Elite: General talk

19 Dec 2020, 11:27am
The problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...[/quote]

If I were a Pirate, that’s exactLy where I’d hang out too. Right outside the fire zone of a Station known to be called home by a less experienced crowd and pop ‘em as they dropped out of Super-cruise in the half beaten to death ships.

A wise choice, following such an unpleasant experience, would be change the place I call home.[/quote]

what system would you suggest?
19 Dec 2020, 12:33pm
Sir Sprockett

what system would you suggest?

I’m no expert, Sir Sprockett, but I simply find somewhere not too distant, with a good level of Shipyard and Outfitting services on hand, where people don’t shoot at me when I rock up, shields down and leaking from every weld

Stay out of the starter systems where the rogues hang out looking for easy prey. o7
19 Dec 2020, 5:49pm
Sir Sprockettwhat system would you suggest?

Enayex - Watt Port

But, it is anarchy (which in my opinion is safer as you'll fly around trusting no-one for a while) so system security doesn't exist.

I flew from this system within a short time of leaving the 'beginner' area on my newest account - nice range of ships and outfitting - and of course, easy materials gathering as shooting the NPC's in the system doesn't bring any cops...
19 Dec 2020, 6:04pm
Sir SprockettThe problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...

A wise choice, following such an unpleasant experience, would be change the place I call home.

what system would you suggest?

If for no other reason than the 15% discount on everything available to buy within any of those systems, I think that L.Y.R. systems (the asian guy) would be worthy of consideration. (the 15% discount also reduces your re-buy too)
19 Dec 2020, 6:28pm
Sir SprockettI am struggling to find any difference between High Security Systems and Anarchy systems. I seem to get more interdictions in my home system of Gateway than I do in an Anarchy systesm..

It seems to me that HIGH sec systems should have a 0% chance of being pirated by NPC's (CMDRS can)
Medium Sec systems should have a 30% chance of being pirated
LOw sec systems should be 50% chance
and ANARCHY should be 75% chance

A wise man once sang arm yourself because no one else here will save you...
19 Dec 2020, 6:32pm
so i dont know really where to post this but at this system Skaudaei UH-C c0 in hawkings gap there is a triple tritium overlap hotspot that the RTN squadron found if anyone is out that way there is the gas station if  you need one
20 Dec 2020, 4:55am
I feel so damn good. Just broke 100+ million in spending cash. God, do I love bounty hunting solo! Especially after the buff.

Yeah, I could’ve made over 100x that amount by staring at rocks for several weeks and hauling said rocks around like a school bus full of expensive orphans, but that’s boring, not to mention that it plasters a big ol’ “HATCH BREAK ME DADDY” sign for every pirate in a 100+ ly radius.
20 Dec 2020, 2:04pm
I agree ED needed that combat buff badly. Mining is boring.
20 Dec 2020, 3:30pm
It's not just that but the fact that there was 1 absolutely uncontested way to make decent amounts of money and the rest was meh at best.
21 Dec 2020, 1:25pm
Chae Jin-ahWhere can I get a carrier at usually?

They are available for purchase and configuration in several systems.
21 Dec 2020, 2:01pm
Sir Sprockettthank you CMDRs for your advice and sniggers...

on a sperate note:

I am trying to pay for my type 10 defender, you can see the ship build in my fleet. SHould I get some NPC crew for defence? WHat build should I do so that I can space truck and earn some dosh. This boat is breaking my bank while i am trying some space trucking...

what suggestions do you have for Mrs Malaprop's build?

Miltary Grade Composite, Heavy Duty / Deep Plating
8A PP, Armored

I'm surprised to see fixed weapons on the T-10 (poor maneuverability and poor convergence). I'd ditch the frags for some gimbaled MCs (engineer as needed here - get the Corrosive buff on at least one). If you're able to line up railgun shots with that ship, those might be worth keeping.

Use the additional power to support an A-rated shield generator. Ditch the ECM for another shield booster; engineer them. There could be a whole discussion on just the shields alone.

Good luck. If you're trying to make some quick cash, try bounty hunting in a Hazres. Local factions will often have bounty missions to give before you head out, which will boost your profit over what the bounties themselves will bring in.

Also, you have a size 3 cargo rack in a size 4 slot.
21 Dec 2020, 6:12pm
Sir Sprockettthank you CMDRs for your advice and sniggers...

on a sperate note:

I am trying to pay for my type 10 defender, you can see the ship build in my fleet. SHould I get some NPC crew for defence? WHat build should I do so that I can space truck and earn some dosh. This boat is breaking my bank while i am trying some space trucking...

what suggestions do you have for Mrs Malaprop's build?

Miltary Grade Composite, Heavy Duty / Deep Plating
8A PP, Armored

I'm surprised to see fixed weapons on the T-10 (poor maneuverability and poor convergence). I'd ditch the frags for some gimbaled MCs (engineer as needed here - get the Corrosive buff on at least one). If you're able to line up railgun shots with that ship, those might be worth keeping.

Use the additional power to support an A-rated shield generator. Ditch the ECM for another shield booster; engineer them. There could be a whole discussion on just the shields alone.

Good luck. If you're trying to make some quick cash, try bounty hunting in a Hazres. Local factions will often have bounty missions to give before you head out, which will boost your profit over what the bounties themselves will bring in.

Also, you have a size 3 cargo rack in a size 4 slot.

thank you. Yes i dropped that cargo rack in there to get those extra tonnes in. A rating this beast is another 100mill minimum. But I am going to take on board extra shield
boosts and better shield gen!

THank you CMDR
21 Dec 2020, 6:46pm
Sir SprockettI am struggling to find any difference between High Security Systems and Anarchy systems. I seem to get more interdictions in my home system of Gateway than I do in an Anarchy systesm..

It seems to me that HIGH sec systems should have a 0% chance of being pirated by NPC's (CMDRS can)
Medium Sec systems should have a 30% chance of being pirated
LOw sec systems should be 50% chance
and ANARCHY should be 75% chance

The % of the chance of being interdicted should be the same across the board. Like IRL, if some idiot wants to try and mug you in front of a police station then let him.

It's the response and level of firepower that should be the difference, and I think that's how it currently is?

It would be nice to do some response time tests from the very moment you're interdicted to the time the space police arrive, how many of them arrive, and what they arrive in.
21 Dec 2020, 6:47pm
Sir Sprockett
Sir Sprockettthis game has winding me up.

I just got intradicted while having hit J to drop from supercruise into my home station, and then between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at the station I was interdicted by a OP NPC - who killed me in 2 passes - due to having already killed off another NPC pirate the previous system - so my ship was already down to 12% health.

I have sent a ticket to frontier.

It has totally wound me up. I am leaving for a break from this.

I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here

The problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...

Of all of the game breaking problems one might experience, you are complaining about about NPC interdictions?
21 Dec 2020, 6:53pm
MAVERICKbirdyI feel so damn good. Just broke 100+ million in spending cash. God, do I love bounty hunting solo! Especially after the buff.

Yeah, I could’ve made over 100x that amount by staring at rocks for several weeks and hauling said rocks around like a school bus full of expensive orphans, but that’s boring, not to mention that it plasters a big ol’ “HATCH BREAK ME DADDY” sign for every pirate in a 100+ ly radius.

The sad thing is they buffed combat in the wrong way. Assassination missions still barely pay you enough to rearm and player bounty hunting is even worse. Flying around in a haz res killing novice Eagles isnt much more entertaining than mining.

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