Elite: General talk

09 Dec 2020, 5:20am
SakashiroGanking can't be separated from PvP because people do not usually pick fights they cannot win. The consequence is that PvP between strangers will usually be initiated by a player flying a more powerful ship and/or by a wing outnumbering the target. Whether this qualifies as a gank or not is really up to the player being attacked.

You said it there yourself "Usually", this is only because of the vast amount of Gankers as opposed to other PvPer's. You are wrong. They should be separated because they are different.

SakashiroAnother consequence of this is that the more you prepare your ship for PvP, the less likely other players will initiate combat with you. So if PvP with strangers is what you want, becoming a ganker is pretty much inevitable. The fact that PvP-capable ships can't be used for anything else contributes to the problem: Once you're stuck in Deciat with your overengineered FDL with its shitty jump range, attacking other players is the only thing you can do.

Again "Less Likely" and isn't that part of the whole point, to no longer be a victim? "Pretty much" is an assumption, my statement still stands.
"PvP ships can't be used for anything else." Absolute Rubbish! You can have a PvP capable ship that can do many other tasks than PvP. Almost all of my ships are PvP viable yet I perform BgS tasks with all of them successfully and efficiently.
No one is stuck in deciat with an over-engineered FDL. An FDL can jump plenty far enough to get out of the system.
09 Dec 2020, 6:47am
SakashiroGanking can't be separated from PvP because people do not usually pick fights they cannot win. The consequence is that PvP between strangers will usually be initiated by a player flying a more powerful ship and/or by a wing outnumbering the target. Whether this qualifies as a gank or not is really up to the player being attacked.

You said it there yourself "Usually", this is only because of the vast amount of Gankers as opposed to other PvPer's. You are wrong. They should be separated because they are different.

SakashiroAnother consequence of this is that the more you prepare your ship for PvP, the less likely other players will initiate combat with you. So if PvP with strangers is what you want, becoming a ganker is pretty much inevitable. The fact that PvP-capable ships can't be used for anything else contributes to the problem: Once you're stuck in Deciat with your overengineered FDL with its shitty jump range, attacking other players is the only thing you can do.

Again "Less Likely" and isn't that part of the whole point, to no longer be a victim? "Pretty much" is an assumption, my statement still stands.
"PvP ships can't be used for anything else." Absolute Rubbish! You can have a PvP capable ship that can do many other tasks than PvP. Almost all of my ships are PvP viable yet I perform BgS tasks with all of them successfully and efficiently.
No one is stuck in deciat with an over-engineered FDL. An FDL can jump plenty far enough to get out of the system.

I was talking about combat between strangers. If you want to make the case that PvPers don't select their targets carefully, go ahead. Just don't expect me to buy it on anecdotal evidence.

Regarding ship specialization: People don't generally use FDLs for exploration or mining. That doesn't mean it can't be done, it is just less likely. If you spot an FDL near a mining site, you can safely assume that it isn't there for mining. On the other hand, you're less likely to be interdicted by a player flying e.g. a Type-6. Again, you're welcome to change my mind about it by presenting statistics that prove me wrong. Until you do, I'll stick with common sense.
09 Dec 2020, 12:51pm
RenraikuAlmost all of my ships are PvP viable yet I perform BgS tasks with all of them successfully and efficiently.

Efficiently? How about trading, source/return or exploring with a pvp viable FDL/Vette? Or is "viable" equal to just escape?
09 Dec 2020, 12:51pm
SakashiroI was talking about combat between strangers. If you want to make the case that PvPers don't select their targets carefully, go ahead. Just don't expect me to buy it on anecdotal evidence.

Regarding ship specialization: People don't generally use FDLs for exploration or mining. That doesn't mean it can't be done, it is just less likely. If you spot an FDL near a mining site, you can safely assume that it isn't there for mining. On the other hand, you're less likely to be interdicted by a player flying e.g. a Type-6. Again, you're welcome to change my mind about it by presenting statistics that prove me wrong. Until you do, I'll stick with common sense.

You were talking about combat between strangers. So was I.

Most CMDRs pick their targets carefully, do you go into a High CZ in an E-rated sidewinder, nope, you upgrade it or get a better ship before you take on targets beyond the ships capacity and/or your piloting skills, this is life and gaming life.

I know of a CMDR who performs his pirate shenanigans in a Type-7.

Any ship can be setup to take on targets within it's limitations and some well beyond in the right hands.

This one Pilot asked for 20 Platinum from 2 Cutters and an Anaconda, they refused and fired upon him. He promptly returned fire and destroyed the first Cutter in seconds, the second was taken down to 17% hull before it jumped out and the Anaconda had one ring left when the Type-7 ran out of ammo and left.

This is not an Isolated case, this sort of thing happens all the time. Do you know why no one knows about it? because who is going to tell their mates that three miners were taken advantage of by a Type-7?

I cannot give you statistics and neither can anyone else, this is not quantifiable in such a way, or would take significant time to extrapolate for each encounter. The only way anyone will know it happened at all is if someone tells the story. Not everyone tells their stories to the world.

The PvP community is not one single entity, there are many different groups who interact in different ways.

There are many pilots who play these ways with random CMDR's.

I have watched that video and the metrics they worked from I have never seen, is this data available to all, including the queries they ran to find the data they came out with? That information would be interesting to see. They say there are two types of PvPers, I believe this is incorrect or at the very least an over simplification, these guys do not have a magic way of knowing who does what and why, they have a select number of people that they have spoken to and certain communities they have been a part of or spoken with. I believe there may have been a significant number of assumptions made on that data. The quantity from the known Ganker CMDR's I do not dismiss out of hand as there is a significant evidence that it is close to those numbers, without seeing the data and the queries they ran I am unable to make any definitive conclusions. I know of a bunch of PvP groups who fight each other for fun regularly, this could easily be construed as Ganking in a netcode query, when in fact it is friendly Pews.

You may be forgetting, I am not defending seal clubbing. I don't recall clubbing any seals personally, however I cannot confirm nor deny. It was certainly never my intention to do so if I did unwittingly.

There are simply too many variables for Ganking and other PvP to be all lumped in together. Netcode investigations can only tell so much of a story.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2020, 1:22pm
09 Dec 2020, 12:53pm
Phoebious Z
RenraikuAlmost all of my ships are PvP viable yet I perform BgS tasks with all of them successfully and efficiently.

Efficiently? How about trading, source/return or exploring with a pvp viable FDL/Vette? Or is "viable" equal to just escape?

I didn't say I perform every task with every ship now did I.
09 Dec 2020, 12:56pm
RenraikuI didn't say I perform every task with every ship now did I.

True but you wrote "Almost all" which means pretty much every ship, or at least this is the meaning. If you are excluding the most viable pvp ship (FDL) your argument is not so valid, is it?
09 Dec 2020, 12:59pm
Reread my post. It clearly states the following with different grammar.

Almost all of my ships are PvP viable.
I perform BgS tasks with all of them successfully and efficiently.

What this does not say is - I perform all of my BgS Tasks with all (or almost all) of my PvP viable ships successfully and efficiently.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2020, 1:14pm
09 Dec 2020, 6:46pm
RenraikuThere are simply too many variables for Ganking and other PvP to be all lumped in together.

I disagree. It's impossible to draw a line between ganking and PvP because what an attacker considers legitimate PvP may be perceived as ganking by the player being attacked. On the other hand, when a wing of three players attack my Courier, it's clearly a gank attempt but also the type of PvP I am looking for. There is no objective standard for PvP vs. ganking, and that's why they're lumped together.

There is, however, a way to tell ganking from piracy.
09 Dec 2020, 7:54pm
What if there is no ganking, only life?
09 Dec 2020, 7:56pm
Effie TrinketWhat if there is no ganking, only life?

This is getting a little philosophical now, isn't it?
09 Dec 2020, 8:03pm
Rebecca Hail
Effie TrinketWhat if there is no ganking, only life?

This is getting a little philosophical now, isn't it?

The waiting for the ganking its ganking itself
09 Dec 2020, 8:11pm
Rebecca Hail
Effie TrinketWhat if there is no ganking, only life?

This is getting a little philosophical now, isn't it?

The waiting for the ganking its ganking itself

I gank, therefore I am.
09 Dec 2020, 9:33pm
RenraikuThere are simply too many variables for Ganking and other PvP to be all lumped in together.

I disagree. It's impossible to draw a line between ganking and PvP because what an attacker considers legitimate PvP may be perceived as ganking by the player being attacked. On the other hand, when a wing of three players attack my Courier, it's clearly a gank attempt but also the type of PvP I am looking for. There is no objective standard for PvP vs. ganking, and that's why they're lumped together.

There is, however, a way to tell ganking from piracy.

All ganking is PvP, not all PvP is ganking.
09 Dec 2020, 10:52pm
Rebecca Hail
Rebecca Hail

This is getting a little philosophical now, isn't it?

The waiting for the ganking its ganking itself

I gank, therefore I am.

no go deeper i was was once ganked so now i can, i  gank
09 Dec 2020, 10:59pm
If you stare at the ganker, the ganker stares (and shoots) back.

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