Elite: General talk

28 Jan 2021, 4:46pm
EpisparhI menu logged from AX CZ once... in solo. Repurposed the connda after that.

The thing is menu log, regardless of what some guys will tell you is not against ToS.  Would Frontier increase the delay or not and when it is triggered is totally different topic.

There are just three types of players in this game in regards of direct PvP:
1. Those that do not like their game ruined by others.
2. Those that do not mind their game ruined by others.
3. Those that like their game ruin others' experience.

It is obvious that 1 and 3 cannot meet on one term.  Accept it and move on.

Not sure what all this discussion tries to achieve. If you belive your point needs to be considered, official forum supposedly is the place where Frontier listen to those. If you think, someone played against ToS - file official ticke to the support.

People who fall into 1. have solo play available to them. The problem is when people who fall into 3. combat log.
28 Jan 2021, 4:52pm
People who fall into 1. have solo play available to them. The problem is when people who fall into 3. combat log.

Perhaps, it is not up to me and you to decide who plays where and how.
28 Jan 2021, 4:57pm
EpisparhUnless you meet Zentzib who recently showed a video about a clog in which he uses 3 torpedo launchers.
I think reverb torps are pretty common among gankers.  A surprise  attacks from torps in the rings are very common and you need to clear the ring mass lock before engaging FSD

... Anaconda is the slowest ship from the big 3.

If torps become a problem, I'll hit the solo button. The purpose of this ship is to grind for money and rank, not to prove a point. Gank evasion is the Courier's job.

I may build a fleet of specialized ships later, but only after I get a carrier to store them.
28 Jan 2021, 4:58pm
i am looking forward to getting back to the bubble. Deep space is beautiful but dull.. need to be on my toes, in that fully engineered ship...
28 Jan 2021, 5:06pm
Sir SprockettDeep space is beautiful but dull..

Yup, it's as exciting as looking at random numbers. Because that's what it actually is.
28 Jan 2021, 6:25pm
though deep space and exploring is very profitable with my trip out to colonia netting me over 100, million and getting my Codex updated and discovering 50-100 systems. The journey out burnt me out for a while. Slowly building back up to get my self back to the bubble (i know I can do self destruct - but that is not my style) actually I believe that  DTEA is coming out to Colonia so I might hitch a ride back with them.  In the meantime need to go mining Osmium...
28 Jan 2021, 6:27pm
Zentzlb[quote=Episparh]I menu logged from AX CZ once... in solo. Repurposed the connda after that.

The thing is menu log, regardless of what some guys will tell you is not against ToS.  Would Frontier increase the delay or not and when it is triggered is totally different topic.

There are just three types of players in this game in regards of direct PvP:
1. Those that do not like their game ruined by others.
2. Those that do not mind their game ruined by others.
3. Those that like their game ruin others' experience.

It is obvious that 1 and 3 cannot meet on one term.  Accept it and move on.

Not sure what all this discussion tries to achieve. If you belive your point needs to be considered, official forum supposedly is the place where Frontier listen to those. If you think, someone played against ToS - file official ticke to the support.

I am thoroughly looking forward to our next encounter... (he he he)
28 Jan 2021, 6:37pm
Sir Sprockettthough deep space and exploring is very profitable with my trip out to colonia netting me over 100, million and getting my Codex updated and discovering 50-100 systems. The journey out burnt me out for a while. Slowly building back up to get my self back to the bubble (i know I can do self destruct - but that is not my style) actually I believe that  DTEA is coming out to Colonia so I might hitch a ride back with them.  In the meantime need to go mining Osmium...

You could join the Fleet Carriers Owners discord. They have regular announcements for Cmdrs to hitchhike on Carriers and frequently travel back and forth between Colonia and the bubble.

(That link is good for 24hrs, if you need a newer one PM me)
28 Jan 2021, 6:41pm
Technical note:

According to Frontier, leaving the game using menu button is OK. Killing the game in task manager/dashboarding on consoles is not. Using menu as means to exit the game, it bad behavior? Maybe, but only to the players who are the most toxic. Is it breaking TOS? Absolutely not, once again, according to Frontier. That problem has been solved long ago. There is no point in discussing it.

Plus, like some people already pointed out, you cannot punish people every time their client disconnects and apply 0-1 punishment, because on how poor MP infrastructure is for Elite: Dangerous and even the best 1 Gbps connection can have a timeout due to a lot of reasons. Not to mention treating every potential disconnected user as cheater is not only in bad taste, but also against the law (your human rights are a thing even in such a aspect like customer treatment) which clearly states "everyone is innocent until proven guilty by strong evidence". In this case the "strong evidence" is data none of us players have any access to, only Frontier and respective platform owners like Steam, Microsoft or Sony.

Fill a ticket, if you feel he or she broke the TOS but do not pitchfork them on public forums just because you think they cheated. Not because it is just bad taste, but also can be put into lawbreaking if someone takes that very seriously.

Last edit: 28 Jan 2021, 9:08pm
28 Jan 2021, 6:47pm
People who fall into 1. have solo play available to them. The problem is when people who fall into 3. combat log.

Perhaps, it is not up to me and you to decide who plays where and how.

I am not deciding who plays where. If you are low on credits or are inexperienced, solo is a completely valid option. If you do decide to play in open you should be prepared to face additional dangers. The player in question is not some noob who accidentally pressed the 'open' option without understanding what it means, they have been around for a long time and willingly participate in PvP. Unfortunately they seem to be very self righteous and have no problem exploiting, then combat logging when they lose anyway.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 28 Jan 2021, 7:43pm
28 Jan 2021, 7:46pm
I will repeat that again and for the last time - if anybody has a suspicion that any other player is exploiting, cheating and/or using hacks, the best way is to bring it to the attention of Frontier. They have the competence and ability to take measures that will have some effect (like banning the players using such hacks, etc.). The trial by forum is just about torches and pitchforks and solves nothing. At this point, I consider the discussion on this topic as concluded.
28 Jan 2021, 8:15pm
Silver Taffer
Sir Sprockettthough deep space and exploring is very profitable with my trip out to colonia netting me over 100, million and getting my Codex updated and discovering 50-100 systems. The journey out burnt me out for a while. Slowly building back up to get my self back to the bubble (i know I can do self destruct - but that is not my style) actually I believe that  DTEA is coming out to Colonia so I might hitch a ride back with them.  In the meantime need to go mining Osmium...

You could join the Fleet Carriers Owners discord. They have regular announcements for Cmdrs to hitchhike on Carriers and frequently travel back and forth between Colonia and the bubble.

(That link is good for 24hrs, if you need a newer one PM me)

thanks signed up to the Discord. Still have a bit of engineering to do!
28 Jan 2021, 9:01pm
28 Jan 2021, 9:27pm
Sir Sprockettthanks signed up to the Discord. Still have a bit of engineering to do!

Ah, engineering ...... that carousel never stops turning
28 Jan 2021, 10:00pm
Sir Sprockett
EpisparhI menu logged from AX CZ once... in solo. Repurposed the connda after that.

The thing is menu log, regardless of what some guys will tell you is not against ToS.  Would Frontier increase the delay or not and when it is triggered is totally different topic.

There are just three types of players in this game in regards of direct PvP:
1. Those that do not like their game ruined by others.
2. Those that do not mind their game ruined by others.
3. Those that like their game ruin others' experience.

It is obvious that 1 and 3 cannot meet on one term.  Accept it and move on.

Not sure what all this discussion tries to achieve. If you belive your point needs to be considered, official forum supposedly is the place where Frontier listen to those. If you think, someone played against ToS - file official ticke to the support.

I am thoroughly looking forward to our next encounter... (he he he)

Looking forward to meeting you again as well, my Viper III is ready for round 2

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