Elite: General talk

28 Jan 2021, 10:15pm
SakashiroI was thinking about putting a class 4 PA on the remaining hardpoint, with plasma slug mod, just for fun.

Got the PA now, not engineered yet, but I'm getting the idea why PAs are so popular. Especially class 4 ones.
30 Jan 2021, 1:06am
SakashiroI was thinking about putting a class 4 PA on the remaining hardpoint, with plasma slug mod, just for fun.

Got the PA now, not engineered yet, but I'm getting the idea why PAs are so popular. Especially class 4 ones.

My favorite paint strippers

(Shields and hull and body parts too....)
30 Jan 2021, 1:11am
I just realize I haven't unlocked PA engineering yet.

Another mining run...
02 Feb 2021, 8:28am
o7 cmdrs

I want to control the size of pictures in my biography.
I tried something like this, but without success:
[img size=50]*****[/img]
Does someone know how to do this?

02 Feb 2021, 8:46am
Geralt DeWitto7 cmdrs

I want to control the size of pictures in my biography.
I tried something like this, but without success:

Does someone know how to do this?


Instead of size=50, try size=WIDTHxHEIGHT, e.g. size=800x600. I've seen this in forum quotes. Not sure if it works though.

Edit: It doesn't work.

Last edit: 02 Feb 2021, 8:55am
02 Feb 2021, 11:21am
Never thought about this... Can you not resize it before upload?

I will try this tonight with my bio picture, it looks too big for my liking.
02 Feb 2021, 9:16pm
Hi all CMDRs, I hope someone can help me: I would like to know how the points are calculated for the "The Explorer" medal, the one that refers to the 'level 3 detailed scans'.
Can someone help me?

02 Feb 2021, 9:27pm
Geralt DeWitto7 cmdrs

I want to control the size of pictures in my biography.
I tried something like this, but without success:

Does someone know how to do this?


The main bio image is auto-sized to fit the left site of the bio. The rest put manually into the biography text behaves same as for the logbooks (it means, no custom sizing at the moment).

MoonSeeker2020Hi all CMDRs, I hope someone can help me: I would like to know how the points are calculated for the "The Explorer" medal, the one that refers to the 'level 3 detailed scans'.
Can someone help me?


Hello, level 3 scans are scans made with the detailed surface scanner (DSS), level 2 are scans with basic FSS, level 1 is just "honk". The levels correspond to the levels as are in the game stats.
02 Feb 2021, 9:43pm
Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

Last edit: 02 Feb 2021, 9:54pm
02 Feb 2021, 10:50pm
MoonSeeker2020Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

I don't think it's a matter of how many you need to scan, or that even a particular badge or medal should be a goal.

Just do what you enjoy, & if it's Exploration, then Explore. The accolades will come in time.
02 Feb 2021, 10:51pm
MoonSeeker2020Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

1,000 systems visited
10,000 Level 3 scans


Rank 2 requires 5,000 & 50,000 so just a guess.
02 Feb 2021, 11:17pm
MoonSeeker2020Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

I am not entirely sure how exactly the game counts it. I think it's simply a number of scanned bodies, but that also probably includes auto-discovery of bodies like main stars. I certainly didn't manually scanned as much bodies as I have in my stats.
02 Feb 2021, 11:18pm
MoonSeeker2020Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

You know I wondered the same and did some research. Ended up in the API... The short of it, it's broken. Since the Explorer Medal is based on the Codex data for your character via the stats page that shows Visited systems, Level 2 and Level 3 scan data. That said, no one seems to have been able to make sense of the values applied from the forums I've seen and read. Documentation seems poor on this too. I've only got a week of play time and there is no way I've done 13K planets. It use to be per planet but speculation is a value has been set per planet type. That isn't documented and I'd have to scan each planet type, size, etc to get comprehensive data to see the value change each time.

Sorry bro
03 Feb 2021, 12:20am
Anyone on xbox looking for a squadron? Add me to join mine
03 Feb 2021, 4:45am
Darius Chambers
MoonSeeker2020Ok, I ask again: how do I get 10,000 points for "The Explorer" medal?  How many planets or systems do I need to scan?

Thanks a lot

You know I wondered the same and did some research. Ended up in the API... The short of it, it's broken. Since the Explorer Medal is based on the Codex data for your character via the stats page that shows Visited systems, Level 2 and Level 3 scan data. That said, no one seems to have been able to make sense of the values applied from the forums I've seen and read. Documentation seems poor on this too. I've only got a week of play time and there is no way I've done 13K planets. It use to be per planet but speculation is a value has been set per planet type. That isn't documented and I'd have to scan each planet type, size, etc to get comprehensive data to see the value change each time.

Sorry bro

Thank you because you confirmed what I already suspected, actually at the moment it is not possible to understand how the points are calculated, I did some research too, but you can find almost nothing and from the various scan tests I have done, it all seems a lot confused. Thanks CMDR, 07

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