Elite: General talk

24 Feb 2021, 9:14pm
EpisparhFun fact: Class 5 is the most popular FSD size... used in 14 ships and some of them are top notch.

I had a few of them until recently. If I ever wanted to explore again, an AspX with that new FSD would be my ship of choice. 70 Ly jump range, size 6 fuel scoop... the most pleasant way to traverse long distances and have a look at the galaxy IMHO.

But now I'm in love with my Mamba.
25 Feb 2021, 10:52am
So you like the pass-boom... without the boom.
25 Feb 2021, 2:50pm
Is this the forum for elite dangerous or something?
25 Feb 2021, 2:58pm
Commander VareilIs this the forum for elite dangerous or something?

To some extend. The site is a 3rd party tool for data from Elite Dangerous which have discussion boards. The official forum is elsewhere.
25 Feb 2021, 3:49pm
25 Feb 2021, 7:38pm
SakashiroElite:Dangerous - Port Forwarding Mega Guide

Only problem with the info on that link is that it refers to a service that is rather cryptic & apparently, only valid if you actually purchase the whole version.

I've been half a day trying to muddle my way through it, & exploring other related websites, & none of them are that useful & only adds to my confusion.

A nice gesture, but I've given up on it.
25 Feb 2021, 9:34pm
Commander VareilIs this the forum for elite dangerous or something?

To some extend. The site is a 3rd party tool for data from Elite Dangerous which have discussion boards. The official forum is elsewhere.

The official forum is blocked on my school laptop is what it is. (Not that I have a problem with you guys)
27 Feb 2021, 2:30pm
does anyone have any thoughts on a krait mk2 fitting involving 3 railguns and 2 plama accelerators? like, obviously heat management would need to be absolutely perfected

update: is nice. very nice

Last edit: 27 Feb 2021, 2:58pm
28 Feb 2021, 7:52am
Whats with all the attacking on sight at Deciat? I'm trying to leave the engineer and people start lighting me up. One of my friends is getting constantly attacked trying to leave the station in Aasgay. He also had problems at Deciat.
28 Feb 2021, 8:08am
TvleoWhats with all the attacking on sight at Deciat? I'm trying to leave the engineer and people start lighting me up. One of my friends is getting constantly attacked trying to leave the station in Aasgay. He also had problems at Deciat.

It's called ganking. Mostly happens in systems with a lot of players (CG, engineers systems etc).
28 Feb 2021, 10:23am
Tengri Umai
TvleoWhats with all the attacking on sight at Deciat? I'm trying to leave the engineer and people start lighting me up. One of my friends is getting constantly attacked trying to leave the station in Aasgay. He also had problems at Deciat.

It's called ganking. Mostly happens in systems with a lot of players (CG, engineers systems etc).

^This. Gankers hang around in systems where they know prey will come through, Deciat is propably #1 on that list as Felicity is the first stop for almost everybody who's getting started with engineering (because everybody loves an increased jumprange), meaning their fully engineered A-rated PvP-built combat ships will guarantee them a "victory" as their "opponents" are most likely Cobra Mk IIIs that just left the starter zones...
28 Feb 2021, 11:12am
Elvira Martuuk is just as easy to unlock, maybe easier, and her system is less prone to Cmdr interventions. Felicity can wait until novice Cmdrs have more experience, and Martuuk will buff your FDS range to make the journey to the Pleiades for Meta Alloys easier.
28 Feb 2021, 11:36am
Amata Lirein
Tengri Umai
TvleoWhats with all the attacking on sight at Deciat? I'm trying to leave the engineer and people start lighting me up. One of my friends is getting constantly attacked trying to leave the station in Aasgay. He also had problems at Deciat.

It's called ganking. Mostly happens in systems with a lot of players (CG, engineers systems etc).

^This. Gankers hang around in systems where they know prey will come through, Deciat is propably #1 on that list as Felicity is the first stop for almost everybody who's getting started with engineering (because everybody loves an increased jumprange), meaning their fully engineered A-rated PvP-built combat ships will guarantee them a "victory" as their "opponents" are most likely Cobra Mk IIIs that just left the starter zones...

That, and because Felicity is almost a one stop shop for much of the experimental effects.
28 Feb 2021, 8:23pm
I have a question about exploring vessels. I have an explorer build cutter because of all the stuff it can carry (and I like my stuff). I am Half way through the build and only now do I wonder if building a large explorer ship is good practice. I am aware of imagining that there are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc as I venture out of the bubble..... In your experience would you stay with a medium ship build? My Krait is doing wonderful as a fighter/ explorer but would like something bigger with better jump range.

what are your thoughts commanders?
28 Feb 2021, 8:29pm
RickchapI have a question about exploring vessels. I have an explorer build cutter because of all the stuff it can carry (and I like my stuff). I am Half way through the build and only now do I wonder if building a large explorer ship is good practice. I am aware of imagining that there are fewer large padded stations to do commerce and repair etc as I venture out of the bubble..... In your experience would you stay with a medium ship build? My Krait is doing wonderful as a fighter/ explorer but would like something bigger with better jump range.

what are your thoughts commanders?

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