Elite: General talk

10 Jan 2021, 2:44pm
Rat CatcherI do find the minority view that this game should be PvP focussed amusing...

Even sillier that open is considered something special and deserving some 'reward'!

Usually such tat is spouted by males who still believe something small is actually important

Says the guy mining in a cutter on solo mode.

Just stop and let people play the game like they please.
10 Jan 2021, 3:12pm
Let the confused man be confused. The EVE Online Lowsec pirate also forgot to mention that his glorious corp is in a Nullsec block alliance. Paints a bit of a different picture
10 Jan 2021, 4:19pm
Igneel PrimeLet the confused man be confused. The EVE Online Lowsec pirate also forgot to mention that his glorious corp is in a Nullsec block alliance. Paints a bit of a different picture

you do realize i also stated i quit that garbage about a year ago rihgt, you must all be liberal or something because you have very selective reading skills, nobody in this forumcan keep up with a single complex idea or thought expressed in more than 2 sentences. but hey, you guys are the future .. :0 im just an old perfectionist fart who likes killing crybabies in spaceship games on the digital world ;-)
10 Jan 2021, 4:23pm
Igneel PrimeLet the confused man be confused. The EVE Online Lowsec pirate also forgot to mention that his glorious corp is in a Nullsec block alliance. Paints a bit of a different picture

you do realize i also stated i quit that garbage about a year ago rihgt, you must all be liberal or something because you have very selective reading skills, nobody in this forumcan keep up with a single complex idea or thought expressed in more than 2 sentences. but hey, you guys are the future .. :0 im just an old perfectionist fart who likes killing crybabies in spaceship games on the digital world ;-)

Ok, Boomer.
10 Jan 2021, 4:24pm
Igneel PrimeLet the confused man be confused. The EVE Online Lowsec pirate also forgot to mention that his glorious corp is in a Nullsec block alliance. Paints a bit of a different picture

you do realize i also stated i quit that garbage about a year ago rihgt, you must all be liberal or something because you have very selective reading skills, nobody in this forumcan keep up with a single complex idea or thought expressed in more than 2 sentences. but hey, you guys are the future .. :0 im just an old perfectionist fart who likes killing crybabies in spaceship games on the digital world ;-)

Igneel PrimeElite and EVE both have an older audience because the original Elite came out some time ago now so that audience is a bit older these days and EVE was made mainly for adults anyway and that 17 years ago now. And I think it's beautiful. Memes hate on boomers but those I have played video games with are some of the best team mates. We had an over 80 year old playing EVE in our alliance. PlanetSide2 I played with an over 75 year old Vietnam Vet (probably 80 at this point too). And Elite has a lot of 80s and 90s kids playing it because they grew up with the original.

^--see i like this guy...however im a lowsec pirate from Cruisers crew,, we fuck shit up and then we drop supers... in elite, i am the same nasty pirate, if you pick me on sensors is because im already coming for you, your cargo, and your wreck salvage. iI go out of the bubble when i get bored of killing, i go take pretty pics then i come back and murder more shit. is all the same...buncha spaceships, buncha guns and missiles and ways to make your shinny shit go boom, so I LIKE IT. and you can only stop me by staying hidden from me in your solo session or being good in open. And btw, when elite originally came out i was 5 years old i did however grew up playing frontier pc games among others.

And when people hate on boomers( specially at the gym), i show them my abs at 240 pounds 5, 11 after a 500 pound squat set and be like.... where you at young blood? Cause im at 14% body fat getting ready for contest and then i smile as they turn walk way while their friend goes, DAAAAAMMMMMM BUDDY!!! (minus 2020 of course)

just to remind you of your own words
10 Jan 2021, 4:48pm
So... much... cringe.
10 Jan 2021, 5:12pm
i got guys trying to 1v1 me sending me PM's and im like the only way ill 1v1 you is if you come in your mining cuter to where im at with a full load of platinum
10 Jan 2021, 5:17pm
What exactly are you compensating for?
10 Jan 2021, 5:17pm
If I could be bothered to dig up the message now where you said something about a fight and me having to bring friends cuz you fight dirty or something along those lines I would even quote it for you. But it's alright. I understand you're getting senile
10 Jan 2021, 5:18pm
anyways im on my way to the norma expanse...i got some pretty pics already, more to come, we will talk murdering me when i get back.
10 Jan 2021, 5:20pm
Igneel PrimeIf I could be bothered to dig up the message now where you said something about a fight and me having to bring friends cuz you fight dirty or something along those lines I would even quote it for you. But it's alright. I understand you're getting senile

yes, i told you that to fight me you would need firends because im not interested in honarble 1v1's, no... i only care about full minning ships and stealing your hard earned credits from you, im not into going on glorious crusade to prove im a badass or something, i am just here to get rich off of everyone else's work. and a little bit of mine of course.
10 Jan 2021, 5:24pm
Well then!

I'm sure glad we have a stellar example of an honorablehonest type!
10 Jan 2021, 5:40pm
an honest pirate takes his share and keeps his promises.. There are two things a true pirate NEVER breaks for nobody, not even his own mother. You don't break your balls for nobody, and you don't break your word for nobody. But necks and booties? OH YEAH BABY.
10 Jan 2021, 5:43pm
LOL. You guys are hilarious. Thanks for keeping me entertained. And Cephy - cool name. Really suits you.
10 Jan 2021, 5:58pm
Cephyan honest pirate takes his share and keeps his promises.. There are two things a true pirate NEVER breaks for nobody, not even his own mother. You don't break your balls for nobody, and you don't break your word for nobody. But necks and booties? OH YEAH BABY.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your honesty about what kind of character you play, your methods, goals & style. Really, I do!

Regardless of how I feel & think about such types, & what I'd do to them if I could encounter them in RL.

There's a certain thrill found in a truly righteous dispatching.

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