Elite: General talk

today, 1:25pm
I'd like to spray obscene words on Thargoids and throw them into a settlement full of some goofs with a catapult.
today, 3:35pm
Earning merits from rare commodities is no longer a thing. Like why? Only left thing is power conflict zones which is 2-3 times longer normal high intensity conflict zone or farming power data/items from settlements
today, 4:47pm
I love "Patreus has silly hair"
In general I enjoy the effect of PP2 on stations, with the holos, the flags, the pro and anti graffiti. It makes the places feel more real, like it actually is not the same place everywhere you go. Hope that more changes are coming (and not just cosmetics).

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...