Elite: General talk

19 Mar 2021, 4:24pm
Amata Lireina couple of AI-controlled ships that don't like humanity very much...

Liking and not liking something or someone is a result of data processing. Data that form representation about this "something" and "someone" and data that form personality, which is able to like or not like something or someone. Attitude is being determined upon cross-referencing the data of both inputs, and may result in "like or not like" reaction.

So these AI ships sure know much about humanity, because I am, a human being, isn't very fond of it too. And it's a matter of data (or knowledge, to say more human-like).
19 Mar 2021, 4:36pm
Current analysis seems to indicate that such rogue AI have determined that humanity is inferior.

Machine logic precludes any semblance to such human terms as 'like' & 'dislike'.
19 Mar 2021, 5:06pm
SapphoCurrent analysis seems to indicate that such rogue AI have determined that humanity is inferior.

Machine logic precludes any semblance to such human terms as 'like' & 'dislike'.

The beauty of Artificial Intelligence is the indifference.
19 Mar 2021, 8:15pm
SapphoCurrent analysis seems to indicate that such rogue AI have determined that humanity is inferior.

Machine logic precludes any semblance to such human terms as 'like' & 'dislike'.

The beauty of Artificial Intelligence is the indifference.

Intelligence. But maybe not the Sentience! If functionality of human brain was recreated in the machine in a pretty correct way (closer to nature of neural things, not the AI programming), many of its functions, like emotions and self-awareness, may be present too, I guess. It's about having a thoughts and opinions based on data input, not just sheer processing speed and storage capacity.
20 Mar 2021, 12:02am
QuillmonkeyAnother pretty crappy day today.
Lost 2 cutters along with cargo and bounties due to glitches - losing all control of ship. All told over 60 mill credits down the drain.
Either client or internet glitching. Whatever is going on only seems to effect E:D. The rest of my internet traffic is slow but okay.

I'm not bothered about the ships as such, but the game is becoming unplayable. I recorded the last rebuy. If you have the time I'd appreciate your expert eye. Can you tell what is causing the problem - is it software (I've verified my steam local files), is it purely connection to internet (I'm getting steady Down 14.9Mb/s, Up 1.14Mb/s.) or maybe hardware? I'm running on PC (Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 2070)

you kno.....third person camera is a blessing of this game i tell ya.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:15am
20 Mar 2021, 12:05am
QuillmonkeyAnother pretty crappy day today.
Lost 2 cutters along with cargo and bounties due to glitches - losing all control of ship. All told over 60 mill credits down the drain.
Either client or internet glitching. Whatever is going on only seems to effect E:D. The rest of my internet traffic is slow but okay.

I'm not bothered about the ships as such, but the game is becoming unplayable. I recorded the last rebuy. If you have the time I'd appreciate your expert eye. Can you tell what is causing the problem - is it software (I've verified my steam local files), is it purely connection to internet (I'm getting steady Down 14.9Mb/s, Up 1.14Mb/s.) or maybe hardware? I'm running on PC (Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 2070)

you kno.....third person camera is a blessing of this game i tell ya.

For crying out loud... this guy again

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:15am
20 Mar 2021, 12:05am
QuillmonkeyAnother pretty crappy day today.
Lost 2 cutters along with cargo and bounties due to glitches - losing all control of ship. All told over 60 mill credits down the drain.
Either client or internet glitching. Whatever is going on only seems to effect E:D. The rest of my internet traffic is slow but okay.

I'm not bothered about the ships as such, but the game is becoming unplayable. I recorded the last rebuy. If you have the time I'd appreciate your expert eye. Can you tell what is causing the problem - is it software (I've verified my steam local files), is it purely connection to internet (I'm getting steady Down 14.9Mb/s, Up 1.14Mb/s.) or maybe hardware? I'm running on PC (Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 2070)

you kno.....third person camera is a blessing of this game i tell ya but here is the thing...from what i see happening in your screen, you are having cpu spikes of 100% usage probably your gpu too, you are being farmed and no antivirus is gonna fix it, My solution when that happens to me( usually after i went to a site i wasnt supposed to) I just do a low level format and reinstall windows fresh, make sure to erase partition and all cause thats where the bugs usually hide. is the only way my friend. .

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:16am
20 Mar 2021, 12:05am
Amata Lirein
QuillmonkeyAnother pretty crappy day today.
Lost 2 cutters along with cargo and bounties due to glitches - losing all control of ship. All told over 60 mill credits down the drain.
Either client or internet glitching. Whatever is going on only seems to effect E:D. The rest of my internet traffic is slow but okay.

I'm not bothered about the ships as such, but the game is becoming unplayable. I recorded the last rebuy. If you have the time I'd appreciate your expert eye. Can you tell what is causing the problem - is it software (I've verified my steam local files), is it purely connection to internet (I'm getting steady Down 14.9Mb/s, Up 1.14Mb/s.) or maybe hardware? I'm running on PC (Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 2070)

you kno.....third person camera is a blessing of this game i tell ya.

For crying out loud... this guy again

Im being nice dont start

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:15am
20 Mar 2021, 12:09am
also i never left. I choose to interact with you guys sometimes, but you obviously DO NOT like me AT ALL, thats fine, but this time this guy has a legitimate problem that you all seem to not know WTF...so i am advising him properly.please, all i care about is hunting and making videos and posting them( look at gallery, it never stops) so please, artie hates me as much as i hate the fact that i havent killed him in game yet. Im just here for the ride....like a virus NOT EVEN a low level format will get rid off...in that sense please just let me be, and artie, stop playing wack-a-mole with me. i promise to be a nicer individual if im just not messed with.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:16am
20 Mar 2021, 12:11am
Cephy, I genuinely think there's a lot you could offer this community... but you seem to think going up the wall is your best way forward. Yes, it's funny (like the yampy kid in class who calls the teacher a wanker and then gets expelled)... I just think that, if you're going to keep coming back every month, you should at least try to not go out in a blaze of glory every time.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:16am
20 Mar 2021, 12:14am
CMDR.Cephalosyou kno.....third person camera is a blessing of this game i tell ya but here is the thing...from what i see happening in your screen, you are having cpu spikes of 100% usage probably your gpu too, you are being farmed and no antivirus is gonna fix it, My solution when that happens to me( usually after i went to a site i wasnt supposed to) I just do a low level format and reinstall windows fresh, make sure to erase partition and all cause thats where the bugs usually hide. is the only way my friend. .

How to get rid of this bug, I wonder.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:16am
20 Mar 2021, 12:15am
CMDR.Cephalosalso i never left. I choose to interact with you guys sometimes, but you obviously DO NOT like me AT ALL, thats fine, but this time this guy has a legitimate problem that you all seem to not know WTF...so i am advising him properly.please, all i care about is hunting and making videos and posting them( look at gallery, it never stops) so please, artie hates me as much as i hate the fact that i havent killed him in game yet. Im just here for the ride....like a virus NOT EVEN a low level format will get rid off...in that sense please just let me be, and artie, stop playing wack-a-mole with me. i promise to be a nicer individual if im just not messed with.

One extra chance and a friendly advice on top of that - I recommend to stay out of the discussions. It may help to keep your account accessible.
20 Mar 2021, 12:15am
I get it...im just very culturally different, more brazen while you guys are polished, perhaps even more educated, is like hmmmm how should i put it, standing at the grand opera surrounded by superstars while you wear jeans and a walmart shirt.

so i come accross very rude, i wil try my best to NOT DO THAT

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:16am
20 Mar 2021, 12:24am

One extra chance and a friendly advice on top of that - I recommend to stay out of the discussions. It may help to keep your account accessible.

The thing is ...I love the discussions. for example incurring and exposing my presence in the site again to help the guy. I may be a bit too passionate at times and my "difference of culture" comes across as rude, this i will refrain from. I will think always "if i post this will it get me banned"? So I acknowledge thy benevolence, and gratefully thank you for it, however craving for your murder in game on video remains ( you gotta say in game nowadays with cancel culture going on and all that)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Mar 2021, 12:24am
20 Mar 2021, 12:29am
It's perfectly alright to help other commanders. In fact, it's a welcomed activity. Being rude to others and posting (to use a simple pithy language) bullshit is not, doesn't matter the cultural differences. Constantly bragging about killing somebody in the game also doesn't add anything to the discussions, it's just annoying. Thus my advice about the account safety and I think that it was clear enough, so I can consider it as a closed case.

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