Elite: General talk

14 Mar 2021, 10:27am
Thanatos au GrimmusI'm starting to get nervous that FDev is going to repeat this mistake with Odyssey...

This... I definitely would NOT have purchased ED if it were to morph into a first person shooter game.

There are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat... Perhaps a visit to the official forum or the youtube videos could assist in discovering what else has been added, although the focus has been on combat as it is the 'seller' rather than the slower paced activities. There has been mentions of the other activities, in a recent livestream it was suggested that the next offering would illustrate the non-combat options a little.
14 Mar 2021, 12:43pm
Rat Catcher
Thanatos au GrimmusI'm starting to get nervous that FDev is going to repeat this mistake with Odyssey...

This... I definitely would NOT have purchased ED if it were to morph into a first person shooter game.

There are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat... Perhaps a visit to the official forum or the youtube videos could assist in discovering what else has been added, although the focus has been on combat as it is the 'seller' rather than the slower paced activities. There has been mentions of the other activities, in a recent livestream it was suggested that the next offering would illustrate the non-combat options a little.

Believe me, I want you to be right.
14 Mar 2021, 12:52pm
Rat CatcherThere are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat...

If there will be some FPS combat then let's hope it be well-implemented, not like in the one of late last year projects of excessive hype where everything soaks up your bullets like you're shooting peas.
And, maybe, additional character customizations like height and body build, that will affect your physical traits (stealth and agility vs. sheer power, etc), but, mwuahahaha, who am I kidding, I never saw that kind of character tweaks was done good.

(aaaand... let's hope they not goof up with damage calculations, like in the same project, where you can stab a vehicle in the roof with knife and suddenly realize that it's engine is on fire)
14 Mar 2021, 1:50pm
I was hoping that Odyssey would bring crew lounges to every fleet carrier, but now I doubt it's going to happen, because none of the dev diaries has addressed the question of zero G environments. I think only the rotating stations will get interiors.
14 Mar 2021, 1:51pm
BensonWinifredi never did anything with power play at all

I never understood it or wanted to stay in one place

Allow me to explain it to you.  No, there is too much.  Allow me to sum it up for you:

Powers are people so wealthy and influential they dominate multiple systems regardless of ownership by the Superpowers.  You can pledge fealty to one of them at a time.  If you do so for at least 4 weeks and are at least rank 3 at that time you can buy that Power's unique module.  At which point you buy enough of the modules to cover possible future needs, abandon it  wait and sign up for another or defect to another without waiting, and do this all over again.

Everyone (regardless of loyalty) in a Powers influenced space get certain benefits from that power (ie:  Li-Yong Rui space gives a 15% discount to the price of ships and modules purchased there and this stacks with base price discounts that superpowers or manufactures provide), and if you attain certain ranks you are eligible for other benefits but if you're looking into these you're going beyond the scope of this ;tldr

You can also attack ships allied to rival factions in your factions controlled space without fine or bounty but NPC's will never attack you and Players that do don't care about this anyways.

You do not need to stay in one place.  You do not even need to think about the Power or your loyalties etc. except during that 3rd week where you earn enough merits to get rank 3 (simply done by transporting 1 Type 9 load of Power bonds to fortify one of their control systems) and the 4th week where you buy the goods and change loyalty.

NPC's definitely attack you based on your power. Whenever I'm signed up with Hudson, I get interdicted by powerplay npcs if I'm in hostile space. They have names specific to the hostile faction. This is even more common if I'm in a system that is under expansion. I've also been interdicted by system security/military with them saying "This is a military operation" but that could've been something else. I had no bounties or fines at the time and no cargo.
14 Mar 2021, 1:59pm
Thanatos au Grimmus
Rat Catcher
Thanatos au GrimmusI'm starting to get nervous that FDev is going to repeat this mistake with Odyssey...

This... I definitely would NOT have purchased ED if it were to morph into a first person shooter game.

There are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat... Perhaps a visit to the official forum or the youtube videos could assist in discovering what else has been added, although the focus has been on combat as it is the 'seller' rather than the slower paced activities. There has been mentions of the other activities, in a recent livestream it was suggested that the next offering would illustrate the non-combat options a little.

Believe me, I want you to be right.

Looking at the material already given will save you from wishing to believe me...

The official forum has a smattering of folk whose blinkers prevent them from seeing anything they desire to be 'protected' from, it can be quite amusing at times.

Fortunately in two week tomorrow I will be judging content over a 6 week period (to be confirmed) in which, apparently, 'modules' of content will be added over that time. It will be a very interesting time for me
14 Mar 2021, 2:08pm
Rat Catcher

Fortunately in two week tomorrow I will be judging content over a 6 week period (to be confirmed) in which, apparently, 'modules' of content will be added over that time. It will be a very interesting time for me

I hope you will keep us apprised of the new content.
14 Mar 2021, 11:02pm
Daiyousei7 NPC's definitely attack you based on your power. Whenever I'm signed up with Hudson, I get interdicted by powerplay npcs if I'm in hostile space. They have names specific to the hostile faction. This is even more common if I'm in a system that is under expansion. I've also been interdicted by system security/military with them saying "This is a military operation" but that could've been something else. I had no bounties or fines at the time and no cargo.

Military / Security interdictions are a separate general encounter not PP related. You may get interdicted by opposing power NPC's but (if they aren't pirates) they only attack if you're carrying PP papers in your hold and are in their territory. I meant they won't attack you ever just because you're hostile/flagged opposing faction. I could have clarified this better.

My point was that if PP doesn't interest you, you can play normally as if you weren't signed up to a Power except for that one trip to get your monthly Rank 3. There are really only two general inconveniences with PP: if an opposing faction ship is in station proximity as you're trying to leave they will follow you causing FSD inhibition if you try to SC out, and you will experience slightly more interdictions that end with them flying away as long as you aren't carrying PP papers. Aside from that. Basically Powerplay can be reduced to 1 'risky' trip of goods to turn in 750 merits worth to get a neeto item every month for a year. No other real threat other than that.
14 Mar 2021, 11:08pm
Daiyousei7 NPC's definitely attack you based on your power. Whenever I'm signed up with Hudson, I get interdicted by powerplay npcs if I'm in hostile space. They have names specific to the hostile faction. This is even more common if I'm in a system that is under expansion. I've also been interdicted by system security/military with them saying "This is a military operation" but that could've been something else. I had no bounties or fines at the time and no cargo.

Military / Security interdictions are a separate general encounter not PP related. You may get interdicted by opposing power NPC's but (if they aren't pirates) they only attack if you're carrying PP papers in your hold and are in their territory. I meant they won't attack you ever just because you're hostile/flagged opposing faction. I could have clarified this better.

Ahh, I've never waited for them to engage so I had no idea.  I tend to be annoyed that I was interdicted and just blow them up and pay off the police later on if I need to


My point was that if PP doesn't interest you, you can play normally as if you weren't signed up to a Power except for that one trip to get your monthly Rank 3. There are really only two general inconveniences with PP: if an opposing faction ship is in station proximity as you're trying to leave they will follow you causing FSD inhibition if you try to SC out, and you will experience slightly more interdictions that end with them flying away as long as you aren't carrying PP papers. Aside from that. Basically Powerplay can be reduced to 1 'risky' trip of goods to turn in 750 merits worth to get a neeto item every month for a year. No other real threat other than that.

Yeah and that kind of makes me sad.  It would be nice if it was more of a realm vs realm style system.  Admittedly I am biased since I only care to fight for Hudson (due to personal narrative reasons).
16 Mar 2021, 8:13am
Thanatos au Grimmus
Rat Catcher
Thanatos au GrimmusI'm starting to get nervous that FDev is going to repeat this mistake with Odyssey...

This... I definitely would NOT have purchased ED if it were to morph into a first person shooter game.

There are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat... Perhaps a visit to the official forum or the youtube videos could assist in discovering what else has been added, although the focus has been on combat as it is the 'seller' rather than the slower paced activities. There has been mentions of the other activities, in a recent livestream it was suggested that the next offering would illustrate the non-combat options a little.

Believe me, I want you to be right.

My biggest wish of all would be to have a caravan system such as in Mount and Blade:Bannerlord or the formations of companies that would allow “employees”(NPC) to use your ships instead of having them stuck in a port for years in some cases.
16 Mar 2021, 10:07am
Oh that's a brilliant idea! 30 ships all trucking along doing deliveries!

Thanatos au Grimmus
Rat Catcher

There are other things to do in Odyssey bar FPS combat... Perhaps a visit to the official forum or the youtube videos could assist in discovering what else has been added, although the focus has been on combat as it is the 'seller' rather than the slower paced activities. There has been mentions of the other activities, in a recent livestream it was suggested that the next offering would illustrate the non-combat options a little.

Believe me, I want you to be right.

My biggest wish of all would be to have a caravan system such as in Mount and Blade:Bannerlord or the formations of companies that would allow “employees”(NPC) to use your ships instead of having them stuck in a port for years in some cases.
16 Mar 2021, 10:29am
Er1ckssonOh that's a brilliant idea! 30 ships all trucking along doing deliveries!

Related (because that's what you usually end up doing in that game):
16 Mar 2021, 1:16pm
Er1ckssonOh that's a brilliant idea! 30 ships all trucking along doing deliveries!

Related (because that's what you usually end up doing in that game):

As I suggested here already I'd love to claim that theme as the anthem for the Empire of Achenar!


I've learned in the meantime that this theme is called "Rise of the Protectorate" by Alexei Zakharov
16 Mar 2021, 4:43pm
Eve Online (prior to 2010), X series, Elite. The holy trinity of space simulators.
16 Mar 2021, 5:07pm
Daiyousei7Eve Online (prior to 2010), X series, Elite. The holy trinity of space simulators.

Freelancer was an interesting thing to play too. Kinda simplified, arcade-like, but had it's sweet sides.

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