Elite: General talk

01 Jan 2021, 2:13am
Happy new year!
01 Jan 2021, 2:31am
Happy New Year!
01 Jan 2021, 2:56am
Happy New Year to all of you!
01 Jan 2021, 4:08am
happy new year good vibes

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Jan 2021, 10:13am
01 Jan 2021, 4:40pm
Pepper SprayHappy NEW YEAR. Just cant wait to throat punch 2020 in a few hours!!!

I will help
02 Jan 2021, 3:01am
Happy New Year! Seriously screw 2020 she be over finally!
02 Jan 2021, 10:19am
Happy new year everyone.
03 Jan 2021, 2:22am
Happy new year!
04 Jan 2021, 4:24pm
Does anybody know of a system that has large amounts of bounty missions? It used to be really good in Ugrivirii, with most missions in the Kurians system, until two factions in the system started fighting and the rest focused more on trade. I used to be able to stack 12 missions at once and go hog-wild for a good half-hour. Now, I'm lucky to find any.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2021, 9:41pm
04 Jan 2021, 11:20pm
Bonjour à tous!

Tout d'abord je vous souhaite une excellente année!!! Est-ce que qqun pourrait m'aider, j'ai reçu des "dossier d'informations" récemment et je ne sais pas où je peux les revendrent...?

Bien à vous,
CMD Clemard
05 Jan 2021, 3:37pm
re: pilots having to log off for sleep in space... & other necessary functions too...

06 Jan 2021, 10:46am
Synthya Wylderre: pilots having to log off for sleep in space... & other necessary functions too...

The real reason Pranav Antal wants to turn us into robots: no more of this ^
06 Jan 2021, 11:39pm
guys someone needs to figure what to do with this, this is in the star citizen universe, but it pertains to game talk here because LOOK AT IT!! ... https://inara.cz/gallery/0/128114/   Isn't this like straight up intellectual property issue?. we can argue the hull designs is a generic form that can be found in other games, yet i dont know any games other than elite with this hull and specially the blatant copy of the cockpit.. they can argue the body shape being benerick...but come on man the cockpit too. They call this ship in elite the NOMAD. except it is pretty much ...im talking about 98% an ASP Explorer with the other 2 % being the gun under it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Jan 2021, 12:00am
06 Jan 2021, 11:57pm
Cephyguys someone needs to figure what to do with this, this is in the star citizen universe, but it pertains to game talk here because LOOK AT IT!! ... https://inara.cz/gallery/0/128114/ Isn't this like straight up intellectual property issue?. we can argue the hull designs is a generic form that can be found in other games, yet i dont know any games other than elite with this hull and specially the blatant copy of the cockpit.. they can argue the body shape being benerick...but come on man the cockpit too. They call this ship in elite the NOMAD. except it is pretty much ...im talking about 98% an ASP Explorer with the other 2 % being the gun under it.

Frontier is certainly aware of that and making fun of them (at least).
07 Jan 2021, 12:12am
I'll note & compare the current states of each game: SC has been in a funding- & development-stage for quite a while & last I heard, progressing at a snail's pace, while E:D is up & running, & now about to come out with its 3rd major expansion in just a few years, & been around for so much longer.

I've no clue as to SC's game physics & in relation to RL physics.

Besides, as they say, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...