Elite: General talk

18 Dec 2020, 2:47pm
Haha, yes Artie I couldn't find it.
18 Dec 2020, 2:48pm
Rat CatcherI always read the bleating about p2p as "I want single shard servers free"...
if one doesn't want a p2p networked game, don't buy it...

The thing is that I have realized that after 6 months as this is not something that they announce in their marketing materials.
And it is still a good game if you avoid PvP as then p2p is then sufficient. The thing with FPS is that it usually very fast paced and p2p synchronization issues will be even greater than what we have currently.

It was apparently a decision by the backers to have a p2p model against a paid subscription one. It will be interesting to see if any further optimisation of the p2p netcode has been possible to account for the foot play of Odyssey, as the marketing appears to be designed to attract FPS players into the game the brown stuff will certainly hit the fan if it doesn't fulfil their expectations!

The expansion has been in development for more than 2 years, yes - it certainly looks to be a big one - but will need to sell a massive number of copies (including the base game) to recoup development costs!

Naturally, and selfishly, as I have no active interest in PvP most of the complaints against p2p are unnoticed by me.
18 Dec 2020, 3:39pm
18 Dec 2020, 5:15pm
18 Dec 2020, 7:55pm
EpisparhThe thing is that I have realized that after 6 months as this is not something that they announce in their marketing materials.
And it is still a good game if you avoid PvP as then p2p is then sufficient. The thing with FPS is that it usually very fast paced and p2p synchronization issues will be even greater than what we have currently.

I've never had a problem with ED's P2P networking. In fact I've seen more lag and rubber banding in games using the classic client/server model.

Sure, in ED you'll never know who's going to be in the same instance with you. On the other hand, you never need to worry about your favorite server being full during peak hours, or empty at other times.
19 Dec 2020, 9:58am
this game has winding me up.

I just got intradicted while having hit J to drop from supercruise into my home station, and then between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at the station I was interdicted by a OP NPC - who killed me in 2 passes - due to having already killed off another NPC pirate the previous system - so my ship was already down to 12% health.

I have sent a ticket to frontier.

It has totally wound me up. I am leaving for a break from this.
19 Dec 2020, 10:04am
Sir Sprockettthis game has winding me up.

I just got intradicted while having hit J to drop from supercruise into my home station, and then between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at the station I was interdicted by a OP NPC - who killed me in 2 passes - due to having already killed off another NPC pirate the previous system - so my ship was already down to 12% health.

I have sent a ticket to frontier.

It has totally wound me up. I am leaving for a break from this.

I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here
19 Dec 2020, 10:33am
I am struggling to find any difference between High Security Systems and Anarchy systems. I seem to get more interdictions in my home system of Gateway than I do in an Anarchy systesm..

It seems to me that HIGH sec systems should have a 0% chance of being pirated by NPC's (CMDRS can)
Medium Sec systems should have a 30% chance of being pirated
LOw sec systems should be 50% chance
and ANARCHY should be 75% chance
19 Dec 2020, 10:36am
Sir Sprockettthis game has winding me up.

I just got intradicted while having hit J to drop from supercruise into my home station, and then between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at the station I was interdicted by a OP NPC - who killed me in 2 passes - due to having already killed off another NPC pirate the previous system - so my ship was already down to 12% health.

I have sent a ticket to frontier.

It has totally wound me up. I am leaving for a break from this.

I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here

The problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...
19 Dec 2020, 10:43am
"I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here"

It is not that, I have learnt and changed tactics and thrived killing off or running away from pirates, the thing is, the more you run and less fight, then more active the Interdictions come.

ALSO high sec, to low sec ,to anarchy makes absolutely no difference, which then seems why even bother saying your systems is high sec, when obviously it is not!
19 Dec 2020, 10:46am
Sir Sprockett
Sir Sprockettthis game has winding me up.

I just got intradicted while having hit J to drop from supercruise into my home station, and then between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at the station I was interdicted by a OP NPC - who killed me in 2 passes - due to having already killed off another NPC pirate the previous system - so my ship was already down to 12% health.

I have sent a ticket to frontier.

It has totally wound me up. I am leaving for a break from this.

I'm afraid that ticket is going to be a wasted endeavour, pirates are a part of the game and rather than submitting a ticket you should be considering where you went wrong, the mistakes made and how to learn from them and avoid repeating them. In addition there is a lot of context missing in this post, not having a go. I just think that there is probably room for improvement here

The problem is that I had hit J to drop out of suspercruise to arrive at my station destination, then in between dropping out of supercruise and arriving at my station - I got intradicted... that is my ticket...

If I were a Pirate, that’s exactLy where I’d hang out too. Right outside the fire zone of a Station known to be called home by a less experienced crowd and pop ‘em as they dropped out of Super-cruise in the half beaten to death ships.

A wise choice, following such an unpleasant experience, would be change the place I call home.
19 Dec 2020, 10:55am
[quote=Sir Sprockett]

You were obviously not in the no fire zone therefore fair game for pirates ,there are still pirates etc  in high sec systems
the  the lack of shields on your ship meant even a very low rated npc pilot found it easy to send you to the rebuy..
i think your ticket will indeed wasted
19 Dec 2020, 11:01am
Sir Sprockett

You were obviously not in the no fire zone therefore fair game for pirates ,there are still pirates etc  in high sec systems
the  the lack of shields on your ship meant even a very low rated npc pilot found it easy to send you to the rebuy..
i think your ticket will indeed wasted

my ship was battered from the previous interdiction. I hit J to drop from super cruise, and before I landed in station space as I was dropping out I was then interdicted. I had no control of the ship, and was killed ASAP.

I know it is a game but I am struggling to find reasons to do anything in this game as there seems to be no level of security within any areas of this game.  GATEWAY is the Allience's home system - surely that should be pirate and baddy free? Otherwise what is the point of high sec/low sec and anarchy if there is no perceivable difference
19 Dec 2020, 11:07am
Sir Sprockett
Sir Sprockett

You were obviously not in the no fire zone therefore fair game for pirates ,there are still pirates etc  in high sec systems
the  the lack of shields on your ship meant even a very low rated npc pilot found it easy to send you to the rebuy..
i think your ticket will indeed wasted

my ship was battered from the previous interdiction. I hit J to drop from super cruise, and before I landed in station space as I was dropping out I was then interdicted. I had no control of the ship, and was killed ASAP.

I know it is a game but I am struggling to find reasons to do anything in this game as there seems to be no level of security within any areas of this game.  GATEWAY is the Allience's home system - surely that should be pirate and baddy free? Otherwise what is the point of high sec/low sec and anarchy if there is no perceivable difference

The security rating affects how quickly the cops show up when you are attacked, high being the quickest and low being the slowest. The cops will show up to help you if you are attacked but if you are in a shieldless ship with only 12% hull left you can't expect it to end well, haha.

Also Alioth is the capital of the Alliance, not Gateway. Gateway is the HQ for Mahon in terms of Power Play.
19 Dec 2020, 11:25am
thank you CMDRs for your advice and sniggers...

on a sperate note:

I am trying to pay for my type 10 defender, you can see the ship build in my fleet. SHould I get some NPC crew for defence? WHat build should I do so that I can space truck and earn some dosh. This boat is breaking my bank while i am trying some space trucking...

what suggestions do you have for Mrs Malaprop's build?

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