Elite: General talk

06 Feb 2021, 10:26pm
Effie Trinket


Tx Effie


Grats on Triple Elite Smaloo! o7

Tx B!
07 Feb 2021, 5:05am
BEER! Its not just for breakfast anymore!
07 Feb 2021, 4:36pm
Spud_BEER! Its not just for breakfast anymore!

Ooh! I smell an epiphany
07 Feb 2021, 8:43pm
Spud_BEER! Its not just for breakfast anymore!

08 Feb 2021, 2:06pm
can someone tell me if there is a way of getting notifications anyhow from INARA? or do i have to blindly check it every 10 mins for new messages?
08 Feb 2021, 2:06pm

Congratulations Cmdr! o7
08 Feb 2021, 4:45pm
Kate Earnshaw
Spud_BEER! Its not just for breakfast anymore!


Back in the 80's I was stationed in Germany and there was a club we used to frequent Called The Green Goose. They sold T Shirts and one of them had that saying printed on it.
09 Feb 2021, 9:34pm
well here is the Pilot talking to one of the "slavers"


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 6:28pm
10 Feb 2021, 12:48am
Sir Sprockettwell here is the Pilot talking to one of the "slavers"


And here they are getting perma banned to SOLO


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:56pm
10 Feb 2021, 4:07am
Sir Sprockettwell here is the Pilot talking to one of the "slavers"


And here they are getting perma banned to SOLO


But banned for what? I thought it was part of the sandbox gameplay. Bad, yeah, but just like any other "bad behavior" in game.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:56pm
10 Feb 2021, 5:29am
10 Feb 2021, 5:51am
I can't say I agree with Frontier on their decision here. I understand why they chose to do it, but it really does seem like a missed opportunity. I guess the ruthless cut-throat stuff will stay on EVE, even if Elite Dangerous' different play modes would work well to catering to all kinds. To be honest, I was looking forward to watching the resulting hunts and shenanigans' play out. Ah well. Back to space trucking I guess.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:56pm
10 Feb 2021, 6:21am
This is a reminder that Frontier is the ultimate enforcer of their opinion for the game. The code of conduct also contains other topics like harassment, witch-hunt/mob mentality and so on which to some extend is related to other popular game play types.

So, yes, people should think about their actions in game as what they think is acceptable in a cutthroat galaxy may not necessarily be acceptable for the owner of that galaxy.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:56pm
10 Feb 2021, 6:32am
Oh I'm not denying that Episparh. Frontier is the owner and ruler of Elite Dangerous. They can do whatever they wish with their property; something I've seemed to note numerous times as I've learned more about the game. Still, if the statement about them "listening to players" is true, particularly in this instance, we can definitely make sure that there's at least some sort of feedback for them to look at if they deign to choose so. If not, then what I say is as irrelevant as a brown dwarf with a few icy bodies orbiting it, and no harm done

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:57pm
10 Feb 2021, 8:13am
personally I would have like to have seen FDEV not do this ban, but warn the players of the players and there FC's id.  I personally would have like to see the players base enact there revenge. I understand why Fdev have done this especially as this game when you are a new player - is like staring at a cliff.  It does not take much for a new player to say F**k this an leave. Not good for your business model.

I think that FCs should be attackable, not destructible but lets say 90% of the value destructible. This would then make the whole FC carrier in game  a whole different concept.  Only damageable when owner is in game. 1 hour Combat log on Carrier.

Then I feel that pirates, slavers, IMP and Fed can all be affected by the action of single players, wings of players or even Factions of players...

This is a universe where the ganking of NOOBs at FF in  Deciat - seems as bad as being enslaved. Because when ganked in your unrated, un-engineered ship is allowed by FDev then Slavery should also be allowed, but easy to make the slavers have a much harder time of getting players enslaved. Galnet news feed. SHIP ID's etc...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:57pm

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