped in, jumped back to Ohm, sold my stuff, and then done the ruins; at the very least I wouldn’t have eaten that loss quite as hard)
18 Dec 2020, 10:00am
Happy p2p space legs combat announcement
18 Dec 2020, 10:09am
EpisparhHappy p2p space legs combat announcement

Did I miss something?
18 Dec 2020, 10:22am
18 Dec 2020, 10:52am
18 Dec 2020, 10:59am
Rebecca Hail

Oof. That particular design choice will come back.


I read it like this:
"The underlying network structure is the same as the rest of ED i.e. p2p so that the experience is seamless for players we can deliver this with minimal effort and infrastructure"
18 Dec 2020, 11:51am
I'm more happy about things like the ship hit boxes than mad about that tbh
18 Dec 2020, 12:17pm
18 Dec 2020, 12:59pm
Synthya WylderSpeaking of puns & humor... FDevs Pronunciation Contest!

That's Polish name. Something like Gregor Brechischekevich .

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 18 Dec 2020, 2:45pm
18 Dec 2020, 1:00pm
I always read the bleating about p2p as "I want single shard servers free"...
if one doesn't want a p2p networked game, don't buy it...
18 Dec 2020, 2:30pm
Rat CatcherI always read the bleating about p2p as "I want single shard servers free"...
if one doesn't want a p2p networked game, don't buy it...

The thing is that I have realized that after 6 months as this is not something that they announce in their marketing materials.
And it is still a good game if you avoid PvP as then p2p is then sufficient. The thing with FPS is that it usually very fast paced and p2p synchronization issues will be even greater than what we have currently.
18 Dec 2020, 2:46pm
That's Polish name. Something like Gregor Brechischekevich .

Just adding a guide.

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