Elite: General talk

10 Feb 2021, 3:46pm
Sir Sprockett let's face it, right-wing bigots)

where is this evidence?

  1. 7SD - the slaver group was supposedly named after the 7PD - a nazi panzer division of the Wehrmacht. Frontier reached out to the group to demonstrate that 7SD (and its spin off 7LD) is not based on said Nazi Panzer division. The group have since stated that the name is instead a "reference to an active United States infantry division".  However, the official statement from fDev makes it clear that they do not consider the matter closed as of 5th Feb - "We do not condone the behaviour of these rogue Commanders ... We continue to monitor both the situation and in game communications and will not hesitate to act if players are found to have breached our community guidelines in any way.” (fDev quoted in Polygon article - updated 5th Feb).
  2. Evidence of racial attacks on 7SD discord channel. Reputed screenshots and complaints upheld by Discord moderators to the point where LatexRoach admitted the 7LD group had been put on notice. He did condemn the racist abuse and vowed to clear it up.
  3. LatexRoach admitted: “If the shoe fits, wear it; they’re slaves, we’re slavers, whatever.” He went on to say a couple of the group’s fleet carriers are named after historical slaver ships.
  4. LatexRoach's description of his squad as "a military command type structure" which aims to be "cult-like; a cult full of chaos and evil". (Pilot Interview)

True, the last two are in-game and can be attributed to roleplay. Honestly have no problem with that, but the moral issue remains.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:59pm
10 Feb 2021, 3:52pm
ArtieIn my opinion, the entire thing isn't about "caring about 7 years old players" or whether the players were or weren't able to solve the situation they were in on their own. In my view Frontier decided that way because of the rules set and broken. Simple as that.

If I should use another general example, it's (especially in MMOs) the matter of accessing accounts of other players. You can have a big bold "do not share your password with anybody" left and right and yet there will be players that will share their password with the other player(s) and then they get robbed. It's their fault? It certainly is. But that doesn't mean that the rule was not broken and consequences shouldn't be drawn even if the damage was entirely minimal (like just 1 gold/credit stolen from their account or so). Technically speaking, even the account sharing can be punishable by ToC of some games, even with no damage done (rather the opposite), but as old Czech proverb says: "Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge."

So, when Frontier was given the situation where some players complain about the rules breaking (and that may have happened not just publicly (vaguely), but directly via tickets, etc.) they simply needed to do something and enforce the rules. They cannot do otherwise. Then it's just a matter of how exactly they will enforce the rules.

Which Code of Conduct rule was broken here anyway? Prolonged harassment? No one was forced to stick around the slave carrier, everyone was free to leave at any moment. Those who chose to leave were not hunted down. Those who chose to stay didn't feel harassed.

It's like spending a day in Deciat in open and then complaining about prolonged harassment because the ganking never stops. Being there is a choice, too.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:59pm
10 Feb 2021, 3:56pm
A snippet from their Code of conduct, which I suppose was applied to this situation.

Leading or deceiving users in such a way as to cheat or defraud them is not permitted under our Terms of Use, and can result in action being taken against your account. Scams through standard game mechanics that are not against our terms of use will be reviewed and judged on a case by case basis.

Last edit: 10 Feb 2021, 5:59pm
10 Feb 2021, 4:04pm
Sir Sprockett let's face it, right-wing bigots)

where is this evidence?

  1. 7SD - the slaver group was supposedly named after the 7PD - a nazi panzer division of the Wehrmacht. Frontier reached out to the group to demonstrate that 7SD (and its spin off 7LD) is not based on said Nazi Panzer division. The group have since stated that the name is instead a "reference to an active United States infantry division". However, the official statement from fDev makes it clear that they do not consider the matter closed as of 5th Feb - "We do not condone the behaviour of these rogue Commanders ... We continue to monitor both the situation and in game communications and will not hesitate to act if players are found to have breached our community guidelines in any way.” (fDev quoted in Polygon article - updated 5th Feb).
  2. Evidence of racial attacks on 7SD discord channel. Reputed screenshots and complaints upheld by Discord moderators to the point where LatexRoach admitted the 7LD group had been put on notice. He did condemn the racist abuse and vowed to clear it up.
  3. LatexRoach admitted: “If the shoe fits, wear it; they’re slaves, we’re slavers, whatever.” He went on to say a couple of the group’s fleet carriers are named after historical slaver ships.
  4. LatexRoach's description of his squad as "a military command type structure" which aims to be "cult-like; a cult full of chaos and evil". (Pilot Interview)

True, the last two are in-game and can be attributed to roleplay. Honestly have no problem with that, but the moral issue remains.

With all due respect to the Canonn group, of which I hold in high regard, the label 'bigots' might apply, but where do you get the 'right-wing' part of it from? You have yet to offer your substantiation of that.

I saw & see nothing 'right-wing' about it.

Or is that merely expressing a personal slant?

I think any politically-tainted commentary belongs elsewhere.

Just my opinion, ofc.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:59pm
10 Feb 2021, 4:58pm
"OK. My work day is over! Let's see what's going on Inara"

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 5:59pm
10 Feb 2021, 5:16pm
42 posts... yeah no...

Do I think it's good that there were some player antagonists again for once? Yes. The game could actually do with a bit more of that. Do I dislike the fact that the victims of the happenings in question were new players (again)? Even more and I think FDev's actions are entirely justified and their business anyway so case closed I think.

As for the group name/tag. I heard the thing that it's based of a Nazi Panzer Division for the first time here. Can't check if that's true and I'm not gonna judge a book by its cover. If it is and there are any Nazi ideas involved more shame on them but Idk.

For the simple reason of not starting something that adds another 100 potentially rather angry posts to this in the next 6 hours I will refrain from commenting on the political side

my 2 cents

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 6:00pm
10 Feb 2021, 5:17pm
Episparh "OK. My work day is over! Let's see what's going on Inara"



Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Feb 2021, 6:00pm
10 Feb 2021, 6:01pm
Sir Sprocketti also think that the ability to HIjack other players FCs should they choose certain in game routes (ie Slavery/Piracy and even smuggling.) needs thought but would be fun again High risk / high reward - with maybe a cooldown period after you maybe have  moment of morality and decide that you want to be a good human again!

to expand on this... there would be a simple option. "Disable megaship turrets" or rather "Disable FC" missions for such carriers. Only problem is telling what they did especially in cases like this recent one
11 Feb 2021, 10:29am
Note: Just move a part of the discussion to the "Offtopic" thread. If you wish to continue on that topic, please constructively and politely, as it has a potential to become a very heated dispute.
11 Feb 2021, 7:12pm
Episparh"OK. My work day is over! Let's see what's going on Inara"


I miss the days of yesteryear where the only arguments you'd really see were ganking and OP mining.
12 Feb 2021, 8:23am
Yeah, things can get spicy on Inara from time to time. I should know.
12 Feb 2021, 12:57pm
Aleksander Majjam
Episparh"OK. My work day is over! Let's see what's going on Inara"


I miss the days of yesteryear where the only arguments you'd really see were ganking and OP mining.

Yeah, that got rather boring, eh? Re-hashing the same old issues re: their respective topics.

Still, no doubt that the former will be brought up yet again after memories fade & new faces appear.
13 Feb 2021, 11:21pm
We can always argue about the CGs and their rewards and how they are basically shaping the story like FDev wants. Because, let's be honest, if Jupiter Division offered 20% on all sold ships and modules for a few weeks - it would be already Tier 4 by now.
14 Feb 2021, 12:48pm
Rho TefnutetWe can always argue about the CGs and their rewards and how they are basically shaping the story like FDev wants. Because, let's be honest, if Jupiter Division offered 20% on all sold ships and modules for a few weeks - it would be already Tier 4 by now.

Thats How I Feel as well, I mean look how they framed the CG it's basically a choice between a corrupt government and douchebag corporate buttheads. But that does seem to be fdev's MO lol. It's kinda like voting every 4 years... lol!
14 Feb 2021, 9:21pm
Sir Sprockettwell been in the CG and have resorted to Solo due to a high level of Jupiter supported ganking. Far too much fun winning the CG from under their noses...

To Solo or not to Solo. Two hours playing today for 12 mil in bond. Left the zone in bad shape, no shields, 40% hull. Ganked, destroyed! I don’t want to Solo and I do like the open game and one day I might even indulge in a little ganking myself. But from now on, just for the community goals I’m going Solo.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 15 Feb 2021, 8:36pm

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