Elite: General talk

18 Feb 2021, 8:33am
Igneel PrimeTbf in the long run p2p might just be extremely efficient. The quality might be lacking now but as time moves on and people's internet improves that can improve the game's stability at least to a certain point without FDev having to imvest a dime. Right now it seems like a shitty choice but at this right it might be entirely different and subscription models for servers might not be worth it anymore. It's a risky move but might keep the game going for a good bit longer than expected.

If you compare it to the stability we had around the start, you'll see that the P2P networking FDev uses has significantly improved.

It was very wonky during the early days.
18 Feb 2021, 8:15pm
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeTbf in the long run p2p might just be extremely efficient. The quality might be lacking now but as time moves on and people's internet improves that can improve the game's stability at least to a certain point without FDev having to imvest a dime. Right now it seems like a shitty choice but at this right it might be entirely different and subscription models for servers might not be worth it anymore. It's a risky move but might keep the game going for a good bit longer than expected.

If you compare it to the stability we had around the start, you'll see that the P2P networking FDev uses has significantly improved.

It was very wonky during the early days.

I remember well the cheers when we yanks finally instanced with Simon the Kiwi.
19 Feb 2021, 6:48am
M. Lehman
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeTbf in the long run p2p might just be extremely efficient. The quality might be lacking now but as time moves on and people's internet improves that can improve the game's stability at least to a certain point without FDev having to imvest a dime. Right now it seems like a shitty choice but at this right it might be entirely different and subscription models for servers might not be worth it anymore. It's a risky move but might keep the game going for a good bit longer than expected.

If you compare it to the stability we had around the start, you'll see that the P2P networking FDev uses has significantly improved.

It was very wonky during the early days.

I remember well the cheers when we yanks finally instanced with Simon the Kiwi.

That was a glorious day.
24 Feb 2021, 12:41am
First post on these threads .... Im here to just take a break from the grind.
24 Feb 2021, 8:12am
Where is my FSD 5 , comunnity goal?
24 Feb 2021, 8:22am
UnopaunoWhere is my FSD 5 , comunnity goal?

not been released yet - probably tomorrow.

it will be able to collect from Ashby Orbital
24 Feb 2021, 8:44am
Each tier reached will further reduce the resources required for acquiring the module in the first two weeks of availability, starting on the 26th of February 3307.

So what's going to happen after the first two weeks?
24 Feb 2021, 10:36am
Each tier reached will further reduce the resources required for acquiring the module in the first two weeks of availability, starting on the 26th of February 3307.

So what's going to happen after the first two weeks?

I guess you pay full price in materials to unlock it at the Tech Broker
24 Feb 2021, 11:09am
Each tier reached will further reduce the resources required for acquiring the module in the first two weeks of availability, starting on the 26th of February 3307.

So what's going to happen after the first two weeks?

I guess you pay full price in materials to unlock it at the Tech Broker

Probably safer to call it "buying" the module, cos it's not a one-time unlock like with other things.
24 Feb 2021, 11:37am
Probably safer to call it "buying" the module, cos it's not a one-time unlock like with other things.

Yes. After buying with materials it goes directly to your storage.
24 Feb 2021, 11:52am
FDev should just get rid of the credits-based economy and make materials the only currency in the game.
24 Feb 2021, 12:24pm
SakashiroFDev should just get rid of the credits-based economy and make materials the only currency in the game.

Why? After the price reduction ends you will need tons of mats just for one? It boosts the jump range with few ly but this comes also with a drawback - namely abysmal integrity. If your build have x2 MRPs it should be fine but else be sure to GTFO before shield go down.

I am still puzzled how many to buy Perhaps, I should try the free one on my Phantom and see.
24 Feb 2021, 3:36pm

A thing of beauty in my blueprints tab.
24 Feb 2021, 5:53pm
EpisparhI am still puzzled how many to buy Perhaps, I should try the free one on my Phantom and see.

None of my current ships uses a size 5 FSD...
24 Feb 2021, 8:17pm

None of my current ships uses a size 5 FSD...

Fun fact: Class 5 is the most popular FSD size... used in 14 ships and some of them are top notch.

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