Elite: General talk

13 Apr 2021, 11:12am
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinFriendly reminder: Space, contrary to popular believe, is not a vacuum. Lots of hydrogen and deuterium out there, and depending on where you are in space its density differs. So in the long run a projectile will slow down to a stop... it would take faaaar longer then the game suggests though

Gravitational drag might be a bigger factor in slowing down projectiles. Density in the interstellar medium varies but 30% - 70% of it have a density of 10^-4 to 10^−2. It's well possible that a reasonably sized projectile might not be stopped by friction until after the end of our universe.

Pretty much chance for that projectile to end up falling on a star. Unlikely it'll have much speed to escape the star's gravity completely, and, if "combat zone" have it's own relative orbit speed (depends on closer bodies, etc...), then projectile, fired somewhere to the "retrograde" direction, have a chance to end up that way... After several millenias...

Well, in Mass Effect for instance the spinal main guns of the human battleships fire 20kg iron projectiles with a speed of 3-4% of the speed of light. The escape velocity for the sun is 617km/s, so I would guess that a misshot would manage it to leave the system unless it impacts on some orbital body.

For the guns in Elite, yeah. They have nowhere enough energy to make their projectile escape the gravity of a star.
13 Apr 2021, 11:15am
Rebecca Hail Well, in Mass Effect for instance the spinal main guns of the human battleships fire 20kg iron projectiles with a speed of 3-4% of the speed of light. The escape velocity for the sun is 617km/s, so I would guess that a misshot would manage it to leave the system unless it impacts on some orbital body.

For the guns in Elite, yeah. They have nowhere enough energy to make their projectile escape the gravity of a star.

Yeah, depends on the shot energy and proj. speed. I was talking about E:D kinetic projectile weapons.

And capships main guns from ME... "You! Will! Ruin! Somebody's! Day!"
13 Apr 2021, 11:16am
This, recruits, is a 20 kilo ferous slug. Feel the weight. Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one to 1.3 percent of lightspeed. It impacts with the force of a 38 kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means Sir Isacc Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! Now! Serviceman Burnside, what is Newton's First Law?
13 Apr 2021, 11:20am
XGN BlazeShadowWell they got gravity right..found that out the hard way..think they named that crater next to arnason's progress after me

unfortunately they didn't. When in an SRV your acceleration due to gravity is greater than that applied to any drops that flew up into the air after shooting the Crystal Shard. This is not correct.
13 Apr 2021, 11:25am
Lambast MercyThe Orion reminded me of the X-Bomber from a Japanese marionette show I used to love as a kid called Star Fleet over here. Great looking ship.
The Centurion still holds up today as well. Both would make great additions to the Elite garage.

BTW, look up the Star Fleet US/UK theme if ya want a super cheese laugh. It's performed by Brian May of Queen and it's so embarrassing now. I flippin loved it as a nipper.


As it was a Japanese show, naturally the X-Bomber turned into a giant robot.

Oh, are we talking odd sci-fi shows now?

I see your Star Fleet and raise you by UFO

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 11:31am
Oh god UFO.
My boss bangs on about that and.. .. One with the moon being a ship? That was on TV at the same sort of time as UFO. He liked the women in tinfoil with purple hair .. .. watch out Amata
I can't remember UFO and the other one very well.

My first Sci-Fi I really wanted to watch was Doctor Who and a thing called Blakes' 7

Edit :-

Space 1999. That was the other one.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 11:46am
Lambast MercyHe liked the women in tinfoil with purple hair .. .. watch out Amata

<---- has blue hair, so should be fine

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 1:25pm
Lambast MercyOh come on now!


Elite Frontier calls it an interplanetary shuttle. I call it a box for looking at much more famous ship as inspirational basking music plays.

Like this?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 1:28pm
I didn't make that connection at all

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 3:47pm
So, a certain community manager I didn't know before seems to be back (current livestream) who apparently likes flying a pink Cobra: Sally Morgan-Moore... someone needs to fill me in on who she is I guess?
13 Apr 2021, 4:22pm
Eagle 5 BABY!!!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 4:26pm
Eagle 5, otherwise know as proto-Saud Kruger.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 4:34pm
Okaaaaay... wtf? The stream is currently in a phase where the CMs even said "If you have any questions, ask away." So I ask "Question: Will we get more variations for non-English COVAS? I would a female German one. :/", reposting it after a few minutes as the question didn't get answered. All it got me was a 10min timeout... twice so far as I got another one after the first one ran out
13 Apr 2021, 4:36pm
Lambast MercyEagle 5, otherwise know as proto-Saud Kruger.

As boxy as it is it must be Lakon.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
13 Apr 2021, 4:38pm
Wow! I hope that was an automatic response with a bug, coz if its a mod that's really bad.

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