Elite: General talk

08 Jun 2021, 4:52pm
i was interested in TEAM play but I cant navigate the myriad clubs, platforms, squadrons etc. spread out all over various platforms on the web.. how do we make the 'community' more navigable? I propose that it and voice comms need to be INGAME and not dependent on discord... for example. These things need to be CENTRALISED and IN-GAME. There needs to be a proper in-game community player hub. IMHO. but it seems its a LOW priority and a long way off.. and not even likely to happen... sooo.. im a done jousting at windmills here.
08 Jun 2021, 4:57pm
There is the in-game squadron search and it has no worse functionality than relevant in-game guild searches in the MMOs etc. In fact, Elite's in-game squadron search is better and more detailed than in many other games. (And that search is available on the official website, too.)
08 Jun 2021, 5:01pm
Yes and I have used those tools (very nice tools btw.) But, it doesn't quite solve the 'issues' i'm talking about i'm afraid.. thanks for trying.
08 Jun 2021, 5:04pm
By "in-game squadron search" I meant the squadron search that is directly in the game. Also, the voice comms are directly in the game for the teams/wings, so there is no dependency on the Discord (unless the whole squadron wants to chat, but no game does that for technical reasons as far as I know). Both these things complained about are there, so I don't understand the problem.
08 Jun 2021, 5:19pm
ArtieBy "in-game squadron search" I meant the squadron search that is directly in the game. Also, the voice comms are directly in the game for the teams/wings, so there is no dependency on the Discord (unless the whole squadron wants to chat, but no game does that for technical reasons as far as I know). Both these things complained about are there, so I don't understand the problem.

I've tried to illustrate 'the problem' 10 different ways from Sunday. Attacked it from every angle I can think of.. I don't know how to fix it. And I don't know how to make you see that it is a "critical" problem.. in fact I call it a design FLAW that could end up killing the game.. but hey, I'm often wrong. Maybe things will all work themselves out. In any case theres nothing left of this corpse of a horse except a pool of blood and pulp.. an my bat is broken. so with that I say adieux. Middle Earth, Shadow of War is calling me..

Haven't played Elite in days.. and I don't miss it. It got boring real fast.
08 Jun 2021, 5:24pm
Stillgar777And I don't know how to make you see that it is a "critical" problem.. in fact I call it a design FLAW that could end up killing the game..
But even if Artie agrees with you, what difference it will make, as he's not affiliated with FD an can't influence the game development process?
08 Jun 2021, 5:29pm
Stillgar777And I don't know how to make you see that it is a "critical" problem.. in fact I call it a design FLAW that could end up killing the game..

But even if Artie agrees with you, what difference it will make, as he's not affiliated with FD an can't influence the game development process?

Active or passive, i think Artie and INARA influences the game (and FDEV) more than anyone wants to admit.
Just imagine for a moment if INARA and EDDB sites disappeared. FDEV would be FORCED to fill the gap themselves.
And in the meantime what percentage of the player base would just go.. awwww forget it.
08 Jun 2021, 6:34pm
Time is ticking.. if the 'community' wants to maintain market share they better get their s''t together pretty damn quick and save ED.

When you lose Obsidian Ant.. you know you are in trouble..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 Jun 2021, 7:07pm
08 Jun 2021, 7:07pm
Yeah, because doomsayers definitely help the community, while doing nothing constructive. Also, the posts were moved to offtopic.
08 Jun 2021, 9:29pm
ArtieI am not saving the game and I am also not holding it hostage. Same as many fan-sites for many games do, I am just offering a service to players who want something extra than the game offers, make their life more comfortable and so on. There are many players enjoying Elite without any 3rd party sites and tools just fine, it's not a requirement. Same as there are many players enjoying Guild Wars 2 without the fan-made (and officially acknowledged) wiki and so on. There is already a some kind of collaboration, although not written or "official". For example, Frontier is maintaining and extending their companion API server, creating and updating the journals, listening to 3rd party devs feedback. They are not obliged to do any of that, but they do.
Although there is undeniable it would be nice to have some functionalities in the game better or different, let's not pretend it's a critical problem, a matter of life or death for the game and a doomsday is coming. Because it is not.

I'll follow up with my previous comment re: E:D without any 3rd-party sites or services. Let's set aside external voice & file, etc.-sharing. Not even sure if using an external service like Discord violates E:D ToS; somewhere I heard a rumor that it might while playing the game...

I remember back when I 1st started playing E:D. This was back when Horizons was an optional purchase. I was beyond absitively clueless & I mean, lots worse than I am now.

I had no clue whatsoever beyond going through the basic tutorials. It seemed a vertical cliff & I felt disheartened & frustrated, so much that I wondered if I'd made a mistake buying it. Aside from trying to muddle my way through things, trial & error, I started doing some research because I could see that the game was incredibly complex in so many ways & unusually bereft of anything more than the very basics needed to get started & I didn't even know how to find what was there.

Until I stumbled upon Inara. Artie, bless his soul, operated his own website dedicated to supporting the E:D players, & I've met some great people & learned lots of things & continue to do so. From there, I gradually discovered so many additional web sites & services, none of which I found duplicating anything in the E:D game, but so much more than the very basics found there & I was puzzled & perturbed as to why those like them weren't already included in the game.

Yes, I agree, it's possible to play E:D without anything else; if you started playing as I did, you can imagine what it would be like & I have no doubt that I wouldn't be anywhere near cognizant with the game as I am now, without any of those 3rd-party sites like Inara. I might not even be playing it at all; I might even have deleted it & as it was, I did have to delete my original Synthya character & start over again completely from scratch. After my original start & several patches & the Beyond expansion, things improved quite a bit, including the tutorials.

My point is, (& I'm pointing to everyone here) try to recall your 1st days playing the game & even if you started playing it with a full slate of web sites & services to which you could refer, can you imagine what it would be like to play without using any 3rd-party sites, & even if you could play it like that, would you be anything near as advanced & knowledgable about it without them? Would you even still be playing it without them?

My sincere KUDOS to Artie & those like him for creating, supporting & operating such invaluable 3rd-party sites. Thank goodness for them!
09 Jun 2021, 12:37am
ArtieYeah, because doomsayers definitely help the community, while doing nothing constructive. Also, the posts were moved to offtopic.

I wish we "doomsayers" were wrong to be honest. I love Elite and I love what you can do in it. I also can't deny the very obvious downward slope in players that hasn't stopped. The last time I saw a slope like that, the mmo was dead only a few months later. The nice thing is, FDEV decides whether to save it or not. The only way out is through.
09 Jun 2021, 1:01am
It will be fine. I bet many people (myself included) are just waiting for the upcoming patches sorting out the rest of the problems the release version has and then hop back in to enjoy the Odyssey. Such fluctuations aren't unusual, now it was just in a shorter period of time due a high amount of bugs, but it will go upwards after all the patches.
09 Jun 2021, 1:08am
ArtieIt will be fine. I bet many people (myself included) are just waiting for the upcoming patches sorting out the rest of the problems the release version has and then hop back in to enjoy the Odyssey. Such fluctuations aren't unusual, now it was just in a shorter period of time due a high amount of bugs, but it will go upwards after all the patches.

That's basically where I'm at. I rage quit out of frustration with bugs and then they did the Jupiter Division CG which I had been trying to make noise and trigger for months. That brought me back, but now that that storyline is likely finished, I'm back to waiting for fixes and doing my testing between patches. Had they just called this a beta test in the first place, I'd have been happier lol.
09 Jun 2021, 1:23am
I haven't logged into Horizons since May 19th, but I'm basically playing only the Horizons part of Odyssey and sidelining the new content. I do disembark occasionally, but only for screenshots.

Talking about screenshots, it seems that pilot in front of things has largely replaced the previously popular Asp in front of things.
09 Jun 2021, 6:32am
SakashiroTalking about screenshots, it seems that pilot in front of things has largely replaced the previously popular Asp in front of things.
Everything is big. I tried to put a pilot to the side or behind things and there's not too much to screenshot there in such cases.

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