Elite: General talk

23 Mar 2021, 2:00pm
SakashiroWhat's so worrying about ED adding on-foot combat?

i just dont want it to turn into call of duty. there isnt anything wrong with call of duty, but i feel like it will take up resources and time of the devs when it could be spent on something a lot more interesting, such as exploration on planets.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
23 Mar 2021, 2:11pm
Amata LireinThis must be the dumbest tweet by FDev ever...

The Frag Grenade is an explosive grenade that will do damage to everything within its blast radius.


I started to worry that we will get only stupid FPS base assault in this iteration of the staged alpha.

Six days before launch and we are seeing just pictures and some "produced" gameplay from CMs ...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
23 Mar 2021, 2:21pm
I was actually more referring to the fact that FDevs felt the need to explain what a frag grenade does...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
23 Mar 2021, 2:24pm
Amata LireinI was actually more referring to the fact that FDevs felt the need to explain what a frag grenade does...

You laugh but once upon a time there was a full blown argument in the RP section about what an incendiary grenade does.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
23 Mar 2021, 2:34pm
No doubt the game mechanics of FPS combat involve the most work here, and also require the most testing. NPC AI, pathfinding, weapon balancing, ragdoll physics, network code etc.

On-foot exploration is just walking around and pointing a hand-held scanner at things. That will be a subset of the FPS mechanics, just like laser mining is a subset of space combat. So if they get the FPS part right, pretty much everything else will fall into place automatically. The rest is just asset creation so we have places to go and things to find.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
23 Mar 2021, 3:50pm
Sir Sprockettchanging the Subject slightly

I bought a pre-order of Odyssey over Christmas - my reasoning was at the time that the game had already given me my monies worth in E:D Horizons and that i wanted to be in on the action from the start.

Now I hear about not buying into pre-orders and that they are a bit of a scam - looking at Star Citizen, which I have not bought into and it looks likely I will not for the foreseeable future  - was I a bit of a Noob buying into Odyssey?

Nope, you've not been a noob, or been scammed. Star Citizen is not a good example compared to E:D Odyssey as has been said, SC is permanently Alpha, Frontier have always delivered, usually late, but they always deliver eventually, and with Odyssey by all accounts they have to deliver this year to appease share holders.

You want in on the action asap, as a lot of us do, not only to try it as soon as (although in a temp copy of the galaxy) but also to help Frontier iron out any bugs and issues and make it better for everybody. Plus you get a skin which is probably half the additional cost over just buying the update standard. We're all mostly excited for Odyssey for lots of reasons and just want to be in on the action.
23 Mar 2021, 3:55pm
Let's not forget that the deluxe DLC comes with the Odyssey OST. It's not just about alpha access.
23 Mar 2021, 4:20pm
EpisparhSix days before launch and we are seeing just pictures and some "produced" gameplay from CMs ...

I thought that was a mission... Maybe I watched something different?

Are you sure you should buy it, if it causes you to worry? I know if I was worried about a purchase I wouldn't!
(I ordered before Christmas, 1 alpha access and a normal version - well before the "produced" gameplay and much else we have been shown - and never had a moment of worry since.)
23 Mar 2021, 4:33pm
Rat Catcher
I thought that was a mission... Maybe I watched something different?

It was mission. Same as the one we have currently - scan settlement data-link.

Or do you imply that the mission instance will not exist without taking some mission/quest?
23 Mar 2021, 4:46pm
Amata LireinThis must be the dumbest tweet by FDev ever...

The Frag Grenade is an explosive grenade that will do damage to everything within its blast radius.

heh. "... except the environment, buildings, and security panels you might be trying to disable".
23 Mar 2021, 6:06pm
And as a heads-up: In today's "Supercruise News"-stream the FDevs said that their will be a stream on Thursday in which they will show Odyssey's new station interiors.

Not gonna lie: Looking forward to that
23 Mar 2021, 6:09pm
23 Mar 2021, 6:31pm
Rat Catcher
I thought that was a mission... Maybe I watched something different?

It was mission. Same as the one we have currently - scan settlement data-link.

Or do you imply that the mission instance will not exist without taking some mission/quest?

It was a mission to steal a generator core...

One of us has to be wrong
23 Mar 2021, 7:21pm
Rat Catcher
It was a mission to steal a generator core...

One of us has to be wrong

I hope it is you else we'll have CQC v2 ....Anyway, we will see on Monday.
23 Mar 2021, 9:31pm
Rat Catcher
It was a mission to steal a generator core...

One of us has to be wrong

I hope it is you else we'll have CQC v2 ....Anyway, we will see on Monday.

I watched the CM produced content, did you?

It does appear not as your perception of a heist is a planetary scan - somewhat different.

Thursday's Odyssey in the Livestream will be station based...

ETA: Odd that you mention CQC - that is another 'theatre' that is rumoured by the CMs - that could be VERY interesting

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